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Im a spiteful B

LittlePanda's picture

It's the small things that make me happy sometimes..

SD went out to dinner with BM and BM's mother (SD's grandmother,) both of which I really do not like. I find them repulsive and stupid. They refuse to accept anything about me, and that is fine because I do not accept them..the difference is that MY lack of acceptance is based on fact where as theirs is based on jealousy and shame. Anyway..I was the one who let SD go out with them. Grandma and SD walk into the house when they get home and SD IMMEDIATELY started yelling, "MOM! MOM! MOM?" and Grandma said, "Little Panda?" lol... They were just calling out to let me know they were here but it made me feel so great that SD had just no problems calling me that right in front of those people. I'm sure it was a blow to them to hear the truth of the situation right from SD's own mouth.

The problem with them is that they like to pretend that I have no rights or no place in anything that goes on..that I am only my husband's wife...when the truth is that BM hasn't been in the picture for the majority of SD's life, has been in jail, and I actually share legal custody of SD with the bio parents. How exactly am I not involved? SD lives with us full time and has siblings by us, she is our family and she visits them when we allow it. If BM is stupid enough to ditch her kid for men and drugs and jail, why get angry that another female has been accepted by your daughter and is loved by your daughter?


Justme54's picture

LadyFace, You are so right! As for shame, I am sure BM has none. Loser never look at who they are. It is always someone elses fault...they were given a bad hand in life.

step off already's picture

I heard another step parent mention that they also share legal custody with the bio parents. Can you explain this?

LittlePanda's picture

Im not sure, but someone told me it was becoming more common in situations where one parents is basically out of the picture. For me, it happened because we put my name on the petition for when my husband gained physical custody and the judge just kind of came up with it on his own, the part about me sharing legal. Because I live with bio dad and have been at many court dates probably. It hasn't changed anything.

LittlePanda's picture

It blows my mind. How could a mother behave this way towards her own child? I can only really understand the twisted nature now that I am a mother myself..I just dont understand. Obviously I am not SD's actual mother, and sometimes I wish that I had known her from infancy so that I could really have that bond with her because she so wants it with me.