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Husband wants his daughter???

Struggling stepmum's picture

Day four of my SD13 moving back to BM and ny H is not any happier. He looks like he hasn't slept and keeps mentioning her randomly like people do when someone dies. Feel really resentful now. This could have all been avoided if he had parented her properly two years ago. Instead he's been a bad parent and a weak husband. Obviously my and our sons presence in his life doesn't make up for her not being here. I can't tell him how to feel. She's only round the corner!!! Feel very second place now. Is his behaviour normal. When I left him a couple of months ago because a row over her ended with me being bruised he eventually asked me to come home but not after he had insulted me and my daughter for days till I was nearly ill! I feel I'm wasting my life here. He clearly doesn't love me that much


Struggling stepmum's picture

Oddly enough H has a very good relationship with my daughter. He insulted us by text while I was away. She spends at least two nights a week with her BD. she has seen very little of our issues as H seems to save for when my BD is away. Our son is not extended the same courtesy. But you are right and I cannot hide it all forever can I?

Struggling stepmum's picture

He's only 18 months so not yet but it won't be long your right. That you for your kick up my butt, I needed to see I wasn't the only one