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Quick one- FDH Happy and Shocked that SD Made Her Lunch All By Her Widdle Self!!

Anne Boleyn's picture

We had SD15 last night. (SD12 was allowed to make her own decision not to visit-- whatever-- it's easier without her.)

This morning FDH was thrilled to wake me up to tell me how nice it is that SD15 was in the kitchen packing her own lunch for school. I seriously could not hide my reaction as I was sound asleep but probably would've said the same thing anyway. I said "Wow, that is exciting. I guess when they are old enough to get a learner's permit to operate a CAR they are also old enough to make a sandwich and throw some fruit in a bag. You'd be surprised at all the things they can do if others stop doing it for them". He agreed. I just shook my head into my pillow and went back to sleep.


prisirocks09's picture

Lucky! I wish my skids would make their own decision about never visiting again (or at least not at my house). Oh to dream...

BSgoinon's picture

Seriously, my kids are 10 and 11 and have been packing their own lunches for at least 2 years. That is pathetic.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I made my own lunch in 1st grade. This kid is a sophomore in high school. Shaking head.

Starla's picture

I'm not one bit she is only 10 years behind and bio is proud. :?

Anne Boleyn's picture

The funny part is that she makes herself lunch all the time on the weekends. But for some reason he has it in his head that packing lunch for school is somehow different and more difficult.