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BM played us

WWSMD's picture

You guys where right. I gave her the benifit of the doubt and was even worried about her. She asked us to get the kids mid week and keep them until sunday and we did. I thought mabey she had something important to do or mabey her boyfriend was being abusive and she needed time to find a way out. DH asked her why she wanted us to take the kids and she texted him back that she has to do something really important and he is their father so it shouldn't be a big deal. DH gets a friend request and an message asking about the kids from BM last night on facebook (he deleted her a while back). I clicked on it and there she is posting pictures of her and her boyfriend on the beach. We blocked her. I am mad that she played me for a fool. Its not a problem for us to get the kids for extra time every now and then but atleast be honest and tell the truth. We have things to do and work to go to we cant just drop our lives at the drop off a hat so you can go play on the beach with your new BF.


thinkthrice's picture

That "taking the high road until you get pushed off a cliff"(TM) and "benefit of the doubt" thing gets kind of old fast, I'm sure you'll agree!

In the early years, Guilty Daddy constantly gave the BM the "benefit of the doubt" and "took the high road" which got him absolutely NOwhere except angry, resentful and three young, PASed out kids. While the BM was acting out MOTY, she was constantly pawning the children off on anyone who would take them so she could have "me time."

Newstep's picture


Is what we do, if BM makes plans on her parenting time she needs to figure out who will watch SD. Same as us which is why we make our plans when SD is with her BM. It took one time of an "emergency" call from BM when she had SD that we needed to take her. We cancelled plans to do it and come to find out she was screwing with us because she knew we had plans.

Never again has that happened!!! Every holiday that she has SD its the same sob story "you have to take SD so she has a nice holiday I can't afford to do anything" :? :?

TickedOff's picture

I hope you learned your lesson and the next time she tries to pull this you tell her you are sticking to the CO and she needs to go find a realitive or someone to take care of the steps while she plays with her BF. You sound very sweet though just don't be so gulible next time.

thinkthrice's picture

Yeah first right of refusal can be not as much as it's chalked up to be. Especially when the CP takes advantage of it.

DaizyDuke's picture

I mean what do "normal" people do?? Like DH and I... if we want to go somewhere that isn't conduvice to having our 3 year old BS in tow, then we ask MIL, my mom or one of the two sitters that we use. If no one can watch BS, then we don't go.

Your BM played the classic victim/guilt card and got exactly what she wanted.. a free babysitter.

MamaDuck's picture

Why didn't she just text, call or email?? Heck, she could have just FB messaged your DH, she didn't have to add him so he could SEE her on the beach :? It's not enough for these BM's to just get their way eh, they gotta RUB it in too, childish behavior!