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its done

PeanutandSons's picture

Got home and ss was in the kitchen ..... He didnt even look up just finished eating and went to nis room and shut the door.

I dumped all his clothes at his door. He must have heard me cause he openned his door as I aas walking away.

I put these clothes in yojr room so they would get cleaned.

Well, your father doesnt have a day off work until Sunday. Im not smelling those smelly clothes all weekend. You made the choice to be lazy and hoard dirty clothes for a month so you can keep them in here to stink up your own room until your Dad can deal with them.

He pulled the clothes into his room...and slammed the door.


Anne Boleyn's picture

Good. He can live with the stink he created. And if he has a problem with it, he can whine to Dadddeeee. OR he can learn to wash his own damn clothes. This is ridiculous.