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I try. But fail.

Bradymom's picture

I really try. But to be honest... I get all excited to do good, thinking about the visit. If we are doing something special... I plan it out to make it memorable. I try to do for the step kids what I would for mine. In my head I think how great it'll be then... They come & within a short time, minutes, I'm in my head mumbling over their constant talking. In addition to being ungrateful, they're just annoying to me. I love kids. I work with kids. I love my kid's friends. I love my friend's kids. I love random kids at random places. I feel like there's something wrong with me. I just simply do not enjoy them. Even if they're "kinda" behaving, I still find them annoying. I say kinda behaving bc frankly they're never great. Ugh. Is this common for step parents?


StepMomTaxi's picture

I feel for you.
For the most part, mine are decently behaved. One is annoying sometimes but I can manage it for now. But I still can't stand one of them sometimes. Don't wanna be around him, do not want to look at him, do to want to go out anywhere with him in tow. Everything he does disgusts me or embarrasses me when we are out. He irritates the piss out of me.

It makes me feel bad that I feel this way but it is what it is.

oneoffour's picture

I totally agree. Life is not one big cruise. Kids do not need to have lasting memories. And frankly some of my best childhood memories are boring little things like dressing up at my parent's friends place. Her girls did ballroom dancing and we were allowed to dress up in the old dresses. Climbing in the plum tree and eating plums at my cousins place. The hot sun coming in my grandparents dining room window and playing 'office' at my grandfathers writing desk.

Reel yourself back a bit. Do not go out of your way for things to be perfect and wonderful. Be a good person and a good example. And let them mumble their way through the day. This is why God invented iPods for adults Smile

Steppy Mn's picture

I know exactly how you feel. I used to do all that special stuff too and then realized I was knocking myself out for nothing. They were never going to accept me and my DH would always put them first. Don't know what it is, cuz I'm like you. I like kids, everyone elses and love my own (they're grown) and my grandsons are the best but my Sk's, well, they annoy me to no end!
Yeh, and DH isn't raising exactly the most self-sufficient girls. I think he wants them to always be dependent on him cuz that way he can be all wrapped in their lives and what they need and he doesn't have to make a life for himself. In fact one time he told me that he was trying to make a "soft landing" for his oldest who is at college. I'm like, What? The only reason you try to make a soft landing for someone is if you expect them to fail. Doesn't say much about how you are preparing them for life,now does it?

Bradymom's picture

Thankfully my husband doesn't say anything like that. Ugh. I'm sure he sees it. But honestly I think he feels it too a lot of the time.