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ugh-i so hate my ss15 and it's bringing me down

hismineandours's picture

So I thought that with ss15 moving out 18 months ago that eventually he'd just be a nonissue for me-however it seems I keep running across him in some manner or another and its making me feel as if I hate him more. We did have a real quiet time-in which he was nonissue when he was in juvenile detention, but he got out at the beginning of November.

A few weeks ago he contacted my two oldest and tried to friend them on facebook-he sent them a message saying their "mamaw" was having knee surgery and to pray for her. This really pissed me off. This kid essentially sexually assaulted my dd15 back when they were 11 (which I really didn't fully grasp until earlier this year, he was stealing her panties back at age 14, telling others to pull down her pants in public, stealing my panties for years, stealing my sons underwear, plotting in detail how he was going to murder my son, got expelled from the local high school for dealing drugs, and has reportedly showed his penis to his 4 cousins including the 10 year old female cousin. There are MANY other issues, but these are some highlights. Kids haven't had contact with him for 18 months either other than passing him in the hallway at school prior to his expulsion. So why he would even think that they would want to hear from him boggles my mind. Then for him to think that they want to hear about HIS grandma (it's their stepgrandma-she shuns my kids in public and has not actually spoke to them for about 2 years-completely her choice-although now I'd never allow it) also boggles my mind. In addition, that HE is asking for prayers? My kiddos are regular church goers-active in youth group, mission trips, etc all of it as are dh and I. We tried over many years to get ss involved to which he very much hated all of it and used it as an excuse to stop coming over as we were trying to force him to go to Church.

I did send him a message from my acct-after blocking him off the kids and told him simply not to contact them and that his grandma's health issues were not really my kids concern. He sent back a message saying that she was their grandma as well-No-she's really not-not anymore than I am his mother-yuck!

Then I saw on facebook just the other day that some girl at the neighboring school district has a crush on him. Now this just enflamed me as well. I'm not really sure why. I'm not friends with ss on facebook, but this girl was a friend of a friend sort of thing. I actually work in the same small town as this school (which I assume is where ss is going now). How many chances does this kid get? How many fresh starts? Why can he just go to a new school and present himself however he likes without people knowing that he is a sexual predator and a drug dealer? He is dangerous-I really believe he is-it's not that I just don't like him because he didn't clean his room or got a little mouthy with me. I just don't feel he should be entitled to be happy and interact with other vulnerable people (kids). Then that makes me feel like a lousy, miserable human being.

I literally will be doing something and the thought, I hate ss so much will just float through my head. I strive to be a good person, a good Christian-and I Just am having a hard time handling my complete hatred of this kid.


hismineandours's picture


DaizyDuke's picture

I am struggling with the same. you know our SS have a lot in common, although perversion is the ONE thing I don't think my SS14 is in to, but who knows?? I can't even stand to hear the kids name. The mere mention of his name makes this sick feeling appear in my stomach. I can't stand to look at him, I can't stand him. The longer my anger boils, the more it seems almost impossible to get rid of. I AM trying though... kind of like Missstress said... I am trying to switch to indifference. I am trying to just not care, if he is in my house I am trying to find other things to do to make me happy, or outside of the house so I don't have to see him. I know a big part of my hatred also comes from my hatred for BM2. I have seriously NEVER hated anyone in my life... until her and I do let it spill into my dislike for SS (even though I know it's not fair)

I am trying to let go of my hate for skids (especially SS)... not for DH, not for SS but for ME. I am just tired. I am tired of being angry, tired of getting upset, tired of feeling like the 3rd string, just plain tired. I HAVE to do something to make it stop, either find a peaceful place/indifference, or leave my home/marriage all together.

ctnmom's picture

Oh His, so sorry for you and this thorn in your side. Pray for God to take this burden off you. Because that's what anger is, a burden. And you know - karma is quite a bitch. It'll catch up to him. I see prison bars in his future.

doll faced sm's picture

I'm sorry, HMO. You've really been through a lot at his hands. Of course you're angry. If you know this girl's parents, maybe give them a heads up about the type of person their daughter is wanting to involve herself with. He shouldn't be able to present himself as other than who and what he is to possibley the physical and emotional detriment of others.

Anon2009's picture

He's blocked off of your kids accounts. He should be blocked off of yours.

It might help you if you didn't look at his fb account. I know you want to "be prepared" and know what's going on, but the reality is that he's not your issue anymore. He doesn't live with you. Dh has 0 custody.

Do officials at his new school know of his record? I don't see how they couldn't know. If you know any other parents there you could tell them about ss.

whatwasithinkin's picture

You need to block your page and your kids, turn around and walk away if you dont want to know or cant handle the knowledge.

If you want Non issue dont make one, he is no longer your problem. Move on, let go and live with out him or knowledge of him. Period

hismineandours's picture

I know I am about a week late on reading this-but something I definitely NEEDED to read.

It has been hard to see him move on with a seemingly fresh start when at times, I still feel like we are all here picking up the pieces. Then I have such unpleasant thoughts-it makes me feel bad about myself. There is such a message out there from society that since he is "just a kid" all should be forgiven and he be given more chances-although it's not like he's even expressed any interest in having any more with us.