Intro & Thanks for the welcome
Thanks to the individuals who answered my post about an intro. A little information, and I'll try to be consice, but apologizes if it gets long..
First let me just mention... I just turned 21 and my boyfriend is 36.. We're on our 2nd yr of our relationship..
My boyfriend divorced the BM of his 9yr daughter in the spring of 2011. It wasn't necissarly a "nasty" divorce but it wasnt smooth sailing either. They were married for 8 yrs.. He cheated half way into it, and she cheated at the end. She ended it but my boyfriend wanted to save it..
My boyfriend and I cheated on our significant others when we got together, the late summer of 2011. We broke up and broke up and got back together in march 2012.
My SK are currently 13 and 9. The 13 yr old is a boy from another woman and the 9 yr old is a girl from the stuck up b* I will be ranting about.. (Lol)
No problems with SS mom, boyfriend doesn't talk much with her and its been a few years since they were together
Don't even know how to explain the SS BM.. 32 white (not that race is important but being a psych major I feel it plays into our interactions..) Masters degree, teacher at my college, as well as a radiology tech for all the local hospitals. (She's not poor..) (But then again my boyfriend had to give up school to put her through her school)
My issues range from sadness for my boyfriend losing "his family", establishing authority over the SD, visitation problems involving BM and SD, and so much more..
Anyway, that is my intro, again sorry if its wordy..
I feel so relieved to have found this place.. Thank you!
- Young_one's blog
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Don't ever feel like you have
Don't ever feel like you have to apologize for venting
Sometimes it just feels better to get it out, especially among others who can relate, and who you can relate to. 
He cheated on his exwife.
He cheated on his exwife. He's divorced because she wanted to end it, not him.
He cheated on another girlfriend with you.
Dealing with BM and the SKs should be a piece of cake compared to dealing with the BF. Building a life with a known cheater, is damn near impossible.
I appreciate the comments
I appreciate the comments guys but of course there is always more to the story..
While we do have trust issues (we broke up the first time because I wasn't clear about our status and stepped out on him) and while I do get the occasional ypu should be out drinking all night deal, I think I want to be with him, not like a happily ever after kind of way but a we're together now so lets make the best of it kind of way..
What I really need help with, is trying to not let BM #2 to have such a hold on me.. Its getting to the point where her presence (during pick ups and drop offs) frustrate the living he** out of me.. Really looking for advice on how to handle fu**ed up BMothers..
FOR EXAMPLE: BM was here to pick up SD eight mintues early.. (Not that its a big deal..) But Wendsday when we were trying to pick up SD none of her stuff was ready to go!
Two weeks ago there was a big situation about time, which is why I mention this.. I just feel if SHE is going to keep SD then shouldn't we have the extra time? Yes its pity but at least my boyfriend is apart of his daughters life!! And at least I am not causing scenes or being rude with HER..God knows how much I want to yell at her..
Especially when she is trying to take away MORE time from us..