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Does anyone watch this kid??

girlmeetsworld714's picture

SO went to BM's house last evening to drop off medicine SD5 had left earlier. When he was there, SD asked for his phone number and wanted to call him on the house phone to hear his ringtone, so he wrote it down on a piece of paper and she called him while he was standing there. Well, after he left (15 minute drive home) he had 38 missed calls from SD's house number! Apparently SD5 and her stepsister (who just turned 7) took the house phone and ran to the neighbors house and was making phone calls to SO and a bunch of random numbers they just typed in. SO called BM and yelled at her to watch their kid and she said "I'm baking a birthday cake, I can't watch them right now. And you gave her your number, don't be mad that she called you." A 5 year old needs to be monitored with a phone! If you knew she had it, you either keep an eye on her with it, or tell her to leave the phone alone while you're busy. You don't let your two little girls take the phone and run off to the neighbor's house. WTF.


overworkedmom's picture

But that would mean she actually had to parent!! I can't believe that you expect her to parent over baking a cakes... sheesh! Wink

Willow2010's picture

SO called BM and yelled at her to watch their kid

I would have LOL'd at my ex if he dare yell at me.

Why was he there anyway? To drop of medicine from your house?