
Step Parenting Sucks's picture

We've been married for 10 years. If I knew then what I know

Twelve years ago I met the kindest man with whom I fell deeply in love with. I have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, he has 2 girls. I loved everything about him, but most of all I loved the wonderful father he was to his girls. I thought we could be the Brady Bunch. It was perfect. Was I ever naïve. I didn't count on the fact that his ex wife's sole mission in life was to sabotage our "Brady Bunch." So 10 years later, 3 of the 4 kids are grown up and out of the house. My step daughter is the last "man" standing for the next few years of high school and as my name relates; step parenting still sucks.


oneoffour's picture

Oh we all loved the Brady Bunch but... whatever happened to Carol's husband? It was never clarified. She may have been a murderess for all we know! And Jan was a nutcase. Cindy talked to her doll all the time. And everyone knows Greg and Marcia got the hots for each other. And Mike turned out to be gay. (Well the actor was...)

So don't dream of the Brady Bunch as the ideal because they were as nuts as the rest of us!

Bojangles's picture


Last-Wife's picture

I've been at it 15 years. The youngest of the skids graduates 4 months from today! I am counting the days down! My SD was 6 when we married, and due to her crazy BM, for the most part, we have a great relationship. There are times when I think I should warn her about getting involved with a man with kids, but then I think, "Aw, hell, she'd deserve whatever those kids threw at her!"

Disneyfan's picture

You know your SD may end up being the type of woman who won't put up with shit from BM, SK or husband.

snowdrop's picture

Haha even so... I'm the type of woman who doesn't put up with sh*t from BM, skids or DH. I have good boundaries and get a lot of love and respect. It helps for sure, I don't deal with a lot of the BS that many stepparents on this site deal with. But, there's still a lot of sh*t that comes with step-parenting that just is what it is, you know? Still sucks most of the time, even when I've effectively demanded respect and limited drama.