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yay! SIL accepted plea agreement....

hismineandours's picture

For the last 18 months or so we have been awaiting the legal consequences of my sil stealing dh's identify, forging his name, and opening credit cards in his name. This whole incident caused a MAJOR split in dh's family with the whole entire family (minus like 2 cousins) siding with my sil. My inlaws apparently feel it was ok for sil to steal, lie, and rack up 14 felonies, my dh however was in the wrong for reporting to the police that he had credit cards fraudulently opened (the only way we could clear our credit short of just paying off the debts she created). They are very angry at him because HE did this to HER (this is one f'ed up family). My fil was making threats telling dh he'd see him in the courtroom and all of this nonsense and the thing has been delayed about 10 different times now.

So dh called the victims advocate today and she said that basically the case is resolved they are just simply waiting for the phone company to install a home phone so she can be hooked up to the ankle bracelet. IMO, she got an awesome deal-60 days of home detention, along with an additional 3 years of probation, random drug screens throughout those years, restitution to the credit card companies, and a no contact order for dh and the rest of his immediate family.

We are just glad its over. Initially she was trying to plead not guilty and dh did not want to have to go to court and see all his f'ed up family members.

Although I am also cautiously waiting for the other shoe to drop. Since she didn't get declared "innocent" as the family was sure she would, I expect some phone calls from that crew harassing dh.


Anon2009's picture

That's good that she accepted the plea and DH didn't have to go to court. Hopefully part of the plea deal includes her getting counseling.

Jsmom's picture

So glad it is over for you....Sometimes, IL's just suck! Dealing with my own mess today. Has no one ever heard of boundaries?

ctnmom's picture

Thank God it's almost over. I'm sure she'll be violating her parole before too long- but at least your part of the mess that is SIl's life is done!

Anon2009's picture

I think SIL's violating her parole would be a blessing in disguise for SIL. Maybe she'd get the professional intervention and help she needs in jail.

zerostepdrama's picture

Glad this is over (hopefully) for you guys.

Ugh your DH's family- what asses. Too bad SIL didnt get jail time. She should have!

hismineandours's picture

Yes-they did expect dh to do just that. His father told him he should've just paid the damn bills. He called dh the morning after sil was arrested and left him a message telling him what a "piece of shit" he was. My dh grew up in a home with no morals or values-the ONLY thing he took from his childhood was "don't be a snitch". That was seriously the one family "value" that was taught there. In their opinion dh broke the cardinal rule and can never be forgiven. The rest of the family are all thieves as well so they are ok with my sil stealing.

The credit cards and such were just the tip of the iceberg-she also went into our home-my bedroom in fact and stole my personal items like my lotion, perfume, clothes. She stole a shirt of my dd's and then stuck it on her dd took a picture and posted the damn thing on facebook. She stole cash, personal items, hacked into dh's email and facebook accounts, read personal letters that we wrote to one another, sold our personal belongings that we had stored at a shared storage unit (with my fil)at a yard sale.

So, yeah, needless to say we speak to none of them. I am disappointed in the no jail time-but I know the electronic monitoring is at least 100 bucks a week, in addition to the 50 or so she'll have to pop out monthly for drug/alcohol screens for the next 3 years of so-she has not been drug and alcohol free for probably more than 3 days since she was probably 14 or so-so it will be a real challenge for her.

Counseling was not ordered-in fact dh specifically did not request it as I work for the local mental health center in the area. Not really but a couple other places she could go and she'd have to pay full fee-so she could never afford it. She cannot come where I work since there is a no contact order and it is against our policies anyway.

Almost every month I get online and see what new civil judgments have been made against her as well as what driving violations she has received. Apparently it is acceptable to have like 5 driving while suspended tickets and still continue to drive around? She keeps getting tickets, doesn't pay them, so her license is suspended and yet she continues to drive. Also apparently it is ok to not pay your bills, then when you get called to court on them, you just don't go, and after awhile they dismiss it. Who knew? I never had a clue it worked this way-but she has done it at least 20 times over the years.