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Willow2010's picture

Conversation from last night....

ME: So what is SS up to?
DH: Not much. I tried to talk to him again about how to budget and save money. I told him if he saves $2000.00 in the next three months I will buy him that radio he has been wanting for his car. ($500.00 radio)
ME: :jawdrop:

Really!? I just laughed and walked away. So he is bribing this 21 year old military man, to save money...?

I really want to tell him how stupid it is, but I feel I lost that chance when I just walked away. lol

I really am just floored.


FTMandSM's picture

What! That doesn't make any sense. If the 21 yr old wants the radio, then he can save the money to get the radio, right? I'm floored just reading this. I would have torn into him.

Willow2010's picture

I just can not fathom bribing a grown man to save money. It scares me that Dh is going to start sending him money on a regular basis now. Just makes me sick.

SS is s grown man. Who send money to grown children? Besides my DH?

FTMandSM's picture

And he's sending him money!!! Don't let DH enable him to be so dependent on him. My mom did this to my brother, and big surprise, he lives at home at the age of 30. She is just now kicking herself in the ass for it. She made him pay rent of $250 and just now raised it after three years to $400, and he complained about it..(roll my eyes)

DaizyDuke's picture

I guess I'm confused... if the ADULT can save $2000.00.. why can't he pay for his own damn radio?? and what kind of car radio costs $500.00? Will it wipe his ass after each song??

Willow2010's picture

Daisy..SS thinks nothing of buying $300.00 - $400.00 sneakers. So a $500.00 radio is pretty low for him. lol

DH thinks he is motivating SS to save. I think he is creating a monster.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh, why of course, how silly of me... nothing but the best for our hero! {{insert gag here}}

Willow2010's picture

DH is thinking that SS is still in school I guess. It is the same thing. The kid was ALWAYS rewarded for bad behavior. You know...because everyone always picked on SS. Everyone else made him steal, sniff glue, fight, sexual harassment...ect.

One time SS got caught stealing from the teachers lounge. Got suspended for the next day. The day he was suspended, DH bought him a gift and BM took SS to an amusement park. Because they felt sorry for him cause he got in trouble. So dysfunctional.

Jsmom's picture

Isn't this kid in the military? He is on his own. None of this makes sense. He is in adult and if he has no money, he doesn't buy it. Your husband is basically abusing him by not forcing him to grow up. What a disservices he is doing to him.

Willow2010's picture

^^^^ agreed ^^^^

That actually may be a good way to put it to DH too. Thanks!

NCMilGal's picture

Oh ffs. Willow, when I joined the military, I was getting a check for $450 every two weeks. This wasn't bad, because I live in the barracks, had a meal card, and could walk to everywhere I needed to go. After a year, my checks went up to $500 every two weeks, (I finished paying into the Montgomery GI Bill) and I managed to buy a used truck, pay insurance, phone, etc, on that.

After I graduated and was paid my bonus, the very first thing I did was pay my parents back for a loan they had made me. I never took a dime from them ever again.

Now, I was 26-28 at this point, but still! One of my biggest goals with SD18 is to teach her how to be a successful adult. This includes budgeting, and identifying needs vs. wants. DH tries too, but she listens to me better for some reason.

Your SS is still a spoiled brat, and your DH is enabling. I know this isn't news to you, and I know it's frustrating. You may have to make a decision in the future WHEN your SS falls on his face and your DH rescues him again. What can/will you put up with?

I thank my lucky stars that I don't have an enabler Disney daddy to deal with. I'm usually the one reminding DH that SD may not be suited for or happy with our lifestyle, and that's okay.