first time talking to in-laws stories
What were your very first interactions with your in laws?
Dh's family is far flung. His sisters live 1000s of miles from us and both parents are dead. Did not meet them before we got married and did not expect them to come to the wedding. About a year after we got married his youngest sister calls. I answer the phone and we introduce ourselves.
Now she's the sister that likes to tell all about her brother's exes. So she proceeds to tell me about this one bitch from Texas that got her brother hooked on coke, prevented him from going to osd's wedding, tried to put the other two into boarding school, had all the kids concerned since he lost so much weight, etc. Then she wondered what happened to that little bitch. Her exact words.
And I in a very calm, neutral voice told her he married her and that she was talking to her. Crickets. Subject was immediately changed to what antidepressants she was on. Heavy duty stuff and a psychotropic. Funny, because she was a nurse.
I told dh. I thought the situation was funny since it was the exact opposite as to what was going on at the time. I also knew OSD was her source.
- ltman's blog
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WTF??? Got into bed with
WTF??? Got into bed with you?!
MIL looked me up and down,
MIL looked me up and down, turned to dh and said "she's not like bm is she?" She's a charmer.
....are our MIL's
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: ....are our MIL's related?????
Well, my in-laws are still
Well, my in-laws are still FILs until this coming October, but, they've all been pretty...interesting.
First time I met FDH's sister: She didn't know who I was - I stopped at her house with a friend of FDH's and met her under no pretense of being FDH's SO. I think it was a lot more relaxed and comfortable, although kind of funny. FDH's friend had the idea of not saying how he knew me unless FDH's sister asked, and she never did. She thought it was pretty funny, too, when I saw her a week later at a party. When she realized who I was she said "oh, so you didn't tell me you're dating my brother!" with a big grin on her face. I smiled and said "Well, you never asked!"
First time I met his mom and two brothers was at his sister's house for her oldest daughter's college graduation party. His younger older brother and his oldest brother were both pretty awesome. His younger older brother was convinced that one of my tattoos was of She-Hulk (which I can totally understand) but I told him it wasn't, it was a cartoony zombie pin-up. He insisted that because it made my tattoo cooler, he was just going to think it was She-Hulk anyway since not many people knew who she was, although he thought it was pretty cool that I knew who She-Hulk was, lol. We got to nerd out about comic books, which was fun, and thankfully he kept his jackassery to a minimum. His oldest brother is just the most amazing and nicest person, so I had a lot of fun when I met him. It was just him cracking jokes and being a happy person, which was nice. I wasn't used to a family being as happy as his family is, so that was amazing. However, I didn't interact too much with his mom at that time, we had convos about stuff - the typical getting to know you convo and the like. It was the first time I met her but she and I are both pretty quiet individuals so there wasn't much interaction going on. And, of course, this was the party that GUBM showed up at unannounced and for no reason, so things got really awkward and tense for everyone but GUBM pretty quickly. I didn't get much of a chance to really talk to FDH's mom until Christmas, many months later, but she told FDH not to f*ck it up with me after we got to know one another better on Christmas eve lol.
It wasn't as good the first time I talked to his dad and stepmom, though. I first met them in the beginning of December our first year together and there were the typical introductions and politeness, "Oh, hello, what do you do for a living? What are you going to school for, where did you grow up," that kind of crap. But then the conversation quickly steered over to GUBM and how FDH should just suck it up and work it out with GUBM and not throw away a 16 year relationship, while I was standing right there, mere moments after they had met me.
It was Christmas day and it
It was Christmas day and it was terrible. There weren't any awkward conversations, just an awkward course of events leading up to us deciding to go to their house.
We got invited over for dinner. Cool. They wanted to meet me since DH told them how serious he was about me and they wanted to welcome me into the family. We accepted the invitation.
Then, during DH and BM conversations about the kids, we found out she was invited too. Worse yet, she accepted the invitation.
DH called his mom, bitched her out for inviting his ex-wife to a family event, told her that she was undoing all his attempts to set boundaries with that woman and get her the hell out of his life. He told his mother that all of us (kids, him and me) were going to have our own celebration in OUR home instead. MIL acted clueless and said she thought everyone would just get along for the sake of the kids. I didn't know it then, but I would soon come to LOATHE that phrase: for the sake of the kids. :sick:
BM called DH and whined about how she lost a family in the divorce and it's just not right that he was going to take the kids there without her and that it was horrible that he was taking me instead. It was HER FAMILY too. Nope. Not anymore biotch. Get over it.
MIL never rescinded the invite to BM and so it became a standoff between BM and DH. With just a few days notice, BM reluctantly gave in and backed out.
We went, I was introduced to the family, I put on a happy face and pretended that his parents weren't complete asses for starting that conflict. DH and I took anti-anxiety meds and brought a couple bottles of wine. I don't think I could have made it through the whole ordeal without those.
Holy crap. I would have been
Holy crap. I would have been livid if FDH's family tried that crap. GUBM tried to pull something on her own with his dad's annual December Birthday party (the one I met them at and got to hear them tell FDH he should suck it up and work it out with her). She fought him on being able to go and pulled out the whole "they're my family toooooo!" card on him and even threw out a "how else is SD going to see them?"
Luckily for me and my sanity, he had the backbone to tell her off and say "No, they're not your family. They are your daughter's family. That is what happens when you choose to split with someone. She whined at him for days afterwards ("but it's not faaaaaair, they're MY family, I shouldn't lose MY family because of this!"). I wouldn't be surprised if she whined at his dad and SM, too.
I met my mother in law and my
I met my mother in law and my husband's Godmother at dinner about 3 months after we met. He had been telling his Mom that she had to meet me for a while and trying to schedule time with her. She knew that this was serious for him based on how insistent he was that she meet me and she, I believe, avoided meeting me for a bit and warned him about 'getting too serious too quickly.' and 'Not to rush into anything.'
But we met at a restaurant and had dinner. MIL was visibly nervous but Godmother was GREAT! She ordered up a round of beers and we had a great time. It was very much like a job interview with questions coming at me 100MPH but I've always loved job interviews so I didn't buckle under pressure. I was confident and adoring of her son.
We do have our ups and downs, MIL and Me. She was a big fan of 'Make friends and play nice with BM' which was harmful to our relationship because BM was a Psycho for a long time. She would buy presents for BM's new baby (who wasn't DH's child) and give them to DH to give to baby in front of me. She kept pictures of BM and DH in her 'brag book' and showed it to my kids. She would talk about meeting BM for lunch in front of my family which left them hurting for me and pissed off at her.
But DH makes it better. HE's told me since we got serious that in this life - he is for US and no one else. That his family (Me, our kids) come first no matter what. And he's proven it time and time again.
Eventually, 2 years later, MIL sees that I have done nothing but help her son in ways he couldn't have helped himself. HE's a better person and father since we got together. And I am a better person and mother because of him. And so slowly, these wounds are healing themselves.
Ha! That's really classy
Ha! That's really classy MIL, lol.
As tacky and rude as that was, I'd give anything for my MIL to be more like that. At least she was thinking along the lines of: I hope this one isn't like BM. My MIL loves BM and STILL keeps her close. She even has family pictures of BM and DH pre-divorce displayed in her house. I'm sure it's "for the sake of the kids". As usual.
the first time i met MIL and
the first time i met MIL and SFIL they were cool. very pleasant, grew to love them very much. they told me i was an angel sent for dh, admired how i opened my heart and home to skids, etc.
boy was i fooled.
Which set of in-laws? LOL
Which set of in-laws? LOL I'm cracking jokes at my own expense. I met the first set of in-laws when I was 15. I think I went to their house for dinner. Totally not what I was expecting - loud, beer drinking, card playing bunch. Always the life of the party kinda people. I still have a good relationship with them as they are my BS21's grandparents. They at times even offered to baby-sit BS21 AND BS15 when they were younger.
Second set of in-laws was more interesting. I went on a blind date with the man that would be my second husband. I kept having this feeling in the back of my mind that I knew his last name from somewhere. After about 3 dates it hit me - I had interviewed for a job with his mom and wasn't selected. I still had the rejection letter. Then I went on to apply for a job again where she worked and was hired. FIL was different. He's from another country and even though he has lived in the US for over 40 years he is still pretty traditional. Grumpy old man kind of guy. I still have a good relationship with them as well. They are the grandparents of my BS15. We have no problems after the divorce.
And now the FIL of my husband - I have known him since I was 16. I went to keggers at his house with the guy that would become my first husband when I was in high school. Yes, DH was running around in that unstable environment pumping the keg for everyone. Truly dysfunctional home! Even at 16 I was appalled that he would be up at 2 AM with little to no supervision. Fast forward 20+ years and I run into DH's dad. We get to chatting and then he said "DH is here." That little boy was all grown up and had the balls to ask me out on a date even though I'm 16 years older than him! Yes, Talkers, I have a young hottie! LOL A young hottie that is now working through all of that dysfunction and will have 2 months sobriety on March 7. The relationship with FIL has been rocky at times because of DH working through his issues from childhood but we try to be ameniable. DH's mother has never been in the picture although she surfaced about 2 years ago and sent me a Friend request on FB. I declined. Why would I be her friend when she hasn't even contacted or seen her own son since he was 3?
Each situation is a little quirky but hey, so am I! It makes for interesting conversation with school administrators etc. when they see me and DH together. It takes them a minute or two to grasp the age difference. LOL
Ooh boy the first time I met
Ooh boy the first time I met my MIL, I was told that his kids (7 and 11 then) were both failing out of school and so miserable and lonely without a dad around, and my DH was so wrong to have left his wife and children. All of which were lies and coming from a total hypocrite that lived separately from her own DH for 12 years and only came back and lived with him when he was dying of cancer. But she never divorced him officially so she's some kind of saint.
After that day as far as I was concerned she could fuck herself, it was rude and all outright lies and if that's how she felt about her son moving on with me then I didn't need her in my life. She was always cordial to me after that, and she came to our wedding, but I never got a very friendly vibe from her. She was in an accident not long after all that and has memory and hearing issues. She's only met my DD twice and never met my DS, and now that she lives with my DH's crackhead sisters who control who gets to see her and who doesn't (depending on if they give their lazy non-working asses money), DH doesn't see her often. He said he's never been that close with her, she was one of those people that demanded respect just because she was older but never did shit to earn it. Hew as closer to his dad, who passed away a few months before I met DH.
I've "known" my SO and his
I've "known" my SO and his family through mutual hobbies most of our lives, but didn't really know them well. Before we were an item, I was chumming around with him and his whole group of friends and his mom told him "someone should send that skank home". LOL. Mind you, I was only a friend to all of them at that point, and I'm more of a prude than a skank. Fast forward to now, and we get along absoultely great. Pretty funny to look back on!