Well that escalated quickly...
I had high hopes that this weekend was going to go a little better than most. Well that was quickly squashed and SD13 hadn't even come over yet.
SO was supposed to pick her up last night but I caught her posting some inappropriate things online (because I'm the only one that cares enough to monitor her online activity) so he was pissed and wanted me to go pick her up instead so she wasn't at BMs alone with cell phone and computer. I say sure I'll pick her up and tell SO to text her and tell her I'll be there In a few mins to get her.
A few minutes later she replys to him "what the fuck? Lol". Well obviously she was bitching to a friend that I told on her and that she's pissed because now I have to pick her up and she clearly doesn't like me.
SO lost his mind!!! Called SD as well as BM at work and freaked out on both of them. I have no idea what was said, I was too scared to ask lol.
So I picked her up and naturally she didn't say a word to me. Then in the car she says "don't you just think I'm really pretty?". She is so self involved it's disgusting! I replied with "uh huh" and then she proceeds to tell me that she thinks I don't like her because I never want a conversation with her. Guess what kid?? Going on about how pretty you think you are is NOT a conversation!! It's you being annoying and I don't want to listen to it! Ugh!
When we got home I hid for a little while, had a bath and made dinner till SO got home from work. I'm sick of hiding in my own house! It's so frustrating!
Today has been same old, she sleeps till 10, I make breakfast, she complains she doesn't like it, she drops food on the couch, leaves her dishes everywhere, takes over the couch, I find her socks on the bathroom counter (?wtf?) and then at around 2 she decides it's time to go upstairs for a nap. YES! Please go have a nap and get the fuck out of my face!!!
Oh! The best part! She told me I'm not fun last night!! because she was dancing around the living room like an idiot and I wasn't laughing so that makes me not fun.
The only good that has come out of this weekend so far is that I got my way with one of the things that piss me off the most! SO never sleeps in our bed when SD is here, he doesn't want to set a bad example blah blah blah. I went to bed early because I had a headache and was woken up at 1am by SO who was coming to sleep in bed with me. He's been away for 2 weeks for work and said he really missed me and just wanted to sleep in bed with me because it's been so long. I was so happy! That's a huge step for him! I'm thinking he's starting to realize that she's 13 and she's not stupid. We live together. She knows we're sleeping in the same bed!
Tonight the 3 of us are supposed to be going bowling.....I think I feel another headache coming on...
- morethanibargainedfor's blog
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Yeah, don't go. It sounds
Yeah, don't go. It sounds like you need to disappear on the weekends when she's there.
Oh goodness. You are worried
Oh goodness.
You are worried about her behavior, when she's not even your kid. But your SO doesn't sleep with you when she is over.
You need to get your priorities in place. Let him deal with his kid. You deal with a SO who is ashamed of being seen going into the same bedroom with you.
By the way, how old are you?
I'm 32 SO is 42. SD is 13.
I'm 32 SO is 42. SD is 13.