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Lets create situations that breed animosity, then accuse you of HATING MY KIDS!!!!

furkidsforme's picture

Because that seems to be the name of my DH's favorite game!

My ss16 is a little bit of a picky eater. Not terrible, but he has some strong preferences. He likes to eat the same thing every day. Every now and again his "taste" will suddenly change to a new obsession and then he hates the old food. Whatever.

So because of this, we keep some special cheeses and lunch meats he likes. DH had wanted this stuff to be strictly off limits and absolutely NO ONE could use it but him. I quickly put the kibosh on that. SS16 does not pay rent, this is not "his stuff" and we aren't roommates that share a fridge. I would concede however that we could have a house rule that you never take the last of his sandwich makings, that way he's never stuck without lunch.

So the other day I'm making a salad for lunch. I get out the sacred cheese. I was going to use it, but I opted to use Blue Cheese dressing and the sacred cheese just doesn't go with that. I didn't use any, but the package was on the counter. It had 2 slices left. Another, completely brand new one is in the fridge.

DH marches over with the package and starts telling me that I need to make SURE I don't use the last of the sacred cheese. Of course, I get bitchy. He then asks why I have an attitude. I explained that, as a 40 year old woman who runs the household and a lucrative business, I think I can grasp the idea that no one is supposed to use the last. In fact, no one DID use the last. I have NEVER used the last, so please refrain from the need to council me like a petulant child because I touch the Precious' stuff.

And yet when I say I feel like a second class citizen in my own home he looks at me with mouth slung open and look of droll confusion on his face. How could I possibly feel that way????

So husbands, don't go out of your way to create tension and division and then wonder why we don't just ADORE your special snowflakes.


furkidsforme's picture

I am just at a total loss as to how he does not see that HE creates the animosity with these types of behaviors. SS16 has never once said "Hey SM, get off my cheese!"

omgsaveme's picture

I can't stand situations like this and what you said is correct, they put Skids on a pedestal then expect everyone else to worship them.

bluehighlighter's picture

So husbands, don't go out of your way to create tension and division and then wonder why we don't just ADORE your special snowflakes.


hereiam's picture

because your SS probably really doesn't care that much


At one point, my DH took to washing SD's clothes that she would bring over for her weekends. I asked him why he bothered, she was just going to take them home and throw them in the wash. Oh no, he was doing her a great service.

So, I asked SD, "Did you know that your dad was washing your clothes?" She said, "No."

Me: "So, you're taking them home and washing them again, right?"

SD: "Yes."

Big eye roll from me.

Starla's picture

Your DH made a fuss over cheese??? That guy has issues holy swiss! Maybe SS16 wouldn't be such a picker eater if his dad wasn't encouraging it.