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BM Trying to Control Our Schedule

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'm a blog hog today. Sorry, but I'm in a snatchy sort of mood and just feel like bitching.

BM sent DH an email last night:

DHName- I will be picking SS15 up at 9 am on Sunday for Mother's Day and dropping him off at 4:30. -It

No, "Does this work for you." No, "Are these times good?" No common courtesy. As usual. Of course.

DH wanted to respond telling her this, but you know what? Eff it. She doesn't deserve our courtesy.

No, It, those times are NOT good for us. We have plans to spend the afternoon with MY mother and grandmother for Mother's Day, and we're not changing our plans to accommodate you.

So you go ahead and get to our house at 4:30, as YOU dictated. We won't be there. You can either drop SS15 off and he can wait outside until we get home or you can bring him back at a later time. (You can effing keep him for all I care.)

If she'd had the courtesy to ask rather than DEMAND, we might be able to accommodate her somewhat. But since she had to be a bitch about it, fuck her.

Just fuck her. That is all.


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

DH is going to say nothing. She can't be courteous, so she doesn't deserve courtesy. The house will be locked. Hopefully SS has a book with him (which he usually does). He can't be trusted in the house alone, and BM most likely has plans that doen't include him, so she won't drop him off later. My guess is she has dinner plans with her DH and Faux.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

We won't answer. }:) Some POS from DH's past isn't ruining my Mother's Day.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I hear ya. At this point, I'm like, whatever. I'm done making my schedule accommodate hers. She can fuck off.

Dh isn't taking SS15 for Father's Day because we're going away for our anniversary. I'm sure BM will piss and moan about it. I don't give a shit.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yeah, I wish theirs was more specific. Mother's Day and Father's Day are "as agreed upon by both parties." We're not agreeing upon her terms, so she can suck it!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

DH would, but then there'd be a barrage of texts asking us WHYYYYYYY we won't be there ans that inconveeeeeeniences her and blah blah blah. She claims there;s no communication even when we have the emails to prove it. So let her claim what she wants. We don't care.

BM wiats down the street too, just around the corner. It's pathetic.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

If she has somewhere to be, she sure will. She doesn't give a shit. Little Lord Faux, her love child, is the only kid that matters in her world.

Accordn2L's picture

My SO custody agreement is pretty clear about the holidays and so I asked him, what time is SD8 going back to Cum Dumpster on Sunday? He said IDK? I said well can you look at the order because I want to spend some quality time alone with my daughter. He gives me evil look. Then he texts Cum Dumpster to tell her the order says he is to have her to her at 9am verses the usual 4pm on Sunday. This bitch writes back that she has other plans and just to bring SD8 back at 4. Um it's Mother's Day bitch, your kid is your plan! OMG! So anyways, now me and my BD11 have made lunch reservations all by our damn selves and will just stay away from the house until 4. I hope Cum Dumpster enjoys her Mother's Day with no kids since the rest of us don't get that luxury.

hereiam's picture

Wow. I know your SD8 is a brat but I feel bad for her that her mother does not even want to spend Mother's Day with her.

Accordn2L's picture

I feel sorry for her about that too but that is just how BM is. It's all about her! I think that behavior is just one of the reasons that SD8 is so desperate for SO undivided attention and will take it for good or bad behavior as long as it's attention.

bearcub25's picture

Same with our BM, just bring them back at normal 6pm time.

Last year we were woke up by BM calling repeatedly for DSO to come get his daughter.

msg1986's picture

Doesn't surprise me, Bm doesn't ever want ss either... Unless of course her fam is in town and she wants to play moty

msg1986's picture

Yep, fuck her. I don't know what these bitches think, it's like they assume we sit around waiting for them to tell US what our sched is... It's ridiculous. Bm never wants ss early on Mother's Day, we usually take him home at 5, last dh had to ask her if she wanted him early and even the. Her response was, "sure, bring him at 3." ... I don't get it

Accordn2L's picture

Do you mean we are not supposed to sit around and wait until BM commands what we should do? DAYUM I wish someone had told me that a year ago!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

BM will probably spend her Mother's Day laying in bed playing Farmville, while her hubby lies on the couch playing World of Warcraft, and the boys are in their respective rooms playing on their laptops. In the dark. With the shades drawn. Until it's time to crawl out of the tomb and get them some Golden Corral.

Accordn2L's picture

Oh yeah BM is knocked up again with baby #3 by baby daddy #3 and due on Mother's Day so for the last 5 months all we have heard is how sick she is, how tired she is, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Well quit getting knocked up and burdening the state with more of your offspring dummy! So I guess I shouldn't have been suprised at all she didn't want SD8 back before regular time. Hell I keep waiting on the new baby to be born and she ask if SD8 can stay with us some extra time. At that point if SO says yes I will have to kill myself.

msg1986's picture

Lol omg you painted that picture so well, I can clearly picture it all, sounds like Bms house, only thng missing is their animals pissing away all over their apartment balcony because Bm is to lazy to take them for walks lol

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Oh no, they've got the animals! Four cats and two dogs in a two-bedroom apartment! They piss all over the inside and shit all over the yard. According to SS15, the litter box (ONE box) gets changed MAYBE once a week and the poop in the yard is left to "disintegrate naturally." This is why SS15's clothes reek so bad you can't get the smell out.

Delilah's picture

^^^^This is why your ss15 pees himself and is content to sleep in it :sick:
His POS mother is a stinky dirty bitch and none of them see that rolling about in piss and faeces is absolutely disgusting.

Imo the only way to stop ss is to shame him,embarass him in front of other people to get him to see his mothers way of living is unhygenic and rank!

Accordn2L's picture

I'm gagging! Part of this is my OCD to have a spotless house which yes is a struggle with a nasty skid. My kid loves having a clean house, she had a slumber party one time and one of the kids mother's called me a few days later and said her daughter had a chat with her about how nice and clean our house was and that she should call me for tips LOL! Anyways, back to the topic. SS15 pees on himself and sleeps in it? Do they make pull ups in his size? GROSSSSSSSS

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Purposely. See the other post I wrote today. It's effing nasty. And yes, that's exactly WHY he's so nasty. BM is a filthy pig who allows her home and everyone in it to be filthy. We're constantly pointing out the differences between her apartment and our home. And relatives' and friends' homes. He knows it's abnormal but doesn't seem to care.

Accordn2L's picture

Do you basically bleach his living area after he leaves? I mean I'm holding my own nose thinking about the odor.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

He undresses in the garage and showers immediately upon getting here. The clothes are washed in hot water and vinegar and put in a garbage bag in the garage. He wears the clothes he has here ( he's got an entire second wardrobe) and changes back into "her" clothes before going back. When DH has to pick him up from her house, he has to drive with all the windows down, even if it's the dead of winter. He's gone into full blown asthma attacks from the stench. Then he has to Lysol the car and let it air out. It's NASTY.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

We WISH kids at school would call him out on it. So far, no one has daid anything as far as we know. I think it would make all the difference in the world if his peers called him a skank.

Accordn2L's picture

Do you remember the episode of "Friends" about smelly cat? I told my BD11 when she was little that no one wanted to be the smelly cat and we would sing the song and laugh. Maybe he needs to see the episode hahaha

Accordn2L's picture

Oh BM has no animals at her house. But they do live in a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom government house. BM has a 10 year old son full time, then gets SD8 50/50 between us and they share a room. Now SD8 has told us that BM put the new babies crib in their room too??? WTF? I mean I guess the 8 & 10 year old are going to be getting up doing the bottles and changing so BM won't be disturbed.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

MOTY indeed! SS15 aand Faux have their own rooms, but because it's a two-bedroom, BM and her DH sleep out in the living room. Reaaaal cozy. :?

Accordn2L's picture

And that is animal neglect, you need to report her to Animal Control and get those poor animals out of there. You can do it without giving a name.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Oh, I don't care where she waits. I just think it's funny. Why not just wait in the driveway? we don't care. Instead, she hides around the corner like a creeper. Biggrin

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Really? Wow, that's scary! Can' t be, though, I would think, or they wouldn't be so broke all the damn time!