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If I'm not Venting about the skid then it's the damned dog

step off already's picture

Dh and ss14 have a pit bull that is generally ignored and destroys things. We are in the process of redoing the yard and investing about $15k into the yard.

First step was for dh to build a dog run. He has built and rebuilt it stronger and stronger several times already because the dog chews through the chain link. I have tried to enforce the rule that the dog gets walked twice a day minimum and the agreement has been that if the dog is not being supervised, he will be in the run.

We are also doing several other remodel projects and there are tons if materials in our yard costing $$$$ (and who do you think is financing these projects????)

Dh returns home after picking up the kids tonight and I hear the dog bark outside my window and ask what's up. He says he let the dog out because he only had one walk today and the dog is going nuts. I remind him if our agreement. He tries to argue stating that the yard is all torn up right now anyway.

I say no. I'm one week when the yard has had $15k of new plants and landscaping installed, what is he going to do when ss hasn't walked him or the dog is going crazy. Your dog. You take care of it.

This dog is utterly ignored. Not trained. Ruins everything, including taking bites out of my front door of my HOUSE. It's a constant fight. I feel bad for the dog but I will jut allow it to ruin anymore of my belongings.

I can't wait to see how dh handles his dog after ss spends his 6 weeks at bm's this summer. Will he be walking the dog?

I'd love to see dh come to the conclusion that HE should get rid of the dog. He's already stated that the dog run will make an excellent chicken coop.


memyselfandi's picture

No offense, but you don't sound like you're a real "dog lover". And that's ok. Not everybody is.

Although you're married to him, you consider the dog to be DH and SS's dog, not yours; really couldn't care less about him, and instead, consider him a burden, setting rules for your DH that HE walk the dog twice a day and if HE doesn't supervise the dog, he gets put in his run.

As you said, "His dog..HIS problem.

Your DH is trying to keep you happy while building a stronger and stronger dog run simply because you don't want to be bothered with his pit. You're busy building your $15k yard and obviously don't want HIS dog in it.

I don't understand how you can feel badly for the dog when couldn't care less. You don't feel badly for the dog at all as if you'd help out.

Again, I'm not meaning to offend you.

I work at our local Humane Society where we "house" several pit bulls. To me, it's terrible to see so many sitting in shelters simply because they're considered a "bully breed", when actually they're the most well behaved dogs in the shelter. Many landlords won't allow them for many of them being that many of the owners don't have a clue that they need a lot of attention, they need to be exercised, and if bored, they WILL destroy things. To be honest, it's all in the training, which includes giving them plenty of love and attention.

It's really sad because every single one of the pit bulls in our shelter are awesome dogs and would make wonderful pets and companions if everyone would get off their high horse about them. Not a single one of them has tried to chew through their kennels and once they get to know you..they're the ones that sit down nice...lick my hand as I walk through..and most of all, they just want to be loved.

Our shelter houses many breeds of dogs and the biggest barkers are the little dogs. They are the ones that go crazy when another dog goes by to get walked and cage fight (meaning that when another dog walks by..they go nuts..lunge at the front of their cage, etc.), while the pits pretty much sit there and watch you walk by. Although very strong dogs when on a leash at first, once walked, they settle down nicely.

In addition, we have many volunteers that walk our dogs..and the most requested are the pits.

I wish I could side with you regarding getting rid of the dog but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Putting the dog in a "run" isn't going to make him behave's going to make him stir crazy as Fire_Inside said, "with frustration". He's chewing out of the run because he's bored and needs attention.

My question is, why isn't the dog allowed to enjoy most of his time with your family instead of sitting in a run? It's not just your DH's responsibility to pay attention to him..but EVERYONE'S. He's supposed to be a part of your family..and again, NOT sitting in a run all day.

We'd go crazy too if we had to sit in an enclosed space all day..every day, while nobody paid any attention to us.

Instead of walking him, maybe your DH could take him out to a large field and play with him? Throw a big ball around with him. Maybe even find a place where there is a stream or something that the dog can play in? I assure you that if he does this, even for half an hour..your pit will be much calmer and happier. Sometimes even taking the dog for a ride would make him happy and calmer. The only thing I'll caution your DH on is if he's going to leave your pit off leash ANYWHERE...make sure there are NO other dogs around.

Most anything with a dog's owner will make a pet happier and calmer. All dogs want is to love and be loved.

He doesn't belong in a dog run, but with the rest of your family, unless of course nobody is home to supervise him. Instead of leaving him outside in a dog run, maybe a metal kennel with a nice comfy blanket and his favorite toy. He could become a wonderful member of your family if everyone would just pay some attention to him and make him feel loved.

If you DO decide to get rid of him, DON'T put an ad on Craig's List as that's where some (not all), of the worst dog buyers lurk. Many buy pits for fighting and worse. Giving him away "to a good home" or charging a "rehoming fee" often doesn't work either as the new owners may move into a home that doesn't allow pit bulls..and thus, he will end up in a shelter.

These dogs are very difficult to place, not because they're not wanted..but because of again, problems with landlords not allowing them, homeowner's insurance not covering a home if they have a pit, etc.

I hate to say this but my suggestion is that you get rid of the stupid dog run, learn to accept the dog as a part of your family, and pay as much attention to him as you expect your DH and SS to. All the dog wants is attention, to be played with, and loved. It's really not that hard as again, pits, when paid attention to, can be the most loving dogs you'll ever have. Your DH and SS obviously love him. Making them get rid of the dog may cause them to feel an unspoken bitterness to you that may show itself in one way or another as time goes by.

I hope you don't feel offended by my post..just trying to give you a little helpful advice. Good luck to you and I hope it all works itself out..:)

step off already's picture

Well I can tell you're a passionate dog lover. I like dogs. I have one of those loud happy chihuahuas that you mentioned. She spends time in the run too but is allowed to run around unsupervised because she doesn't destroy things. I feel sorry for the dog but the fact is that I have five children in my house (four are my own and one is a baby) so I do not have time or patience of a large unruly dog. I have tried taking him to the off leash park where he can run but he doesn't listen and people freak when he runs up to them.

When I met dh he kept the dog locked inside his house all day alone. To say the home was destroyed is an understatement: chewed doors, chewed furniture, chewed dry wall - not to mention the poop and pee.

This man didn't have time to care for his dog then and doesn't now.

moeilijk's picture

Well, yeah... but just like skids, if you're not the legal owner, you can't do anything. At least with pets SPCA will intervene if it's really bad.