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Food dyes

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

So I just read the article in the new Parent's magazine about food dye and hyperactivity/ADHD. What does everyone think about the correlation between the two? Think its bullshit or has anyone eliminated food dyes and actually seen a behavior difference? Regardless, I'm going to have FDH read this and see what he thinks. He thinks SD's behavior is normal for her age but she is simply ridiculous. FDH is ADHD and I think this might ring some bells with him and be something he might be willing to try.


Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

That's also very good thinking. My mom and I talk about the health issues of today all the time. She says back when she was growing up, processed foods were almost non-existent and it was extremely rare to see an obese person. This discussion happened after my BD16 was being made fun of for being skinny. I asked BD16 before conferences once, to point out any of the bullies if we saw them. Surprise, surprise...they were all chunky or down right fat. When did things change so much that its the skinny kid getting made fun of? Not that tolerate bullying of any sort.

herewegoagain's picture

From the experience with my son, when we changed his diet, which originally consisted with anything was pretty much fair game, to no food dyes, nitrates, gluten, milk, even some specific fruits, etc. his behavior changed DRASTICALLY. He was a different kid within about a week or so. We changed and started giving him vitamins, probiotics, etc. and people who saw him on a regular basis saw the drastic changes in his behavior as well. By the way, we also used an ADHD cookbook that a friend sent to me, as my son was also diagnosed with ADHD at age 5 1/5. To me, there is a huge difference in his behavior.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Yup your prob right I'm just trying to find hope somewhere. lol You're very right about the negligent parents, too much stuff, and never told no. Makes me want to throw up in my mouth a little.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Yup that's the downside to this. BM would have to be on board. From what I know about her, she would prob be on board with this...if it was her idea. Since, its mine, however, I'm sure she would purposely sabotage it. Like send her over with popsicle and Kool-Aid in hand lol

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Not causes, correlates...makes ADHD/hyperactive kids worse, brings non ADHD kids closer to ADHD.

Snowflake's picture

I think if you have adhd then you have it genetically.

I have adhd, and when I was diagnosed as a child, my mother decided to take all of the sugars and dyes from my diet. I still had attention and impulse issues. They got better dramatically when I was put on medication as an adult. I wish that I had been put on them as a child.

My child has adhd, and is physcially allergic to most dyes. My child will break into hives and swell up if dyes touch the skin. The adhd symptoms are still there.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Alright I give up lol The dyes don't cause the ADHD. Read my last comment. lol

cfmommyof3's picture

I didn't read any of the other responses so I would respond only according to my own experience. BS6 is very ADHD. Since he was about 3 that we noticed he cant have cheese doodles cuz of the red/yellow dye. Don't know if its the dye or something else in the doodles. But we have found the more we monitor his red/yellow/orange dyes he does better. Our son is VERY adhd. Diff kinds make a diff. But dyes and foods CAN make a HUGE diff!! We watch his food closely and we really see a diff when the food is more organic and wholesome....

herewegoagain's picture

By the way, the comment about if food dyes, etc. cause ADHD we all have it is a bit off. If you read a bit, if you actually do some research, there are people whose immune system works different or less well than others. While someone with a very healthy immune system might not have any issues with eating crappier food or taking meds or getting shots, someone with a weak immune system will. It amazes me how many people automatically dismiss or make opinions based on nothing but what they think is right or what they read in yahoo news. Do some actual research first, read medical journals, read govt health sites, compare and analyze all of them before making decisions.

tiny kitten's picture

THANK YOU!!! This is something I had a HUGE problem with as an ADD child, and even now as an adult if I don't take my medication. I am an annoying, unfocused, pain in the arse, and I hate myself for it. My mum tells me stories about things I did as a child, and it makes me feel terribly guilty and embarrassed, even though I know I couldn't help it. And it's really not something you can understand unless you have it or parent someone with it.

Starla's picture

Hmm my brother and DH have ADHD and foods affect them differently. Dyes do not seem to phase my brother either way but they do with my DH. It can't hurt to try and see, eating healthy and avoiding certain dyes is far better than kids popping pills. Wink

My mom would give my brother caffeine when he was younger to calm him down, she was pushed by doctors to medicate him but she refused bc his brain wasn't done developing. As for my DH, he uses breathing techniques to calm himself down and no one can tell when he is doing it. That has done wonders in helping him cope.

zerostepdrama's picture

My personal opinion and experience- when my BS8 would eat a lot of fruit snacks or drink anything with red dye in it, it would turn him into a monster.

He would go from 0-60 then crash and burn and turn very mean.

Once I realized those might be causing an issue, I cut those out and noticed an almost 100% improvement in his behavior and attitude.