How did you tell skids?
Twelve weeks! Had my appointment this morning. Little gummy bear was not digging the Doppler, the midwife had to find him (her?) multiple times because when she pushed down the wand (s)he would move after a couple of seconds :). It was great hearing the heart beat though!
So, now that we are moving past the highest risk time, we need to let SD know she's going to be a big sister.
We are planning on texting BM after we pick SD up on her next visit. The hope being that any negative reaction BM has (if any) won't be in front of SD.
How did you tell your step when it was time? Did you make it nonchalant? More about SD OR SS being a big sister/brother? Have lots of tears? Happiness? We are going to tell her together that Friday night, Saturday I work so they will have all day as a daddy daughter day and I'm taking Sunday off so we can have a family day (I work weekends). Thoughts? Criticisms?
- Sunflower1's blog
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Mine is a funny story, of
Mine is a funny story, of course I had older step sons and younger ones, oldest was 24 youngest was 12. Anyway, we were all in Lake Tahoe on a vacation, older kids had their girl friends along. I did a pregnancy test and left it in our 'private' bathroom, (this was back when it took a couple of hours for test to tell) and my DH and I went out to breakfast. We told the kids where we were going and said if they wanted to join us they could. So anyway they all show up and tell me I'm pregnant! One of them had gone into our bathroom and saw the test.
lol that's a cute story!
lol that's a cute story!
That's adorable! It sounds
That's adorable! It sounds like they were happy
Yay congratulations!!!! We
Yay congratulations!!!!
We told bios and steps together. We normally try and play a board game before bed on school nights (it's a good incentive to get everyone showered, pjs and teeth brushed) anyway, we were playing charades (spelling?) that night and we got them to guess it. They were really excited and it was a fun way to tell them rather than sit them down in a serious family meeting sort of way.
The kids were pretty excited, we told them on transition day so that they had the whole week to digest the info and talk about it before going back to BM. They told BM on the phone so she was able to react and have a few days before seeing them again.
ETA: We had invited the extended family over that weekend and asked the kids to come up with a creative way to tell everyone else they were going to be big brothers/sisters. We thought by them sharing the news they would feel like a big part of it.
That's a great idea, we
That's a great idea, we don't really have any family gatherings coming up. How old were the kiddos?
At the time they were 11, 9,
At the time they were 11, 9, 6 and 6.
We just invited everyone over for a "poker night/cousins play date" pot luck and let the kids surprise everyone. It was a lot of fun.
They decided to do it this way... they had five envelopes numbered one-five. They gave an envelope to each adult and said they had to open them in order and show everyone.
Number 1 was a baby pic of OSD
Number 2 was a baby pic of YSD
3 and 4 were baby pics of the twins
and 5 was the ultrasound pic.
That's sweet. I hope SD is
That's sweet. I hope SD is excited as yours
i remember my mom telling my
i remember my mom telling my brother and i the first time (she had 3 more kids after us). she had just picked us up for a weekend visit, and running a few errands before getting to her house. as we were walking in to the store, she said "hey kids, i got something i gotta tell you." my brother says "what, u're pregnant?" and she was. we were both like "that's great mom. congrats!" and that was it. i was 10, my bro was 12.
she didnt feel the need to tell dad, it was none of his damn business anyway. dad and sm found out from us with the usual "hi guys, how was your weekend?" "it was good, mom told us she's pregnant." "that's nice."
Thanks Tuff! I'm so happy to
Thanks Tuff! I'm so happy to get to this milestone, I'm nervous about SDs reaction though. Ultimately I just want to make sure she knows she's loved-her mom likes to undermine that message, at least from us. Any change is "proof" that DH doesn't love her as much as he should. It makes happy times an uphill battle some days.
We hadn't decided yet how to
We hadn't decided yet how to tell SS- we had just gotten engaged a few months before I got pregnant (I wasn't even supposed to be able to have kids!)and we weren't sure how he would react to all the changes At lunch one day SS said "So how long after y'all get married will I get a brother?" We busted out laughing and told SS that it would be sooner than he thought and well it ended up being sooner than we all expected as DS was extremely early. He was really happy although I get the feeling what he expected having a little brother would be like and what it's actually like are two completely different things....
Aw. That's sweet. I'm the
Aw. That's sweet. I'm the oldest and I loved being a big sister, even if it was different than what I imagined.
I'm glad everything worked out, even with the early delivery.
Well, we didn't tell BM. None
Well, we didn't tell BM. None of her business.
We told SD7 during her spring break visit here. I was 11 weeks but we wanted to do it on an extendev visit & waiting until summer would be impossible (I'm pretty short/thin & I started poking out around 13 weeks).
We hid easter eggs around and numbered them 1-5. They had notes inside saying
"BABY! Congrats big sister"
She was really excited. I think she told BM on the phone which is fine, idc. BM never said anything to me, but I don't speak to her & haven't for a year lol. Idc what she says, she's so irrelevent to my life. She did throw several temper tantrums over other things right after, so I know it killed her on the inside. BM & DH never married & really didn't datae, she had a baby by his best friend after SD & tried to tell SD that this man was her 'real daddy' etc etc. That dude left for 2 years, came back for his son but still doesn't want BM. She's single & lonely & poor. & DH is happy & thriving. It kills her. & I laugh.
CONGRATS! enjoy it & don't worry about BM or anything like that.
I personally don't card what
I personally don't card what BM thinks or feels, but I know that SD sure does. Sometimes it helps to get the surprise out of the way so she is in a better mood with SD. At 12 SD cares very much what her mom thinks.
You've got to be around 24 weeks? Are you going to find out the gender?
We had an ultrasound
We had an ultrasound picture... one that pretty much looked like a blob. They kind of stared at it for a few minutes trying to figure it out and then they guessed. They were like 8 & 9 at the time. We did not tell BM.. none of her business.