Well slap my ass and call me a dirty little wicked SM
The boys were playing tag inside of the house after I had asked them to stop. They ignored me and started running around my legs. My 7 year old SS ordered me to stop yelling and leave him alone. My five year old SS ran into the entertainment center almost knocking into the TV. I called them both into my room and told them because they do not want to behave they will be going to jail. Their little faces were like :jawdrop: . They protested. But they got locked up anyways. 30 minutes to life of hard time.
I got the idea from a parenting website but I tweaked it a bit. I made them put on orange t-shirts and walk with their hands behind their backs. At first they thought it was a joke. On each side of the kitchen sat a big square box with nothing inside of it but a book. They had to sit in their facing towards the wall not each other and practice reading for 30 minutes. I told them in jail you don't get anything fun. Your lucky to get a book. So they sat there quietly what a shocker. A few minutes later they got served lunch. A piece of bread some water and a cup of raisins. They were like oh heck no! No juice, No yummy snack! Nope sorry kidos your in jail. My husband came home about 10 minutes into their jail time and laughed at me. 15 minutes later they were released from jail time served.
They where actually well behaved the rest of the day. SO I'm chalking that up to SM win! yaaaaay. stepkids 1002/stepmon 1 and counting.
About an hour latter baby monster wakes up whaling like a siren. I picked him up and asked him if he wanted to go to jail. He stopped crying for .2 seconds to look at me like witch please!
- officallyinsane's blog
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I slap your ass! Sounds like your plan worked. Pretty funny. Have to get creative to raise kids. But, yeah....not going to work with a baby.
Now that is a parenting win,
Now that is a parenting win, especially since your H backed you up. Good job.
No one said anything about
No one said anything about step kids. She was punishing kids. You need to read better my dear.
I find it harder to punish my step daughter then my bio kids. What a odd blanket statement to make.
Okay. Well no where did she
Okay. Well no where did she mention physically punishing the skids which is all you mentioned in your comment.
Completely unrelated and irrelevant.
The kids were punished wonderfully IMO. No one was abused. And their punishment was spent reading and expanding their minds rather than sitting in a corner doing nothing.
It's also a little bit of reality. You don't follow the rules in the outside world, this is what happens to you.
Who in eff takes pleasure in
Who in eff takes pleasure in punishing little kids? No one, that's who.
She took delight in the fact her NON-VIOLENT punishment worked and her H backed her up.
God forbid the tv fell on one
God forbid the tv fell on one of them or someone got seriously hurt.
Then it would be Smoms fault for not taking action.
And here we go. No. Many
And here we go. No. Many teachers can't spank kids because the PARENTS don't approve of it. And she NEVER TOUCHED THE KIDS! And if her DH had an issue with it I'm SURE he would have spoken up
I am a sm and a bio mom. I am
I am a sm and a bio mom. I am stricter than my ex or dh. And I am a hot WOMAN. Not a man.
I get the impression you just don't like step moms.
I did not get a "I love messing with my step kids" from the post. I got I am a creative stepmom with discipline. Kids probably thought it was kinda cool.
lay off.
Ohhhhhhhh....ok. Makes more
Ohhhhhhhh....ok. Makes more sense. What a bitter woman. Haha....worse way to live.
LMAO!! That is bloody
LMAO!! That is bloody amazing!! Way to go!! Now watch and see those brats attitude change.. they will know not to stuff around with you anymore!
Think this is one awesome lesson for all disney dads/moms out there! woo hoo!
Would make sense to read the
Would make sense to read the content.
I like the title. Maybe instead of reading into it as her taking "pleasure" in "punishing" the boys, it could be taken as her taking pleasure in her punishment working despite if the boys liked it or not. She sounds like a proud smom who used to non violent or harmful way to punish the boys AFTER they repeatedly didn't listen to her requests.
I doubt the boys enjoyed it. So what. >:) they aren't supposed to.
I'm sure that during the time of their punishment, they felt dislike for SM.
I read it more as, "hate me all you want. Call me wicked. Don't follow the rules, you pay the price. Ha"
Nothing wrong with that to me. Seems like they deserved it. And it worked in the end so hopefully they learned something.
I didn't think you were
I didn't think you were disagreeing.
I saw where you were coming from.
Nor was a fussing
Just stated how I took the title.
Oh FFS Sueu2 - really??
Oh FFS Sueu2 - really?? REALLY??
How about in the future, you and HRNYC list which blogs the members should support and which ones we shouldn't based on how the two of you interpret the title and blog?
I await your permission to read and respond with bated breath.
I love those. My mom zip tied
I love those. My mom zip tied two of my sister's hands together for a whole day. Them two were always fighting.
They had to work together all day to get things done. Go to the bathroom, eat, etc.
They were so angry at my mother. But they remember that day today and laugh about it.
I found the title to be
I found the title to be humorous. I have introduced myself to SD13 friends with "Hi, my name is ......I am SD evil stepmother. It breaks the ice and its funny.
Gotta have a sense of humor in life.
I think this is great! If
I think this is great! If this is the worst discipline the kids will ever experience (sitting, reading, being fed), they're pretty friggin lucky.
I guess you will not be
I guess you will not be appreciative of the big ol' Costco box of Raisin Bran in my pantry? LOL!
Only if they are put in
Only if they are put in oatmeal cookies.
Oppypookins, that was a brilliant idea and I may just steal it.
Oh the horror!
Oh the horror!
Lol...my bs and SD had to eat
Lol...my bs and SD had to eat broccoli with dinner...sd would LOVED To change it for raisins...even risky Halloween raisins. Hahahahaha
I think what you did was
I think what you did was good. It wasn't mean but it got the point across.