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She worked at Hooters ~ not such a good title

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

These past couple of days I have learned a lot.

That BM used to work in Hooter ~ I guess after bikini model n lingerie model ~ hooters was your next big career move there Tinkerdouche. It also speaks volumes that her beauty is what she worked ~ soon beauty dries up !!

After long conversations ~ learned that BM was never really around SD n my DF was SD's primary caregiver until SD reached adulthood. Her career was more important than her own kid. DF did all he could to know be shit on my his Darling Daughter !!! SD has apparently chose to ruin my DF's creditability with lies but the people listening are second guessing her honesty.

You ever get that feeling like you feel like people don't believe you or care. We'll my eyes have been opened wide ~ I am not crazy ~ I am seeing what I am seeing. It's a weird feeling but it's a good feeling.

Word out is that she will not change she has formed who she is going to be n that's it. No ~ she will grow out of this phase n she will see the light.

I have been assured that what I am doing ~ is all that I can do. It's not my issue. I was also told ~ that you went above n beyond what many people would have done. So now they are aware of what my true intentions were the whole time n that I truly do love him.

Amazing it took this long ~ but it is satisfying know I did do the right thing n outside people saw.


Sunflower1's picture

I don't know...I was a hooters girl once upon a time. I made really wonderful money as a server for a number of years. I'm with aswag, she's employed, that's really not something to bitch about KWIM?

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Oh not bitching about it ! My point is that she is a complete n utter narcassist ~ you know those ones who use their looks to get far but soon after she shows you are true colors. She masked her evil ways behind her body. Plz I get she made good money ~ I will always say she is a beautiful woman but it's only skin deep.

hereiam's picture

She worked at Hooters


I guess I don't understand what working at Hooters explains. Except that she worked and that she has hooters.

Tones Of Home's picture

I worked at Hooters. It paid for my college. I think people who look down on people who work at Hooters are hypocrites. Hooters girls wear clothes and have standards of conduct. Unless you have never worn a bathing suit in public or a top that showed cleavage you are a hypocrite. But that is just my opinion.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Words that were not included in my original post !!!

She made good money I get that !!

If you have ever read up on narcissists ~ they use their looks to appeal to people. She is a beautiful woman ~ she was a lingerie model. I will never say she isn't beautiful.

My point is ~ I could see that she was a narcassist a mile away n now it makes sense. She used her assets to get what she wanted. How many of us know really pretty people ~ that have the ugliest personality ever.

I was not mocking her employment as a negative ~ the complete opposite.

Tones Of Home's picture

Sorry if I cane off as rude, it is a touchy subject lol. I get your point though. Hell, I know some not-so-pretty women that are extremely narcissistic. They may not have looks, but they have "assets and talents" if you catch my drift, and are not above using them to get what they want. To me, a woman who will use her looks or body to get what they want is not much above the level of a prostitute, you're still trading sex for one thing or another- it just may not be cash.

Disneyfan's picture

Everyone uses their assets(looks, talents, intelligence...) to get what they want. She used hers in a postive way~working ~which is a good thing. Some use their assests in a negative way~using and/or taking advantage of people.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Oh how right you are but .... Watch n see the manipulator will get ya. She is the master of manipulation ~ a true spin doctor. A peerant instead of a parent. A drinking buddy.

Would you abandon your children n move to another state n leave your kid to live with your kids bf so you could move in with your bf. ??? Ummm as a mother ~ I can answer that NO I wouldn't.

Disneyfan's picture

Plenty of men leave their kids with a BMs and move away with a new wife or girlfriend. Why is it ok for a father to do this, but not a mother?

She may be a bad mother. But that doesn't diminish the fact she worked. Using your looks to earn a honest dollar is better than using them to get hand outs.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

So you would be ok with your 17 yo kid living with her Boyfriends family ???

Never said she DIDNT work ~

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Lol ~ I feel like I needed to change it ~ cause it lost its meaning of my post.

Feeling like people think I am attacking her for being a hooters girl ~ n I am not.

Sunflower1's picture

As stated previously, I worked at hooters. I also modeled for a number of years. Still do an occasional print ad. According to your logic I would be narsissistic because I used my looks to make money. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you sound way too hung up on BMs looks.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

OMG ~ I believe I said in every response that BM is a beautiful woman. I am not hung up on her looks ~ if you have ever read other posts you would have got my humor.

I don't know you at ALL ~ would you leave your 17 yo to go live with your new bf n leave her at her 17 yo boyfriends house to finish the school year. That's just messed up. BM n her bf got a new place so it wasn't like she was going to lmove in his house. BM up n left SD .... In another state mind you ! SD n DF were estranged at the time n so he was never told. BM couldn't have waited until she graduated from hs ???

I guess you don't have to deal with a narcassist ( lucky you !! ) or you would understand what I was saying.

Rutherford ~~~~~ help !!!

Sunflower1's picture

My ex husband likely was a narcissist. I dated a man I'm positive was one following my divorce (according to my therapist they can spot someone who has been conditioned a mile away). Neither where terribly hung up on their looks, they were however very interested in preserving their false selves for the outside work, enjoyed playing terrible games with their supply sources and, at least for the man I dated after my divorce gaslighted-and not just emotional gaslighting. He would throw my clothes away or hid/move my belongings. My understanding of narcissism after years of dealing with it first hand and getting therapy to help me get past it, is not of someone who using their looks to make some money. It's not even someone who is selfish, although both of those things can be present. It's someone with such a fragile ego that they create a fake persona for themselves and make sure they have people who love them around so they can suck those persons emotional energy-especially the energy they help create with their crazy making. What you've described to me is an irresponsible mother., a really horrible mother. I'll give you that, but please spare me the "you don't agree with me, you must NEVER have experianced this" thing, hurumph, and flounce off. As you stated, I don't know you any more than you know me. I'm just pointing out, given my past experiance (which are different than yours) that you sound hung up on BMs looks. She sounds like an asshole. Sorry you have to deal with that, the dealing becomes easier when you don't give them the head space.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Spare me ???

Have you dealt w my BM ??? From your response no you haven't. There are numerous characteristics of a narcassist ~ mine are not the ones you are talking about.

I don't know why you feel like I am attacking you cause I have never said anything to you. I am not going to debate my belief of a narcassist with you. I have read a lot about it ~ my BM fits some characteristics I watch her actions.

Bm is kinda like a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Sunflower1's picture

Beg your pardon, I wasn't debating nor feel attacked. Just giving you some advice, that you don't care for and that's ok. It's the beauty of this board. Best of luck in your dealings with BM.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Sunflower ~

Cool ~ I am glad we both feel the same way.

I am always willing to here the other side ~ cause that's how people learn. I always take into consideration two sides to all things n some times I hear something I never thought of. I appreciate everyone's opinion I do. It is the beauty of this board.

I posted my thoughts in hast for people who know my deal n I can see where you thought I was being pigheaded ~ my title was to drag humor.

kathc's picture

I'd love if bm was attractive and worked at hooters. First, yeah like everyone else said she works. A lot don't. And if she's attractive the skids much not be ugly, right? You want to wake up to a skid who looks like a pig staring at you? Because your dh felt the need to pork a hideously ugly bar whore? Sorry, I'd trade with you in a hot minute.