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O/T - cranky pregnant woman

QueenBeau's picture

I'm over being pregnant. Not because I'm waddling around, not because my skin feels like it could rip at any moment. Not because I have uncomfortable braxton hicks like every single night. Because of people around me.

I get to work & can't make it 5 mins before i get the question of the day - "How are you feeling???" "That baby isn't here yet??!" (I'm only 38 weeks, so no, he isn't). "When's your next doctors appointment?" "When's your due date again?" "You guys have everything ready?"

It's like a f'n interrogation every damn day mutliple times a day. I started just putting my headphones in.

Yesterday I had a phone call from my cousin. I love her & always looked up to her as a kid, but we only talk a couple times a year. She called Sunday & left a VM saying she just wanted to check on me. I just could NOT handle answering those same questions again, so I didn't call back. She called again yesterday & I was napping. I guess she got worried so she called my mom, who then called me (TWO CALLS during my nap time). Then, after I'm dosing back off, my mom text me - saying she knew I was probably just sleeping. DUDE THEN LEAVE ME ALONE.

I can't sleep through the night anymore. So my nap time is a big part of me being able to function the next day.

I know people mean well, but leave me alone.

I feel gross & naked the way people look at me & tell me how big I've gotten etc etc. It's like a zoo animal. I literally feel like going away to hide in my room & not leaving again. Sunday night I wanted to cry at the thought of coming into work. I just want everyone to leave me alone. Quit asking me questions, quit staring at me, quit commenting on the size of my bump, quit asking to touch me. I'm not an exibit.

-sigh- I can't wait for this to be over. Shame I can't enjoy my pregnancy because people are so crazy.


QueenBeau's picture

That's the thing, I don't hate being pregnant. I just hate people wanting to talk to me about it every 5 seconds.

& if I was 41 weeks pregnant & people asked if I was ok? understandable. Care, but don't comment on my size, dont' make jokes about my delivery, don't ask about my cervix or mucous plug, & don't ask me 3 or 4 times a day "how are you feeling?" Honey, I feel pregnant. 38 weeks pregnant. I still have time before labor. Buzz off.

QueenBeau's picture

bet money she hates all of you right now, lol.

I mean you can be ok with that, she'll be over it by the time her maternity leave is over.

fakemommy's picture

I felt the same, even about the how are you feeling. Hated it. Don't worry after the baby comes everyone wants to know how well they are sleeping, how you are sleeping, if you are breastfeeding, how that is going, blah blah blah. Annoying. Then they turn 1 and it is when are you going to have another?

QueenBeau's picture

I know all this. I just feel I wouldn't be so annoyed if people didn't constantly remind me that I'm a huge planet, look like I'm 'about to pop' (very few first time moms are ready to pop at 38 weeks like wth) & keep asking "oh you're still here?"

I'm over here thinking "well, do you still see me here?"

Next time someone asks me "So the baby isn't here yet?" I'm going to say "oh, yeah he is" & walk away.

I want people to leave me alone. Commenting on someones size is not cool, pregnant or not. It's just bad taste. & weird. I feel weird with everyone looking at my body. Go away. I work in my own cube. People go out of their way to come & bother me. Like, GO AWAY. lol

SecondGeneration's picture

"I hope your water doesn't break during XYZ" "Let me know if I have to call 911 to you" *Inser inappropriate and annoying belly rub from random person*

I saw this happen on my way to work yesterday, very pregnant lady and some random older woman, it was one of those if looks could kill moments. But seriously, what is it with strangers going up and feeling someones baby bump?!

and bless you Queen, you are nearly there

QueenBeau's picture

EXACTLY it's like "oh you have a baby bump? That's valid reason for me to sexually assault you."

QueenBeau's picture

I also, fyi - HATE the "you may go to 42 weeks, & need induced" talk. Yes, a lot of things may happen. I may get induced, be in labor 30 hours then need a c-section. Hell, I may die. The baby may die.

Why do people want to tell me that???! Like, if I got pregnant & go to a doctor, I'm sure I know all these things.

Stepintime0111's picture

I'm sick of being pregnant too and I'm only 29 weeks! I actually went a week early with my first, so you could be almost there! I've got to say everything is irritating me now. You're in the homestretch now though! Just be ready for more questions once the baby is here. I got so sick of people asking me how he was sleeping. He's not! Thanks!

QueenBeau's picture

LOL yes but once the baby is here, I don't have to work for 12 weeks. & I sure won't be answering my phone. So I only have to talk to people when I want to. I have to go to work now, so it's hard.

QueenBeau's picture

No, only one person has done that - my husband's elderly aunt. She apologized later. We are having the first boy in the family in our generation, the name was going to die out so she was all excited. I was annoyed but forgave her.

Now a stranger? I would have been like WTF is wrong with you. Lol

QueenBeau's picture

The worst is the look people give when you say "no"

Like, I feel like my skin is about to rip in two it's stretched so far. No I don't want to be groped by you, stranger.

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol there's a girl here i'm very good friends with, who had a baby a few wks ago. when she first let on that she was expecting, this one very annoying coworker would always say "HEY PREGGOOOOO!!!!" every time she saw her.... nails on chalkboard. thank god i fired her ass, that was irritating as hell, and my poor friend would cringe every time she heard it.

of course, that didnt keep me from doing it to her, tongue in cheek }:)'s picture

I was huge, literally ginormous with my first 11 years ago. 2 1/2 times the amniotic fluid so Everything on me was big, swollen and full of water. Theres nothing worse then people staring at you and asking if you are having triplets bc you are so big, and when are you due, and "You look like you are going to POP" I think it's rude, people forget how much your body goes through being pregnant and I'm convinced the "older" ladies forget how big they actually were and how they felt.

I'm 24 weeks with my 2nd, I don't feel huge, I have a long ways to go. I think I look pretty good, gained normal amount of pregnancy weight so far and I think I'm doing good but this 1 coworker I only see twice a week (Thank God) tells me every time I see her How big I am, how I'm going to have such a BIG baby etc. I saw her 24 hours later the next morning and she went on and on about how I got even BIGGER. In one fucking day? Get a life. Saw her this morning, Wow, you are getting bigger and BIGGER..............SHUT THE F@#$ UP!!!!!!! Seriously, I'm growing a baby wtf do you think is going to happen. She's had 4 kids....4 and she's not small. Why do people have to say shit like that? WHY???!!!!!!

So, so, so freaking irritating. I'm going to end up saying something bc its really getting to me.

QueenBeau's picture

I only have so much politeness left before I say something. Like if someone was getting fat it would be rude to tell them every other week how BIG they were, right? Why is it any different for a pregnant woman?

I have actually had people ask how much weight I've gained. WTF? Is that not rude as f*ck?'s picture

Seriously! It almost slipped out the first time she said and I wanted to say "You too"........... Exactly this is temporary, bitch you are just fat! But then I would be the A hole. Annoying.....I either don't respond or i'm like Yup......

QueenBeau's picture

Yeah & it's like when you are silent they look at you like "what's wrong?"

What is my response supposed to be at you gawking over how large I am? LOL

z3girl's picture

I hate that more than anything! The "Oh, are you SURE you're only having one??" Grrr.

I'm 28 weeks pregnant with Baby #3, and this pregnancy has been the WORST! My second came 2 weeks early, so I'm already terrified of going into labor while DH is at work, 2 hours away! I have no family, so I'm freaking out. I have months to keep anxiety!!

Teas83's picture

I hated being pregnant the entire time. It got worse towards the end because of how uncomfortable I was.

Best of luck to you!

QueenBeau's picture

Omg I can't wait to lay on my stomach again, or my back, or any position other than my left side on a pregnancy pillow.