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Jimmy Kimmel - Halloween Candy Prank

Ljcapp1's picture

Ok - I think Jimmy is hilarious, but this candy prank is effing mean....I hate it!

My Sd23 posted a video of GS5 where she tried this...It was painful Sad She told him she ate all his candy and he hit her with a pillow and started bawling, and sobbing...Then he ran to the couch and hid his face for like 3 minutes all the while she's asking him "are you crying?" WTF!!!?

I find no humor in this, am I on my own here...?


zerostepdrama's picture


I thought the kids that were sweet about it, like "its okay" or "you are going to get a bellyache" were so sweet and cute. The kids that cursed, threw stuff, acted like an idiot- I would be so embarrassed to show that.

I think its funny... as long as the parents tell the kids the truth right away. Kids are resilant. It's not like they just told them the family pet died and its like Ha Ha just kidding.

KiFire's picture

I find it funny/weird that parents are willing to let people see their kids act like assholes. I DO find it funny when it's slightly older kids who have the right personality, like the kid who kept going "it's fine, just..fine." I don't find it funny when it's a super sweet kid who just breaks down crying. If it was a compilation of 8-11 yr old kids just accepting it or being a little sassy I would laugh, but the littles leave me feeling a little mean.

Know your kid, I wouldn't be able to do this to BS, he would just crumple and cry. He wouldn't come out with anger or something shocking, he would just tear up and walk away to cry.

Ljcapp1's picture

Ki that's what happened...He was so sweet and said "can I have some of my candy for dessert?" And then the BS trick started...It was so sad Sad
Taking a video of your kid sobbing is NOT funny.

I'm proud of my DH though,. He called SD and told her to take that video down. He said it's mean, and Not at all funny - he was so upset over it, I thought he was going to cry...