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spoiled step son

EFlores90's picture

Hi everyone I am new on here and I really need to speak to someone who may be in my position. I hav been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now and we are planning on getting married. I love him very much and his family but he has a 8 year old son. He is very sweet and a good boy but extremely spoiled!! It annoys me so much how much they let slide with this kid. No one tells him no. He has every thing. He does not even appreciate the gifts people give him and has an understanding of how much things cost! thats how spoiled he is. Luckily he tells me he loves me and is sweet to me but honestly…. I have no kids, I am 25 years old. I don't know how to be a mom. I don't want to act like his mom either…


EFlores90's picture

thank you so much for replying! I really appreciate it! I just get so annoyed how my bf buys him all this crap and I feel like he feels as if the more expensive the gift the better? I feel its his way to compensate for not spending very much time with him. To top it off and make me seem like an even worse person… I get a little jealous when he takes him shopping because he tells him get whatever you want no matter the price and I wish he would take me on shopping sprees like that. Terrible and childish know. I just don't want his son to get older and start to resent me for not being nicer to him something.

EFlores90's picture

I have not talked to him about any of this, I have never said anything negative about his son. Im scared. Sometimes when we house sit his parents house (his parents leave town often because they have race horses, and the horses left behind need to be feed) his son always sleeps in the same bed with us. Keep in mind he has his own room! I hate that! His son is 8 years old, why the hell does he need to sleep in the bed with us?!

notplayin's picture

Well you definitely need to be an "adult" figure in the childs life, not a Mom, not a friend. I assume he already has a Mom? If he's entitled now it will only get worse as he gets older and the "toys" get much more costly... Blended families are the most difficult relationships out there.... Good Luck!!

EFlores90's picture

you wouldn't marry him? I still want to marry him. He is so amazing to me and my family he is perfect… almost perfect lol

EFlores90's picture

a fun aunt sounds great to me. Last christmas my BF wanted to buy his son a four wheeler. His son at the time did not even know how to ride a bike with out the training wheels. I told him are you serious? that would be so dangerous! wait a few years and luckily he did not buy it for him. But can you imagine?