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BD's bday

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Today is BD's 3rd birthday, but we celebrated yesterday.

We always have parties at my parent's house because it's so much larger than our house. My mom has been on prednisone for weeks due to some weird lung inflammation so her immunity is low and can't be around anyone that's sick. This is the first time she's had anyone over in 2-3 months due to this.

All weekend long SD6 claimed to have a sore throat and a cough. This kid is constantly saying she's sick and it's obviously for attention. Her parent's buy into it and she's been on antibiotics several times already this cold and flu season.

So when it came time for the party and SD was told she was going to be dropped off because she can't around my mom while she's sick she made a miraculous recovery. FDH and I made a pretty big deal over this. Either she's been lying about being sick all weekend or she's lying about feeling better. FDH was pissed and lectured her about how hurt his feelings are that he can't believe his own daughter and doesn't know what the truth is either way.

It's been obvious to me for quite sometime that she does this. This isn't inclusive to a whole list of bad behaviors from lying about numerous things to stealing to just plain not listening. She thinks I'm mean, her babysitter is mean, and all the kids at school. At what point do you think even a parent with their whole head and neck in the sand will realize their kids bad behaviors as indicative of something deeper?

Not to mention the whole time BD was opening SD was trying to take over and trying to run off with things she wanted for herself... in front of a dozen people.

She's the type of child that just takes what she wants. No remorse or fear of consequences. After the lecture about stealing a couple of weeks ago, she still hasn't brought back the things she stole.


Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Believe me, that was definitely my opinion. It pisses me off to no end that I'm the bad guy in all this. I tried not to be and.told.FDH that as her parent, HE's best: SD's good time or possibly my mom's health. This is just an example of FDH'sshitty parenting skills. Idk if I can marry a man that is constantly bowing down to SD' wants and demands. There is never any consequences. All she has to do is shed a tear, and HE is apologizing to her and she's off the hook.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Yes I agree 100%. You cannot take any chances with your mother's health! Plus maybe this will teach SD a lesson about lying. My SD11 is always claiming to be sick to get attention. DH doesn't play into it luckily. But BM has taken her 3X in one month to the doctor's office for 'fake' illnesses. And then she doesn't take SS12 when he is sick and he ends up with pneumonia.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

You and the OP's are very right. I shouldn't have let him make decision; I knew what the choice was going to be. SD over anyone and everything. I'm guilty of going along. This isn't any reason, but I really didn't want to argue in front of kids. Especially, on what was supposed to be a good day and I know it would've ended up turning into a "you just hate my kid" argument. At this point, I'm having a hard time finding one decent quality in this kid. She's not even cute, she runs around screaming, she lies, steals, still has no clue how to share(snatchy in fact), extremely manipulative, mean and rude in general, and bossy.

FDH and I have remarkable relationship when SD isn't around. Too bad it's every weekend. No wonder I suddenly developed acne two years ago. There's no relaxation time for me. My sleeps effected. I've had nightmares for the past year. It used to be nightmares of SD pushing BD out in front of a car. Lately it's been nightmares of her pushing BD down the stairs with a smile on her face. I don't really think SD has it in her to do those things, but it appears my subconscious is even more stressed about SD than my conscious mind. My already anxious personality has been kicked over drive.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

On top of it all, her parent's let her off of school today and BM is taking her to the doctor out of "precaution". I hide certain toys BD just got because SD was eyeing them up and I don't trust her to not slip them into her bag. After, I told her "no, we are not opening everything" half a dozen times, she started badgering FDH about it in what she considers a whisper.

dogtac69's picture

A solution might be to let SD6 come and live with you. She needs good parenting skills from someone and apparently, she is not receiving them at her present address. A change with a structured environment might be good for her.

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

I completel agree. I would be completely miserable...for a time anyway until her ass is straightened out. BM would not allow this to happen without fight. Even though we have her every weekend and she shuffles her around from place to place during the week; she never truly has SD. She would never give up primary custody and we don't have the money for a custody battle. BM is a trust fund kid(so is SD now) so she has unlimited money.