Skids and food... What's the freaking deal??
Okay, So I know this has been discussed over and over here on STalk but what is the big deal with skids and food issues?
I sometimes think maybe with my Ss it has to do with how he's neglected at his moms and so he's seeking attention. I guess I think this because sometimes he likes certain foods, sometimes he doesn't. Ss loves quesadillas and pizza but if he sees cheese on his eggs he wigs out. Just this past weekend Dh made steak and potatoes-something Ss has eaten many times with us and liked and suddenly he said he didn't like it. He went so far as to dry heaving and forcing himself to throw up at the table... Like literally threw up on his plate. It was disgusting to say the least.
I just don't understand. The only other child I've met that has such food issues is my cousins son and that's because she made seperate meals for him until he was like 8 years old, so now the kid pretty much won't eat anything if it isn't pb&j or pizza. I mean, I get that some people have issues with food but why is it such an issue with Skids? What are your opinions?
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I completely understand! SD6
I completely understand! SD6 is very picky! I don't expect her to eat like me...(I have a vegetarian diet and eat things kids don't often like, like tofu, soy patties, humus, etc) but i can't believe a kid who you practically have to beg to eat a grilled cheese sandwich. What is up with that??
Right?? My Ss will eat a
Right?? My Ss will eat a grilled cheese but he can't seem to handle a regular sandwich-like with turkey/cheese/lettuce. We bought subway for dinner once and he cried (like literally cried) because the sub was too big for his mouth and he didn't want to eat it. It boggle my mind.
My sister will only eat
My sister will only eat melted cheese (pizza, mac & cheese...) but will not touch a a cold sandwich with a slice ot cheese on it.
I love chocolate and peanut butter. However, I hate anything cooked with peanut butter(peanut butter cookies :sick: ). I also can't stand chocolate and peanut butter together (Reese cups :sick: ).
I love raw carrots, but you can't pay me to eat them cooked. Boiled potatoes are awful, (but I love potato salad :? ) mashed are OK with tons of gravey, baked,roasted and fried are fine.
By the way...incredibly gross
By the way...incredibly gross that he threw up on the table.
SD6 will eat if she has to...but some of the things she says she doesn't like are very surprising....
Yeah, it was ridiculous. Dh
Yeah, it was ridiculous. Dh took all his presents from his room and told him if he couldn't conduct himself like a big boy, he couldn't keep his presents. The deal was, Dh didn't want to hear anything about food for the rest of the weekend and if he conducted himself like a big boy, he'd get everything back. You'd be surprised how willing Ss was to eat all his food. We even attended a BBQ on Saturday and Ss ate the chicken wings he was served. He tried taking a small bite and saying he was full (he hadn't eaten in a while so there is no way he was full) . I looked at SS and said "You're not full Ss, You haven't eaten. If you choose not to eat that's fine but you still have your xmas situation going on at home, so you can choose what you'd like to do." ... He wolfed his food down with a smile. SDs aren't SDs aren't picky..they eat anything that won't eat them first. But the issue lies with the fact that since I don't cook big huge fancy meals like their BM, they complain about it to everyone and anyone. Going as far as lying and telling people I'll go a week without cooking. They have nothing better to do than complain about food..when there's tons of people..even small kids..who are going hungry all over the world.
Oh yeah he got a reaction. He
Oh yeah he got a reaction. He tried acting Sickly and Dh got up and told him he was removing his Xmas presents from his room because if his behavior. Suddenly Ss jumped up and was like "no! no! no!" and ran to his room. He's a very slow mover and that's the quickest I ever seen him move. Dh took his presents and he had to earn them back over the weekend.
I've heard that it's a control issue too... Why do you think kids do this?
I like your advise about how to treat this. We will try this. Thank you.
That makes sense. Bm has
That makes sense. Bm has always fed Ss whatever he wants however I know they have been having issues at their house lately. From what Ss has been telling us, I guess Bm's fiance is forcing Ss to eat whatever they are eating. Maybe that's why he's getting so bad again at our house? He was doing pretty good for a long time with food but suddenly he's regressed.
You're absolutely right about creating adults with unrealistic expectations.
Try Catalan "pa amb tomata"
Try Catalan "pa amb tomata" (bread and tomato) with "pernil salat" (a type of dry-cured salty ham)... Yum. Best Food Ever.
White wines that are
White wines that are sweet(er): Gewürztraminer; Riesling; Spätlese; Ausles; Moscato; and Pinot Grigio-- is middle of the road.
If you do not like a Chardonnay (my fav), you may try a Viognier. It is considered dry, but it is sweeter than a Chard--try one from Australia.
champagne or sparkling wines; Prosecco is my favorite. There is a Brut Rose that is middle of the road. Of course, Asti is very sweet.
Different regions produce different grapes. I find that South American wines are stronger than US West Coast or even Australia. (I like South American Wines.)
picky eaters are made, not
picky eaters are made, not born
I totally agree!! Per DH, the skids USED to eat all kids of veggies and other things. But that was almost 9 years ago when the little gems (bio and skid alike) were 12, 9, 6, and 3. After 9 years of BioMonster's idea of a healthy meal (french fries or potato chips go with EVERYTHING), they are horribly picky. It's all prepackaged or from the drive-thru. 9 years of pizza, hot dogs, and fast food. Donuts and POP for breakfast (milk is too FATTY?!?!). Junk food for lunch. Junk food for dinner. Chips and snack cakes and store-bought cookies and pop pop pop in between meals All.Day.Long. DH has to literally stand there and serve PrincASS15 and S12 to make sure they have vegetables on their plates. You know those weird things crazy people eat: carrots, corn, broccoli... Then DH has to watch to make sure they EAT the veggies and not be thrown out. He also makes them take MORE veggies whenever they want seconds. DH makes them drink milk for breakfast. Oh, DH is a horrible, HORRIBLE man.
Slightly off topic but I am
Slightly off topic but I am really having problems with DD19months - she refuses to try any and all fruit and vegetables. I've tried raw, cooked, purée, mixed, just one type... So far I've managed to get her to eat a few bites of raw apple and carrot and a little watermelon. And that's it
She won't drink juices either (or anything else other than water and milk).
She's too young to understand the "nothing until tomorrow" route and I'd really like to get her eating these things sooner rather than later.
Paediatrician just said "don't worry, as long as you eat these things in the home and keep offering them to her, she will eventually try them out of curiosity if nothing else.Don't forcé the issue at the moment, it will create more problems than it solves". Anyone got any suggestions??? I don't want a picky eater on my hands when she's older!