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Someone please poke my eyes out..RIGHT NOW!!

meghuneyntyson's picture

OMG. I am sitting here on my couch trying to look over some materials for some upcoming classes I am taking online.

SS6 will NOT shut the f%$^ up. He stayed the night at his grandma's last night and was not given his medication this morning. He came back here a few hours ago and its the usual NON STOP ADHD loud, crazy sounds, nonstop moving and its just so loud.

I tried putting earplugs in. Didn't work. His father is sitting here every so often telling him to "shhhh" and "tone it down" but GEEEEZUS CHRIST! I honestly can not deal with him not on medication. I just can't. When he is on medication I can deal SO much better.

I just really needed to vent.


meghuneyntyson's picture

No maam. It's not normal. It's his ADHD in full effect as I know him when he IS on his meds.

meghuneyntyson's picture

Ok, isn't just talking. If it were just talking it would be fine. It's throwing peppermints up against the wall. Making crazy, loud noises. Putting dog food in his drink of water and then drinking it. After being told several times to calm down, he decided to try and do a backflip and knocked over a vase. Told him to sit down while we got a broom to clean it, he picked up the pieces and tried to arrange them in some design and cut his hands.

Perhaps I should have been more specific.

And if I left the room, then who knows what else he would be doing in here. His father is knee deep in writing up a report for work.

Disneyfan's picture

Why didn't dad take him to the park to play for a couple of hours. He could have tired him out a bit, then completed the report later. If that wasn't an option, why didn't he give him his meds?

meghuneyntyson's picture

He stayed at his grandmother's last night and the grandma forgot to give him his medication this morning. By the time we got him, it was too late unless we would like for him to be up all night.

Really, I just needed to vent. His father just brought him to the grandmother's again for the evening as we both have to be at work early in the morning and school is still out. He is going to call her in the morning to remind her to give him his meds this time.

twoviewpoints's picture

I don't know what meds SS's dr has chosen for SS, but most wear off after about 7-8ish hours. Even if the Gma had given SS his meds this morning, odds are they would not have been have made a difference this evening. What really (IMO) went wrong was SS was allowed to become too wired with unstructured time at his grandparents. Once the child is wired with his mind going 100mph per hour there isn't much you can do to settle kiddo down. A 1/2 a dose of his meds a few hours ago when he first got home would have very likely helped some and been enough to help SS do some self disciplining before he acted. But with DH and you basically too busy with homework to assist SS in shutting down, well, you got the evening you had.

SS is too keyed up now that he wasn't going to sleep much too soon tonight anyway. What the heck's up with the dog food in the water glass? That part of it was a mere cry for attention and help for Dad to put the books down and help him get it under control. Even though Gma forgot the meds this morning, your DH is very bit as responsible for this meltdown of this evening.

twoviewpoints's picture

If you mean the capsule with the little bitty grains of meds (for lack of a better word on my part, lol. I know there certainly is a better word)? Yes, for kiddos this young (OP's SS age 7yrs) sometimes the dr will suggest opening the gel cap and sprinkling the grains on something like applesauce. My DD was 5yrs when she started the Adderall caps and hers got opened onto a teaspoon of Hershey's syrup(yeah, I know, syrup? but only way kid would swallow it). When a prescription is limited to x amount for 30dy dose and wasting a pill getting it down means some days no pills left, getting it down was my priority not getting excited over the spoonful of food it took to do it.

I did consult with DD dr over the method and 1/2 doses used occasionally and dr was the one who suggested the opening the cap. Said it is why this type is usually the go to form for youngest children as it can be opened and disguised. Fortunately my DD was able to get off all ADHD meds her last year of grade school. But it was consistent working with her to learn self discipline and different ways to cope with the ADHD without the meds.

meghuneyntyson's picture

twoview, I wish I could agree that it's cries for attention but he does similar things at school. Not exactly that, obviously, but other things.

I agree that giving him half a dose would have helped when he first got home. But his father seems to just be oblivious. For example, for Christmas, he took SS6 5 hours away to visit family. He simply left SS6's medicine at home and they were gone for DAYS. I would have LOST MY MIND COMPLETELY. But his father just kind of tunes him out. I just can't. At one point I ended up leaving to go have sushi alone and read over some things.

I think I am going to attempt to have a conversation with his father soon about the half meds during times like these. My concern, however, is that I am going to be expected to just deal with it.

spackle's picture

I can sympathize. I am very sensitive to noise and I find it very hard to be around kids and other people who can't shut the f-- up.

meghuneyntyson's picture

Thank you, spackle. I have a BS9 who can be talkative at times. But there is a difference between random talking while playing a video game and constant, nonstop loud noises, throwing things, kicking things and asking people random questions every 3 minutes. I know it's just the ADHD unmedicated. I had him all day alone recently while he was on his regular meds and things were great. But tonight was just so over the top, his father (who is so used to it that it seems to just fly over his head)actually ended up getting annoyed and addressing it.

spackle's picture

At least he is medicated most of the time. SO and BM don't want to medicate their kid unfortunately.

mpc76's picture

Wow, this is my SS11, he is a complete goon, even on his ADHD meds, I'm sure I sound harsh but I actually have to make faces to myself behind his back and make comments to myself so I won't make them to him.... I dread seeing him walk thru the door, he NEVER STOPS TALKING AND talks in a baby voice half the time, most of what he says is senseless crap, I know rambling but we just had them for the holidays for a week and I'm over my tolerance limit and glad they went back to BM today!

mpc76's picture

My SS11 literally has the maturity of about a 7yr old. It's very embarrassing and drives me crazy. He breaks everyth in his path and has ZERO personal hygiene . Needed to vent again

twoviewpoints's picture

Sometimes when I read post like this one, I can't help but wonder if there is more going on with the child than ADHD on it's own. That or the kids some of you all have to deal with have extreme cases. I myself am a ADD child, two sons with ADD and DD with ADHD. I had one daughter who seems to have escaped both.

IDK, maybe because I'd lived with a form of ADD all my life (and long long before any drs gave it a name or even recognized this behavior of the mind existed). But sometimes I believe it takes someone with it who has lived it and really truly knows what it is like inside the mind to really understand what's it's like for the child. SO much of what I read here struck up to being a stereotyped ADD/ADHD I can't help but think there's more and/or a cause for the extreme behavior you all describe.

My DD is a straight A student, the teachers pet, is very likable and easy to get along with. She has many friends and acts and talks just as any of her peers do (probably better than a lot of them). She is a perfectionist when it comes to cleanliness and doing school projects. It took structure, consistency and teaching her self discipline but if you would meet her I'd never know the child has ADHD. Her one give away? She fiddles with her hands when she's bored. Drums pencil and taps her fingernails on the desk/table. Kinda like her own little band going on.

Oh well, I guess all kids are different. Even the ones who get titled into the same basket.

meghuneyntyson's picture

No, twoview...if you were to read my blog before this one, you would see that along with his teacher, psychiatrist and even his father agrees that something else is wrong.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I can sympathize. My SD15 has not stopped talking, gibbering, bellowing since the day I met her 3 years ago. Since so much of what she says is downright bullying, it is unpleasant in the extreme. And, yes, my dh has a magical tolerance for it all. I definitely sympathize.

DarkStar's picture

When SSthen6 left his meds at BMs during a scheduled visit, we all went out for breakfast and while we were waiting for a table, I sat with him on my lap, both arms and legs wrapped around him because he was totally wigging out and running into other people. And the noises!!! OMG the noises....beep/boop, waaaahhh, roooooooooo, wowwowowowowow, arrrrrrggghh!!!! Fortunately SO has a short leash with that stuff and gets him to knock it off.

So, I totally feel your pain.