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OT/Anyone heard of a lip tie?

msg1986's picture

So a few nights ago I was playing with Dd and I noticed when she smiled that her top teeth/gumline looked a little weird so I flipped her top lip up and I noticed that there is a piece of skin that runs from between her 2 top teeth to her gum line. I got concerned and started googling and I came across something called a "lip tie". The article I read made me tear up because the pictures I seen is exactly what Dd's looks like and it also went into detail about how children with lip ties have issues with breastfeeding and everything I read was what I went thru with Dd which ultimately forced me to stop breastfeeding after the first month. I still pumped but after the 1st month I just couldn't feed her from my actual breast anymore and it was really depressing for me.

Anyway, we're making her an appt to see her doctor but in the mean time I'm just curious if any of you mommas have ever heard of this and is it a big deal? Is it anything to be worried about?


msg1986's picture

I'm thinking Dd has the stage 4 tie because it's so low. Do you know if that usually causes speech issues? So far her speech doesn't seem affected so I'm wondering if we really need to do anything. Does your Dd have it?

What I read is that it's hereditary and I am pretty sure I had a pretty bad lip tie as well but when I was like 4 years old I had an accident where I remember falling and bleeding a ton from that spot and now when i look in the mirror it looks torn.

msg1986's picture

That I haven't checked yet but i'm not sure what to look for? Dh had tongue tie though and had to have surgery when he was in 7th grade because no one caught it...

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

My niece had this. It literally took five seconds to fix. Easy peasy.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

My niece had this. It literally took five seconds to fix. Easy peasy.

a_nessy_life's picture

Or the dentist may choose to overlook it. However, please consider having it snipped while she is so young.

I went to a dentist for ten years that only chastised me at every visit. Told me that my teeth were horrible and that my gums were bad. My company moved me to another state and the new dentist noted that this little attached tag of skin had been pulling my gums up away from my front teeth every single time I smiled. At thirty I had to have that little flap cut as well as my gums rebuilt.

Check her bottom lip also.

For the past fifteen years all I ever hear is how great my teeth and gums are. Really wish that I could remember that dentist's name from so long ago, I would give him a well deserved bad online review.