AND...The Skids weekend starts
I pick them up from school and the first thing I notice is that SS is wearing a dive shirt we got him in the Keys and it has mildew all over it. How did BM miss that.
Get home and SS has 12 missing homework assignments and a class project to do. Why can't BM make him sit down and do his homework.
Also, SO tells me earlier today that BM and new boy toy are getting married. Damn, Ive been hoping she would fine a responsible guy. Guess not.
Well, I guess I know what we are doing this weekend.
Blah, good thing I picked up a bottle of captain today.
- Ninji's blog
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Captain is a close friend of
Captain is a close friend of mine

He's in the third grade and I
He's in the third grade and I feel it's a parents responsibility to make sure their child is doing what they need to so they can be successful. And homeworkis one of those things.
May be she is going down the
May be she is going down the experience is the best teacher path. Sometimes allowing kids to have natural consequences is a good thing.
I dunno if I'd start letting
I dunno if I'd start letting him fail in the 3rd grade though. Consequences for not doing homework at that age should be "no TV" or something, not "you have to repeat 3rd grade". High school, for sure, I can see letting them fail and deal with the fallout of that, but in elementary school I'm with the OP - this is on the parent who's got the kid during the school week.
BM has never helped or cared
BM has never helped or cared about the kids school. She has two older kids from a different guy. The 17yr old lives with SO parents because she was sick of all the guys her mom was bringing home and her 15yr old isn't going to school anymore. He said he's home schooling himself now. :?