Had to check your profile to make sure you aren't my ex husbands new wife.... You just described my ex - using words I have actually thrown at him during an argument LMAO
apart from catering to his (ex)wife's constant need to be babied and taken care of; he refuses to stand up to her and prefers to just let her and the eldest 2 kids walk all over him and I'm the one that's wrong even after all the crap they incessantly pull.
They've been divorced 8 years. GET. OVER. IT. The only one he ever wants to stand up to or push down is me. I'm the enemy and have been for 7 years.
His kids always get top billing over ours even though 2 out of 3 have tried repeatedly to ruin our life, get us arrested, etc.
Everything I say gets twisted so that he's in control, in charge, or just generally on top and I'm supposed to feel meek and powerless- NOT something I'm capable of.
yes. he goes to work all day. Promise it's not a picnic every day staying home teaching kids and dealing with all their crap that is always exacerbated because H and I are in some state of aggravation at each other.
That's what the therapist was for- to help deal with some of this crap. So he told the guy what he wanted to hear, and now here we are again.
His elder kids are a nightmare. The youngest has figured it mostly out and isn't too much of a destructive force at this point.
But gods forbid I make one comment about something the little petals do wrong- then I'm a mean ol' bitch who just hates his kids. Honestly, yep. The elder two I can't stand and wish they'd just begone. But after 7 years of false police and CP reports and endless scheming to get their parents back together by hurting my kids or my family- all the while I'm constantly undermined...yep that's gonna happen.
This is the man that locked me out of the house at -40 with no shoes or anything else when I took his precious petal's tablet away.
So yeah, needed some vent time. Tactics are changing. It's not going to be pretty.
because a divorce would make it worse. He's a vindictive nasty sonofabitch. I watched what happened the first time round. I'm not gonna put my kids through that- also he'd probably go back to the crazy bitch and then my kids would be there too. I'd rather light myself on fire and jump into a tar pit. The level of unpleasantness NOW is a CAKEWALK compared to what it would be otherwise.
That's why. I know, it's an unpopular view. I'm not a people pleaser.
"This is the man that locked me out of the house at -40 with no shoes or anything else when I took his precious petal's tablet away."
What the actual fuck? (sorry if my language offends...) That is not someone who I would be wanting around my kids. That kind of "anger management" only gets worse.
Had to check your profile to
What has yours done to earn the dubious title?
apart from catering to his
apart from catering to his (ex)wife's constant need to be babied and taken care of; he refuses to stand up to her and prefers to just let her and the eldest 2 kids walk all over him and I'm the one that's wrong even after all the crap they incessantly pull.
They've been divorced 8 years. GET. OVER. IT. The only one he ever wants to stand up to or push down is me. I'm the enemy and have been for 7 years.
His kids always get top billing over ours even though 2 out of 3 have tried repeatedly to ruin our life, get us arrested, etc.
Everything I say gets twisted so that he's in control, in charge, or just generally on top and I'm supposed to feel meek and powerless- NOT something I'm capable of.
yes. he goes to work all day. Promise it's not a picnic every day staying home teaching kids and dealing with all their crap that is always exacerbated because H and I are in some state of aggravation at each other.
That's what the therapist was for- to help deal with some of this crap. So he told the guy what he wanted to hear, and now here we are again.
His elder kids are a nightmare. The youngest has figured it mostly out and isn't too much of a destructive force at this point.
But gods forbid I make one comment about something the little petals do wrong- then I'm a mean ol' bitch who just hates his kids. Honestly, yep. The elder two I can't stand and wish they'd just begone. But after 7 years of false police and CP reports and endless scheming to get their parents back together by hurting my kids or my family- all the while I'm constantly undermined...yep that's gonna happen.
This is the man that locked me out of the house at -40 with no shoes or anything else when I took his precious petal's tablet away.
So yeah, needed some vent time. Tactics are changing. It's not going to be pretty.
Why do you stay?
Why do you stay?
because a divorce would make
because a divorce would make it worse. He's a vindictive nasty sonofabitch. I watched what happened the first time round. I'm not gonna put my kids through that- also he'd probably go back to the crazy bitch and then my kids would be there too. I'd rather light myself on fire and jump into a tar pit. The level of unpleasantness NOW is a CAKEWALK compared to what it would be otherwise.
That's why. I know, it's an unpopular view. I'm not a people pleaser.
"This is the man that locked
"This is the man that locked me out of the house at -40 with no shoes or anything else when I took his precious petal's tablet away."
What the actual fuck? (sorry if my language offends...) That is not someone who I would be wanting around my kids. That kind of "anger management" only gets worse.
I'm really, really sorry.
I'm really, really sorry. Feeling like you have no option, no way out of such an abusive situation must be hell. *Hugs*