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Help or no?

Betrayd's picture

Sorry for another quick post but I need input. So SS18 is flunking and snuck out with a girl despite being grounded for grades. Do I continue to help him learn to drive or do I say sorry, nope? BM NEVER TAUGHT HIM! Even though he's leaving in June I feel like he needs those skills. Am I wrong for wanting to help?


hereiam's picture

You are not wrong for wanting to help but if he's not responsible enough to pass high school, maybe he's not responsible to be driving yet.

I would not continue to teach him until he steps up and shows some responsibility and some respect.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

I am not sure that grounding an 18yo is going to work so well. What is your DH's position on all of this?
I would let dad deal with discipline, and reschedule driving lessons for later if need be.

Sparklelady's picture

Agree. You THINK you're helping him by being involved. You're not. You are enabling him, just like his parents must have done for him to be 18 and still struggling - from what I've gathered quickly. He must choose to do these things for himself, and being an adult means taking responsibility for his school work (soon enough it'll be a job). Please step away, but clearly tell him why. He has to learn to do his part, in this case school, just like learning to make his own food and do his own laundry. These are the basic skills of a productive member of society. If he chooses not to, it is his choice, but you won't teach him anything if there are no consequences.

fedupstep's picture

Hell to the no...he is more than old enough to understand that if he doesn't do what he's supposed to do, you don't either. THAT is also a life lesson. If he asks, assist him into looking into driving lessons that HE pays for.