"Perfession is the ganja"
As quoted by SS16 on his Instagram page. I was feeling a bit stupid because I wasn't sure what the meaning of "perfession" or "Ganja" was so I looked them up and I couldn't find the word "perfession" and "ganja" is another word for marijuana.
So hmmmm is "perfession" the doper/soon to be drop out way of spelling perversion? perfusion? profession? procession? what? Maybe I need some ganja to decipher this cryptic message? Thankfully his Instagram is on lock down so all I can see is his scholarly quote and his profile picture of him smoking some of his beloved ganja. I suspect I'd probably be upchucking my breakfast if I could see ALL his pictures, so thank God for small favors.
At any rate, BM2 and DH must be ever so proud of SS16 and all of these wonderful things that he has accomplished already in his life! Let's all light a doobie and celebrate!
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OHHHHH Perfection!!! maybe?
OHHHHH Perfection!!! maybe? you must have been smoking the reefer for breakfast
apparently I need to gets me some of that so I can understand this lingo 
Oi! I'd probably have a
Oi! I'd probably have a heart attack if I ever drank an energy drink! I can't tell you the last time I had caffeine (besides in chocolate) it makes me feel all anxious and stupid so I haven't drank it in years!
BM2 says he's a "normal
BM2 says he's a "normal teenager". DH holds out this hope that he can talk some sense into him. Well, this being a pothead and bragging/advertising shit has been going on for at least 3 years now, so I don't think the "chats" are working.
I suspect it won't be long before SS16 tires of the ganja and moves on to something more special (if he hasn't already) I also suspect that he will be dropping out of school in the very near future and that it will be kept a secret from DH... but none of these fools should ever underestimate my power to find shit out, I WILL find out
I'm assuming that he's going
I'm assuming that he's going to make pot his profession?!?! Either way..wow..
Ha Ha.. no still got his
Ha Ha.. no still got his teeth for now.. just got his braces off like 6 months ago according to MIL who ran into him and told DH that SS teeth were just "beautiful and soooo white!" I think you are majorly grasping for straws when the best you can come up with is "oh hey, his teeth look good!" {eye roll}
I know! I should point out
I know! I should point out that he needs to change his tag line to "perfession is the ganja and it's all Daizy's fault"
Maybe he is moving to
Maybe he is moving to Colorado and his new profession will be growing ganga that is perfection....???
Funny thing is... through my
Funny thing is... through my stalking powers I recently discovered that SS16 took a little trip to California... L.A. to be exact. I'm also pretty certain that BM2 went as well as she recently became "friends" with a Cali real estate agent on FB. DH has had lunch/dinner with SS16 twice since I found this little tidbit out, but has said not word one about SS going to Cali so my guess is he does not know and my second guess is it's because they don't want him to know because they are scheming something.
Hopefully, they are scheming to move to Cali.. then SS can smoke his dope legally as I'm sure he can claim he has PTSD from his father marrying the Wicked Witch of the East and he can get a medical pass. BM2's boy toy 23 year old hubby is a wanna be "musician" so maybe he is pressuring her to move to Cali so he can hit it big? It all fits.... I am hoping, because there is a whole hell of a lot of distance between California and New York, a whole lot! }:)
He's been posting this shit
He's been posting this shit on there for years now. He posted a cover photo on FB when he was 14 of him at a obvious party standing around a table with obvious 20 something year olds and empty beer bottles and cans everywhere. Cause that's cool man! SD17 used to "follow" him on instagram and screen shotted a whole bunch of pictures of SS holding baggies full of pot, smoking pot, drinking beers, wads of money etc. a couple of years ago and sent it to DH. DH got pissed and sent them to BM2 and threatened to file for custody, he and BM2 got into it big time, but nothing came of it.
No point in trying to file for custody of a 15 year old.. the judge is just going to let him choose where he wants to live and of course he's going to choose BM2 and her boy toy 23 year old hubby who probably smokes the ganja right along with SS.
Gotta love these idiots
Gotta love these idiots posting these kind of pics. DH called SD18 out on these things on twitter and she hasn't talked to him since. He didn't even ask her to stop doing the drugs, just asked her not to post on social media.
I remember your SD posting
I remember your SD posting all that stupid crap! Yeah, DH called SS out for the boozing pic on FB and told him to change it. Well SS wouldn't want to do THAT, so instead he blocked me. But what the silly, silly, one celled brain little boy does not realize is I have ways of stalking even if I'm blocked. So when DH asked me if he changed the pic, I showed him that he had in fact not. DH ripped him again and he did change it that time... but I bet he was beside himself trying to figure out just how I could still see his page. }:)
BAHAHHAHHAAA... this kid
BAHAHHAHHAAA... this kid ain't going to "find a job" you have to be looking for one to find it!
DH said that he asked SS a couple of weeks ago if he had any idea what he wants to do with his life and DH said SS said "No, not really man, but it's all good in the hood! Peace, love and chill vibes" (said with a stoner accent) I said "Come on is he really THAT bad DH or are you being sarcastic?" DH said he's about that bad. Good luck with your loser life SS.
Well now, I didn't think of
Well now, I didn't think of that? I've suspected that he's been selling for a couple of years now. He has all the classic markers... hangs out with older known pot heads, is always at his buddy's in the city when DH calls, posts pictures of wads of money, suddenly doesn't seem to lack for anything (and there is no way that BM2 has suddenly decided to spend extra/any money on him) So maybe that IS what he is trying to say?
At any rate, he obviously needs to concentrate more on skool than on his ganja but I don't see that hapenning.