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New TV Series Providing Expert Help for Stepfamilies Whose Kids Don't Get Along

MrPilgrim's picture

Hi, everyone! I'm the stepfather of a wonderful 14-year-old boy here in Los Angeles and the producer of a new TV series about stepfamilies. In fact, I was hoping I could share the casting notice for my show with the StepTalk community. If you or someone you know is right for this, please don't hesitate to reach out!

The producers of Oprah Winfrey Network’s “Welcome to Sweetie Pies” and “Raising Whitely” are looking for single parents all across America who have fallen in love but have one major thing getting in the way of a perfect relationship: the relationship between their children.

On this new show for a major cable network, our expert family counselor will travel to your home to help solve any family issues that you and your children might have.

It doesn’t matter if you’re married, dating or engaged or if your kids are 7 or 17. If your blended / stepfamily is having trouble because your kids don’t get along, this is your opportunity to get FREE, personalized expert counseling.

Send an email to [email protected] with the following info:

1. Your name and city/state

2. Your phone number

3. A recent photo of you and your family

4. A brief description of why you want to be on this show

* To apply, parents must be legal residents of the United States and at least 18 years of age. For more information on the producers, please visit


Hello Its Sami Jo's picture

After nearly 5 years you'd think I'd have a picture of me with the skids. Nope. I don't even care lol

WTF...REALLY's picture

I do not let hubby have a picture of SD on his night stand. Just like I do not have one of my kids on mine.

Having sex and seeing pictures of kids.....bleh.....that would keep me from having sex. LOL

WTF...REALLY's picture

3. A recent photo of you and your family

which family??? as you must know, we are a blended family - so nope - not a real family with family photos.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

The photo thing just FUBARs this entire thing. But then again, this is probably a social experiment. And my SD13 with her boy haircut? Um, NO.

fedupstep's picture

I agree SassyMama83...I tried to love my sd16. But after years of lying, manipulation and chronically bad choices for herself, I'm done. I used to get the 'you have to love her as if she's your own' bullshit from my DH. I don't even love my nieces like they are my own! I love them like an awesome aunt! LOL! I came into this kid's life when she just turned 12 and the hell began. There's no way to love that. It's unrealistic to expect your partner to love someone who treats you like you are an intruder in your own home.

I am polite, but do not engage with her. I only speak up when her behaviour/choices affect me. This is DH and BM's trainwreck, not mine.

carriedear's picture

Thanks for the nice offer but BM will never consent to this as she feels that there are certain people on television involved in a conspiracy against her.

Jsmom's picture

Too funny... no show will ever show the real side of this life... it will be made to look like classic Disney and the poor red headed stepchild.

All I thought when reading the list is how do you get a recent pic when the kids don't want to be there? My wedding photo is classic with SD sucking up to the camera and my SS looking angry and BS just wanting it to be perfect for me, but wanting it over as well, while DH and I look blissfully happy. Clearly we had no clue about the hell that awaited us when we were fully blended. I framed that pic and have it in the hall and just use it to remind me of how truly clueless DH and I were.

Good luck with your show, but knowing reality TV, this life is too real to do a show on it and I say that after going through the ultimate hell with a SD who the minute she turned 14 sued us herself... who sues their parents???? This website is filled with horror stories, but odds are good you will do a show that skims over the real awful stuff, because parents and kids really can't feel that way about this family life.

Redredwine's picture

So is the show more like:
A. Honey Boo-Boo
B. Super Nanny
C. Jerry Springer

And just how are you going to manage to keep the exes out of this and wouldn't you also need their permission to show and talk about their minor children? If so, I'm guessing you will get two flavors of families: the rare ones where the exes and steps and bios get along (so not much of a show, or ones where a parent of any status is out to prove the other parent(s) wrong which will probably end up more like Cops. The ones in between those are probably not likely to go on TV.

Maxwell09's picture

StepLife if hard enough all in itself, who in their right mind, would want to add publicity to such a complicated situation?! I get enough bashing from BM and Co for doing the best I can, no need to set America's Golden Uterus Clan on high alert for everytime I make a mistake.

FMSL's picture

Cool--right away!! I'll you send my real name, my real phone number, a beautiful blended family picture of everyone ignoring each other, and an explanation of how fkd up we all are that we need to be on your lame show! Dirol