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And the truth comes out.

Redredwine's picture

Not only does BM not trust me, neither does DH.

And I haven't been trying to parent the skids. I also have just been polite and addressed minor things with them. I don't go out of my way to do fun things with them and I let DH parent them. This because BM is insecure about me...she wanted stuff about no stepparent/grandparent having time alone with the skids. And the skids are in middle school/moving on to HS. It's silly.

DH wants us to parent together (ie he wants me to be the bad guy). But, he doesn't want me to do it in my style. Fine. I am willing to modify. What he can't tell me is what he'd like to be different. He's just uphappy with any way I do it. If we agree I tell him of infractions, he's miffed. If we agree I wait until there's a pattern, he's miffed. If I say nothing, he's miffed. He doesn't tell me he's changed his mind about a rule and then I tell him when I think the rule has been broken and he's miffed.

I trust him to parent my BS as he see fit. I don't coach him. All I ask is to tell me what he said so we're on the same page. (Our kids are all about the same age, so it's not like either one of us doesn't have experience with the age or has already done it and has advice.)

Last night when we were talking about the parenting/not parenting thing I said that perhaps he's got all these parameters and he's not happy with any way I do it is because he doesn't trust me. His body language said it all. He does not trust me.

He also wasn't listening to me. I was very open and I'm willing to change my style. I think it would be good. I just have a complete blindspot on how what I do is different from DH (other than the amount of "noticing" of infractions) how we tell a kid and correct. I'm willing to try, I'm just a literal person and I need examples. Every time I brought up an example to either give a suggestion of a different way it could work or an example and ask how I could have done it differently, DH got defensive and we were off on a tangent with him justifying his actions. I kept telling him I'm not challenging him, I just am asking for help and I need to understand how it should be different. I cannot divine it. There are an infinite number of ways I could do it differently. I asked if he had someone at work who wasn't doing a task they way they were supposed to would he just tell them that it's wrong and walk away? No. He'd explain how it should/could be done. That's all I'm asking. But he won't/can't even give me a direction.

I suggested again that I do ZERO parenting, not even mention anything to him. He *says* he doesn't want that. I told him I have no other ideas since he doesn't trust me, that's the only solution I see where the trust or lack thereof isn't an issue.

I was a more laidback parent when it was just me. Now I'm trying to make sure BS doesn't "get over" on anything, and figure out how the hell to walk the fine line between being DHs wife and a parent/adult in the house with two kids who I am but I am also not supposed to parent. I am so stressed. (Work isn't helping. I have a huge deadline and people complaining about how things are going there, too.)

Please do not tell me I'm pandering or I should have stood up for myself or I should leave, or I should never have tried parenting the skids. I've thought all of that already. I'm just feeling very low right now and I cried all night and I just want to vent to some people who may understand the mine fields of step-parenting.


ChiefGrownup's picture

Have to run but just wanted to say a word of comfort to you. I told my dh first thing that if he didn't trust me vis a vis his children, this wasn't going to work. So I feel empathy for you to find out that he doesn't. Devastating.

Maybe ask him why? Just flat out, why don't you trust me? And why be married to someone you don't trust?

WokeUpABug's picture

This. Maybe you parent your kid, he parents his. I know it's not ideal because they are similar ages. But if your kid asks why you can just say "you have different parents so you have different rules." I wouldn't bother trying to parent your skid if you don't get support. That is a thankless task.

ETA: Im not saying you never should have tried parenting your skid. But you DID try and it isn't working. Despite what your DH says with his mouth about wanting you to parent, he is telling you with his actions and demeanor he doesn't want it. Just stop doing it. Don't have a discussion. Try stopping and see what happens.

misSTEP's picture

Tell him since he can't explain what he wants you to do, you will be forced to go to the NON-PARENTING stance.

But the way bigger deal is the mistrust.

thinkthrice's picture

Yep I remember the mistrust and look in Chef's eye when I attempted to teach his kids manners. The look of HORROR like I was torturing them or something. Total mistrust of both the biodad and the BM. Even though I'm a successful, experienced parent.

I had to take matters into my own hands at that point and went into self protective mode--manufactured a little karma.

I don't know HOW you ladies do it with your own bios in the house marching to the beat of double standards imposed by disney dad; who is more than happy to come down hard on YOUR bios!!! Thank god my kids were grown and out of the house when I entered stepHELL!!