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We must have a ghost

EvilAngel's picture

I looked in the fridge last night for a snack and see 3 almost full jars of spaghetti sauce in there. The last time I fixed spaghetti was over a month ago. Thunderfoot fixes it all the time but guess who DIDN'T open all that sauce? DH asked her why all the sauce was open and she said, "I didn't do that. The Ragu is the only one I opened because I don't like any other kind." That's why I buy the other kind. I know she "doesn't like" it so she shouldn't be opening it. Which is a lie. She's done this before and I just consolidate them into the Ragu jar and she eats it no problem. She also eats spaghetti when I fix it and I don't use Ragu. She opened them because she's too lazy to look in the fridge first to see if there is one open. We must have a ghost in this house...good thing we are moving!


EvilAngel's picture

DH told her it better not happen again. I know it will though. I am just going to stash an old Ragu jar somewhere and just refill it. I don't care how old and nasty the sauce is. I hate that she opens my good sauce but claims she doesn't like it. She mowed through 6 cans of Pringles in a week. She would take the cans one by one to her room. Those were actually hers because her gma took her with her to the grocery store one day but still...who eats SIX cans in a week?!?!

EvilAngel's picture

That or just completely empty. She drank all of my Sprite Zero except for one drop. Then claimed she didn't drink it all. Well in theory she's right...if I were a small elf or something, that may have been an actual drink.

ltman's picture

We used to have a magic box of Fruit Loops it never went completely empty. Especially after ysd announced she only eats name brand cereal never bargain. Man that was a magic box, even when it started to fray it would magically fill up. And they never caught on. Bwahaha.

Dh swears up and down he can tell the difference between beef and bison. He only eats beef, pork, chicken. Refuses to eat venison or bison or ostrich. Guess who had 3 bison burgers last night.

EvilAngel's picture

Hahahaha! DH and his parents claim that she's just "so picky" it's hard to get her to eat. She's not picky, she's a teenager that eats junk all day then doesn't want dinner when it's time to eat. Same with the Ragu. She doesn't have a damn clue I sometimes put other sauces in "her" jar and eats it with no problem! Idiot... I wish there was a way I could do that with pop tarts without her noticing the wrapper.

EvilAngel's picture

It does! It's so wasteful. That's why from now on...I don't care how old it is...she will be eating it from her Ragu jar!

EvilAngel's picture

I told DH I was just going to stop buying it period. I pass the grocery store on my way home so if I want to fix spaghetti, I can just pick it up on my way.

AllySkoo's picture

Oh yes, I know this dance! My OSD claimed to be "allergic" to all forms of dish soap except Dawn (so, of course, she couldn't do the dishes). I bought a small bottle of Dawn and just kept refilling it with Ajax. She never did have a reaction. Imagine that!

EvilAngel's picture

Yes Thunderfoot is "allergic" to cilantro but ONLY when we go out for Mexican because I put it in all the Mexican dishes I make at home and not once has she had a reaction. Not liking = allergic I guess.

AllySkoo's picture

I blogged about it, but this is the same SD who called a family meeting because she had something "important" to tell us. Turns out she wanted to tell us that she's lactose intolerant. (She is SO not.) I almost died laughing, I swear to god!

furkidsforme's picture

My SS likes to open a new container each time, but then he just puts it back in the cupboard. As if refrigeration were OPTIONAL.

He likes to claim he "forgets" it needs to go in the fridge.

Tuff Noogies's picture

we had THREE jugs of milk open last night....

mss is also bad about leaving open bags of chips and cereal to go stale. bleck.

EvilAngel's picture

Chips and cereal never get closed! But I don't eat that thankfully. She doesn't get new until the stale is finished off. Learn to close a box/bag for fucks sake!

EvilAngel's picture

I'm shocked she hasn't because she always complains that there is no food in the house.

Redredwine's picture

My mom used to fill the coffee can with decaf to cut my dad back. He swore his headaches disappeared because she bought the new brand of regular coffee. He never knew.