Frozen out??
So trying to schedule get-togethers for SSs. They play with the kids in our neighborhood and have a great time BUT they go to school in a different school district and would like their school friends to spend time with this part of their family. Seems reasonable, right?
It is proving to be a lot more difficult than it sounds. First, it seems that in their circle of friends and parents, the parents are still arranging their social calendars. DS and DD come up with ideas for plans with their friends, one will ask their parents if it is possible, and they will call each other to formally invite. At that point parents will usually connect about times, what to bring, etc. So it didn't seem a big deal for me to ask SS to call his friend. He left a VM and went outside to play.
Several hours passed, DS arranged to have a neighbor over, and SS was getting bummed. DH checked his email and saw that this kid's mother, on whose cell SS left the message, had contacted Chloe about this (rather than calling back at the number that SS had left/called her from). Of course Chloe had plenty of judgements, etc. for DH and me.
This kid's mom did this once before as well, when SS was attempting to get together with his friend on DH's custodial weekend to put finishing touches on a science project. We are sadly done with this high-school behavior and have told them that in the future they will need to think of other friends to invite.
Other close friends of theirs have said that "they can't come here because their parents don't know us" to which I've told them that their parents are welcome to visit and have a cup of tea....
Just really sad. And fucked up. And from what they've said, these kids' parents aren't all close with Chloe- most are just acquaintances. But who knows if it's allegiance, if she has poisoned people to the thought of us (hurting only her children in the process), or distance/circumstance? Just annoying and must be frustrating for skids
- MJL2010's blog
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Yes it does happen at times
Yes it does happen at times like this. We have a similar issue with the YSS and his friends. If he has an invite from a friend, it all comes through BM. Instead of giving the friends Mom our number to call she arranges it all. Then when the mom comes to pick up SS or vice versa, we get treated like we have cooties.
We also have that issue with MSS...He is in a ton of sports and DH has to work weekends so we can't always attend EVERY game. When we do go we get treated like scum because BM and her SO have managed to trash talk us every chance they get. So even when we can go, I don't want to. Who wants to sit for hours around people who treat you like dirt or ignore you exist. I have little tolerance for it so I typically opt out of going. DH can make friends with complete strangers so he manages to do just fine without me there.
I don't know.. how old is
I don't know.. how old is skid? I can say that if BS5 got invited to someone's house and I did not know the adults from adam, I would absolutely say no. And I don't have time to have tea and crumpets ya know? Sucks for skid, but I don't know that it's due to BM badmouthing or just good parenting by skids friends.
Gotcha about the tea and
Gotcha about the tea and crumpets, Daizy! But they had to get to know her somewhere, right- at sport or school events, etc...which we or at least DH is at.
I think I like "Chloe", which is her nickname- I used to wear a perfume called "Chloe Narcisse"; I really liked it but moved on. Because BM is a narcissist to beat all narcissists, it is just my happy little name for her. I do love the BM named by a ST-er (can't remember who but she is brilliant!) "The Kraken"- and as much as I would love use that for her- and as perfect as it would be because our BM has curlycurly tentacles of hair, far-reaching tentacles that want to control and reach for miles and miles, and because she clouds every issue much like a giant squid might cloud up the seas with squid ink- I just don't want to be a copy cat!
Sigh. Why do some people create issues where there are none? I can't imagine calling someone else about a call I received, rather than just calling the person who called me. Ugh.
Oooooh, let's call her
Oooooh, let's call her Squidward Tentacles!!!
Yep, happens a lot...the
Yep, happens a lot...the mommies of their friends decided to "take BM's side" so they can't allow their kids to play at your house because you're the evil empire!
We had someone try this, too. Then she realized her kid is far better cared for at our home, comes home reasonably clean and well fed and not injured compared to filthy, hungry and probably with some type of injury due to lack of supervision/care at BMs. Now she wants to send her kid over all the damn time. lol
Hahahahahaha I love it,
Hahahahahaha I love it, Daizy! Squidward Tentacles she is from henceforth!! You just made my day.
Nice, Kathc!
No, Danielle- they play
No, Danielle- they play plenty in our neighborhood but their school friends all live in a town 17 miles away. They miss them when they are here, which is 50% of the time. They should be able to have friends who are their friends at either house.