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I am livid and hurt

SMto3's picture

SO is currently out of state for the weekend. A little while ago SS15 was on the phone with his gf on speaker. We were all just kinda chatting and somehow the conversation turned into how different SS15 is from SS10. Gf mentions that SS10 definitely has a mean streak because of how he treated DD7 months. I of course was like "what do you mean by that?" SS15s face looks like "fuck, she's gonna flip out" and gf mentioned that last week while SO and I were in the supermarket buying everything for a bbq and the kids were all out in the car, ss10 thought it would be funny to make dd cry by putting the music really loud and withholding her bottle. I think she said he yelled at her too. I felt like beating his ass down right then and there. Instead I asked SS15 why he didn't stop him and he's like " you know how he is, he wouldn't listen" but the thing is none of them said anything when we got back in the car and in fact I had been grateful to see SS10 with a bottle in his hand for her.

I'm so livid. I'm the one who planned that bbq for the kids, I'm the one who tries to maintain consistency, keep him fed and clean. I was even just about to try to watch a movie with him.

I should have known though because the whole time SS5 was here, he treated that kid like shit while SS15 was babysitting. And since SS15 is always on the phone with his gf he never really tried to stop him or pay attention. So it wouldn't be different with my kid either. I feel like slapping the shit out of him right now. Instead I think I'll go buy some cigarettes. Fucking asshole.


SMto3's picture

He said that he and the gf were yelling at him to stop but he wouldn't listen. The thing is, no one mentioned anything when we got back in the car.

Indigo's picture

Calling BS on SS15 and his girlfriend. FFS. They witnessed and permitted your child to be treated poorly. (Abuse is a big word) Do not leave your biochild alone again with either SS15/SS10 or the GF. I understand that it is convenient, "should be okay," what normal families do, we are broke ... you do not have a fantasy, intact, nuclear, nonstep family. They are children. Did you read "The Lord of the Flies?"

You have the family that you crafted. Hire a sitter every friggin' time you leave the house, no matter how over-the-top $$ it will be.

SMto3's picture

I used the word abuse too loosely here probably because I withesssed SS10 abuse SS5 this summer. Every single opportunity he had, he beat that kid up like he was hitting someone his own age. Granted ss5 may have provoked him but I made it clear to ss10 that he should ignore him or tell an adult, not hit him. The whole time, ss15 was present and on the phone and never truly tried to stop him. But when if go into the shower or get ready to go to bed, he'd do something that kid. I don't know that ss5 even knows how to verbalize what happened to him to his mother because she has never mentioned it. I knew that SO leaving SS5 with ss15 was a mistake before ss5 even came here but he didn't listen. I told SO about all these things happening and he probably thought I was overreacting. I told him ss10 was abusive to ss5 because it's what I saw. One time he even swung on me while I was holding the baby when I tried taking him off of Ss5.

That's why I imagine he did these things maliciously to dd. Maybe not technically abuse but I'm not waiting for it to get there.

Andie91801's picture

Agree with Indigo. This is a serious matter. And for them to think it's despicable. No more special event for any of them. Instead of doing anything special for them put that money on babysitter.


SMto3's picture

That was probably the first and last time we ever asked them to stay with her, and they were right outside in the truck waiting for us. I agree with all your points!