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SD5 says her last name is BMH's...still

stuckinthebay's picture

We freaking dealt with this her last stay 6 months ago. She was with us and was telling us her name name was BMHs. H brought it up to BM and she said "oh we never told SD her last name was different". Fucking liars. I thought this was done with. 6months back at BMs, SD5 is still telling us that's her name and she was very adamant about it. This is how it came up..

I was testing her on her letters she just memorized a few days ago. A letter was C. She learned that C has two sounds. Then is struck me that HELLO she has two names that have the two C sounds. Her middle name and her last name. She then said her last name is BMH last name. I went back and forth with this girl that it is indeed NOT his last name, but her daddy's. I told her that when she was born she was given her daddy's last name. I walked into my room and looked at H and said "did you just hear all that?!" H called her over and told
Her again that she has his last name, not BMH. He showed her her ID, passport and SSN. SD5 knows how to spell her name and what it looks like. He showed her that they have the same last name and not BMH last name. H let her know she wasn't in trouble, but she isn't being told the truth. SD5 said "I'm sure that's my last name cuz that's what my mommy said" Wtf

H also got some crazy news from BMs family..that will be my next blog

Add on** you know what's funny about this. When H first brought it up to BM, she said "oh I never told
Her that. Idk where she got that from. Everyone here knows the situation" bitch please.


dirtybiology's picture

This would really piss me off. I am so sorry this is going on! SS7's BM is remarried and he has a step brother there, so I worry that one day he will want to change his name. We have had one conversation where he claimed he was a "Herlastname" and I was very quick to remind him that he is actually not because that is not his name. His mom and dad were actually never married so he has never had the same last name as BM, but in the early years she did ask DH (before we were together) if she could change SS's last name to hers, of course he said no.

dirtybiology's picture

After reading the above comments after mine, I too am thinking maybe she is just trying to figure out how the name thing works.
Maybe explain to her how you get your last name at birth and how it changes when you marry. Maybe that will help her?

stuckinthebay's picture

We did, she got it the first time 6 months ago. BM said she never taught her this. So why 6 months later is she saying this again?

twoviewpoints's picture

After showing her the legal items with her full name next to Daddy's drivers license ect, there's nothing to argue. She can see both are same. Give her a tablet and let her practice printing her full name. If she were to get lost from you while on an outing she needs to know her full name.

I'm sure she is confused as unless in school or daycare some preschool age kids don't regularly use their last names. Mom isn't going to get away with using stepdad's last name to register for school as document proof is needed. As you know SD's documents show Dad's name for her.

stuckinthebay's picture

I've been kicking ass trying to help her remember her letters. BM did teach her how to spell her name so I'm going to continue that along with her middle name and last name.

stuckinthebay's picture

I've been kicking ass trying to help her remember her letters. BM did teach her how to spell her name so I'm going to continue that along with her middle name and last name.