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i had a nice day yesterday!

Tuff Noogies's picture

welp, yesterday was my birthday - yay me! dh was up late sunday night and crawled into bed after midnight. he kissed me on the shoulder and said "happy birthday sweetheart" - i was in such a deep sleep i couldnt even move to respond but i barely heard/felt him. so sweet!

of course first thing in the morning he wished me happy birthday again. the ladies here at my office surprised me with a delicious cake and a lovely card. i got texts from oss (who doesnt even live w/ us, so i was pleasantly surprised!) and lurch, who said he wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate (to a place i LOVE but doesnt really have anything that he likes to eat - he's just sweet and giving like that).

kaos spoke to me twice yesterday - "did you buy milk?" and "when are you gonna quit smoking? that's just redneck." no big surprise there but meh, whatevs. i had a lovely day!


Tuff Noogies's picture


i bet he thinks he's gonna get a free meal out of it and dominate the entire dinner. i'm trying to figure out how to conveniently go out when he's a g-ma's.

Stepped in what momma's picture

kaos spoke to me twice yesterday - "did you buy milk?" and "when are you gonna quit smoking? that's just redneck."

Kaos sent you a sign when he actually cared that you smoke, it may be a very small smoke signal but it does say something.

Tuff Noogies's picture

Lol no that was not concern for me, that was concerned for what the other redneck neighbors might see.