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BM's "Maternal Instincts"

Maxwell09's picture

A little aggravated at myself. A few weeks ago I had my OshKosh online shopping cart filled with SS5's uniforms. I was just waiting for DH's check to clear at the bank so that I could finish checking out. BM emailed DH offering to buy his uniforms this year. We were in shock because she never offers to help pay for anything and flat out refused for the last two years. We were apprehensive because of the "thug" like style she likes to put SS5 in but thought its school uniforms so she can't screw it up too bad. I personally was thinking maybe she's coming around, maybe pulling her parental weight for once. Yeah, nope! She sent the uniforms and they're two sizes too big. He's just turned 5 this past weekend but still wears a 3t and maybe a 4t if they have adjustable waists. I asked him if they tried them on in the store and he told me "no." It's just one of those times when I knew I should have just done it myself since I like it done a particular way. My fault for sure. I plan on using them next year hopefully if he can miraculously jump three pants sizes in a year or donating them if he doesn't. I have buy him uniform pants anyway since she only bought him shorts and he can't wear shorts in the winter.

BM likes to put on the MoTY sauce super thick and heavy on social media. She likes to label herself as SS5's bestfriend and spouts off about all her maternal instincts. Okay, last week she let NewBoyfriend drive her son around without a car seat of any kind when he is barely large enough for booster seat reqs. This week (yesterday) at football practice there was a lightning storm so SS5 and his team had to get off the field until it stopped for thirty minutes. As we're waiting with SS5, Spawn runs off to go play on top of some metal scaffolding about half a football field away from where we all were standing including BM, NewBoyfriend, BM's cousin sidekick and sidekick's mom. SS5 jumps up and runs over to get Spawn. DH notices SS5 left from under the pavilion and runs after SS telling him that he can't be out there while its lightening. BM made her way to get Spawn. SS came back and my mom was explaining to him that lightening strikes metal and tall objects so can't be out in the field like that. He said "but I had to go get my brother" THIS is when I finally just blurted out in front of them all "No SS, you are not a grown up and you are not his MOM; you need to stay where you are suppose to be and let her go get him". What mother lets her kids plays in a lightening storm? But then again what mother thinks it's okay to let her child ride around without a carseat either. I'm glad SS cares for Spawn and I often am the one who makes SS speak to Spawn when he sees him because I would never want SS not to speak to BS just because he's with BM but at the same time SS shouldn't be parenting Spawn for BM either.

Some days I can let some of her shortcoming roll off my back and just chalk it up to our parenting standards are different because we were raised differently but then there are times like these that I really can't ignore her stupid.


RayRay's picture

BM's "Maternal Instincts"!! This made me laugh so hard. The BM here once showed SS7 the stripper pole in her bedroom "See how good mommy is at this!" Twirl..Twerk..Shake your 40yo booty. All to impress your 7 year old son. Pretty sickening! Let's him listen to filthy music. Let her BF drive SS then 5 around in front seat (he is a lil guy as well) Thinks quality family fun is going to a vaping contest! The maternal instincts are strong with this BM as well.

Maxwell09's picture

DH asked her to include the receipts when she gave them to us at practice. She either forgot or ignored. I went to the place she bought them today, exchange policy is that I have to have the receipts. I'm hoping he can use them next year.

kathc's picture

If he can't maybe you can sell them on Craigslist? Use that money toward properly sized ones?

ksmom14's picture

My skids BM buys clothes without them there...she buys SD14 (the biggest tomboy ever) pink jeans with sequins all over them, not to mention they're 4 inches short because she bought them in the kids section instead of the juniors section like she should have.

When SD14 came in the house with those jeans on I felt so terrible for her, I could feel her embarrassment, she hated them.