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BM back on the crazy train... and in the hospital.

BSgoinon's picture

So... BM has been pretty quiet lately. She will text SS every few days. Attempt to call him. He will talk to her for about 30 seconds and make some excuse to get off the phone.

Yesterday, DH gets an email "Just letting you know, and if you see fit please tell SS that I am staying the night in the hospital. I had a CT scan".

DH didn't respond. Of course. He did tell SS- "Your mom is in the hospital". He responded "ok". I am pretty sure he is used to her going to the ER because she goes ALLLL of the time. It doesn't even phase him anymore. She is a drug seeker, SS doesn't know that. He just knows that she goes there all of the time. She can't even go to a local hospital because they all have her flagged as a drug seeker. She has been escorted out by security from several facilities in our town. She is currently at a hospital an hour away.

BM's mom text me, tells me she is in the hospital and having surgery "maxillary orthognathic". I told her that BM had emailed DH to tell him she was in the hospital so we were aware.

Of course I googled the surgery. It's jaw surgery. Apparently fairly common for meth users since they grind their teeth and clench their jaws.

At some point in the middle of the night, BM was trolling instagram and started commenting all over SS's posts about how blessed she is to be his mommy, and how handsome he is. SS is 13. He doesn't want that crap on his social media. He deleted it. Just like he does when MIL does it. You can't be offended by that. No teenager wants that crap out there for their friends to see.

Apparently she thinks I deleted the comments. She now changed her bio on her instagram to read "The OG **MY (DH's) LAST NAME** who would much rather be a **Meth Man's last name** name.

I guess her 6 month marriage to my husband is her claim to fame. Maybe it's supposed to intimidate me? Even though I have been married to the man for 7 years and living with him for 12. Her 6 months, man. That just... WOW. Hahahahahaha.

THEN... she posts on FB that she got in trouble at the hospital for singing too loud. Yeah, she is THAT person. The crazy cracked out lady singing at the top of her lungs in the hospital. So embarrassing.


BSgoinon's picture

She was blocked for a long time. I'm not sure when he unblocked her. He may just block her again after this crap.

I am not sure how she is "doing" with rehab. I assume she misses her classes quite a bit since one of her class mates posted on FB over the weekend that they miss her and hope to see her this week. Total shocker... right? **eyeroll**

hereiam's picture

She's probably hoping this will elicit some sympathy from SS, which is why she threw in the CT scan and spending the night, makes it sound serious.

She's a serious nut job.

hereiam's picture

You'd think after all of these years, she's get the hint. She's pathetic.

He only married her in the first place because she was pregnant, right? Not head-over-heels in love with her. What makes her think he would care about her now? Oh, I know, I know, because she is the MOTHER of his child!

msg1986's picture

ahhh I'm sorry you have to even deal with that. Bm is a frequent visitor to the hospital as well. Thankfully she doesn't text Dh anymore about it. To be honest, I think her husband stopped her from doing that. I'll never forget her serious call about how she had cancer and was going to have to get chemo and SS might have to come live with us... turned out she had cancerous cells in her uterus because of HPV and just needed a leap procedure...

BSgoinon's picture

She usually doesn't tell us. She will tell SS sometimes that she is sick and has to go to the ER. SS doesn't really react at all. I'd love to know what goes on in that kids head.

BSgoinon's picture

SS seems to be pretty good at not letting it bother him. As long as he doesn't have to deal with her directly he doesn't really care. Life is much less stressful for him without her around and he knows that.

uofarkchick's picture

The OG? So she's a gangster now? Will she be releasing a rap album?
She was definitely taking a stab at you with that one. I'd love to clue her in on a little secret... People with junkies for exes are embarrassed to say they ever married them and would prefer that they never mention that relationship to anyone ever again. We certainly don't!

BSgoinon's picture

Well she can keep trying to jab. It really doesn't bother me. I just laugh at her. No one that matters follows her anyway so no one sees it. LOL