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SS18 Refused to Spend Christmas With Us - DH squarely blaming me - Whatever!

sandra1's picture

Another X-mas has come and gone and of course there's the usual carnage that comes along with it.

My three daughters and DH opened gifts together and of course SS18 was with his grandparents.

My DH then had to leave to go spend the day with his down there. I cannot wait for this kid to graduate and MOVE permanently down there.

DH told me he didn't want to spend xmas with us because we all make him uncomfortable. REALLY? Victim? Please.

He has done absolutely nothing to integrate with our family. Spends all of his time in the basement. Won't even come upstairs to eat dinner. Over the past 5 years he's lived with us, has maybe literally spoken 80 words.

You get what you give. Sorry, if you don't speak to me when spoken to, then I'm not going to bother and that's exactly what's happened over the years.

I guess I disengaged pretty well, yes?


DaizyDuke's picture

I was confused too... I thought the DH was in the basement and only speaking 80 words... lol I too was like how is she doing great???? lol

Jlbfinch's picture

I read it the same way at first but I think she means that her step son is the one that stays in the basement all the time and doesn't talk to anyone.

sandra1's picture

Yes, it's the stepson who stays in the basement and doesn't talk to anyone. You can straight up be like, "good morning" and he just walks on by.

Willow2010's picture

You can straight up be like, "good morning" and he just walks on by.
What kind of man allows this to happen.

thinkthrice's picture

"uncomfortable" that's the skid/BFFing bio code for: "I'm a jack-wad and I don't like when normal people call me out on it"

Used in a sentence: As a skid who has been spoiled outrageously by my bios, I feel "uncomfortable" when I am around SM.


As a skid who has been spoiled outrageously by my bios, I feel ANGRY THAT SM SEES THROUGH THE FARCE AND THAT I'M A OUTRAGEOUSLY SPOILED BY MY BIOS BRAT when I am around SM.

sandra1's picture

Because his son tells him he feels uncomfortable. I would imagine it is because none of us make an effort to try to cojole him out of his moody bullshit.

So now, he lives with the uncomfortable silence he created and desired in the first place.

That's my guess.

hereiam's picture

My DH tells me that his daughter is "uncomfortable" at our house. Well, not my fault that she has no personality and can't make conversation. My DH doesn't blame me for it, though.

JamJam's picture

I got told by my MIL that the skids are scared of me. I had a pretty good convo with the skids and proved that to be BS...everybody will make an excuse but really some folks just don't want to be bothered with a step parent