O/T Tell Me About You
I have never stuck around an online forum for this long, and now that I have, I find myself curious about ya'll.
I know we all enjoy our anonymity - but I figured a random questionnaire might be fun for anyone who wants to participate.
Beginning with yours truly:
Occupation: Bookkeeper, admin assistant
Heritage: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Favorite Food: PIZZA -- tacos a close second
Favorite beverage: Pinot Grigio
Coffee or tea: Coffee, 2 irish cream 1 sugar.
Hair color: Brunette with caramel highlights
Siblings: Younger sister
Favorite TV Show: Shameless
Favorite Book: She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Favorite Store: TJ Maxx/Homegoods
Random and weird fact: I can't fold clean towels without putting lotion on my hands first because the texture feels weird on my skin.
Your turn.
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Your random fact makes me
Your random fact makes me thing you are a badass! Awesome.
Red Bull makes me a shaky
Red Bull makes me a shaky mess now ... I used to love a sugar free Red Bull when I was a tad younger.
Occupation: Marketing
Occupation: Marketing Admin
Heritage: French, Irish, Scottich, Slovak
Favorite Food: So hard to choose...French Fries
Favorite beverage: Cabernet
Coffee or tea: Black
Hair color: Dark Brown (Just started finding those silver greys)
Siblings: Older brother and hounger half brother
Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Cats or Dogs: I have two male cats but I like dogs kinda.
Favorite Store: Wine and Liquor store
Random and weird fact: First person in my family to get a college degree and master's.
I, too, just started finding
I, too, just started finding silver greys...
Yeah I was surprised. I keep
Yeah I was surprised. I keep seeing new ones this past week like every day. Oh well I don't really care I am curious to see what it will look like eventually. My mom when she turned grey looked like mousy grey brown. I have always had darker hair than hair so I do not know.
Isn't She's Come Undone
Isn't She's Come Undone unforgettable? Love, love, love.
Occupation: office
Occupation: office manager
Heritage: english, irish, german, native american
Favorite Food: i cant pick just one!!! i enjoy food way too much
Favorite beverage: i usually stick to just water, milk, and beer - guess which is my fave
Coffee or tea: Coffee, but i'm a fan of tea as well
Hair color: blonde
Siblings: 1 older st.sis, 1 older brother, 2 younger half-sis' and one younger half bro.
Favorite TV Show: anything on food network or ID
Favorite Book: timeline
Cats or Dogs: dogs
Favorite Store: any one that i am NOT in
Random and weird fact: i hate wet toes, unless i'm in the shower or swimming. and no one f*cks with my stapler.
'Favorite food' - ??? I
'Favorite food' - ??? I thought it was cheese !?
well of course cheese, but
well of course cheese, but i'm also a carboholic too! and a serious meat-eater.
Are we talking light beer,
Are we talking light beer, super hoppy hipster type beer, guinness? I enjoy Heineken, Amstel or Stella.
right now it's icehouse due
right now it's icehouse due to budgetary restraints. i like heineken, budwiser select or lite, fosters... i love guinness but i need to be in the right mood for it. the first time dh and i were alone together, we had beer and pizza. he bought me guinness - almost 9 years later, we still have two of the bottles!!!
Tuff, you could have made
Tuff, you could have made some Guinness Stew! Or Guinness Cupcakes...
I love stout. The darkest, thickest, heaviest stout on the menu is always my Go-To.
guinness stew sounds lovely.
guinness stew sounds lovely. i also make potroast with beer. beer can be used instead of water or stock in almost any recipe
Occupation: Administrative
Occupation: Administrative Coordinator
Heritage: German, Welsh
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite beverage: Beer
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hair color: Brunette with some natural highlights and a few greys which means I'll have to start coloring it soon.
Siblings: 2 older brothers
Favorite TV Show: Shameless - YES!
Favorite Book: Will have to think on this one
Cats or Dogs: Cats!!...though I love all animals
Favorite Store: Hmmm, I'm not a big shopper. I guess Marshalls for good deals
Random and weird fact: I have evenitist (I know it's not really a word.)
JAG - your "fact" - what does
JAG - your "fact" - what does it mean?
hmmmmmmm everything has to be
hmmmmmmm everything has to be even? she is addicted to events?
I must admit, when I see a
I must admit, when I see a cake that has an uneven cut, I must correct it. Sometimes, I over correct, then have to even it out, yet again. It's very fattening, I mean, frustrating.
Oh yes, there's that too!
Oh yes, there's that too!
Just last night I realized
Just last night I realized that I might be a tad OCD or evenitist in that I was cutting up turkey sausage to put in dinner and I started cutting each piece in 1/2.. then I decided 4ths would be better but I actually had to go BACK and recut the 1/2 pieces so that ALL the sausage was in 4ths, because that was bothering me that is was not all the same. lol why should I care? It all tastes the same!
It all tastes the same! NO.
It all tastes the same!
NO. No, it does NOT. It tastes WONKY if the pieces are not the same size.
Daizy - That would be spelled
Daizy - That would be spelled 'evenitisty'.
If I stomp one foot, I have
If I stomp one foot, I have to stomp the other.
Things have to feel even sometimes. It's not so bad that it's a compulsion, but it's kinda weird.
ah, well count me in that
ah, well count me in that club too. hubby refers to it as "having certain ocd tendencies"
I am counting the days until
I am counting the days until Shameless is back! I am in love with Lip...
I was just wondering last
I was just wondering last night when it would be back. I'll have to do some googling.
I read Are you there, vodka?
I read Are you there, vodka? It's me Chelsea. Loved it.
Occupation: HR
Occupation: HR Assistant/Recruiter
Heritage: German, French, Irish
Favorite Food: Chicken Tacos
Favorite beverage: Dr. Pepper
Coffee or tea: Sweet Tea
Hair color: Strawberry Blonde
Siblings: 1 sister
Favorite TV Show: Disappeared
Favorite Book: Too many to pick one, anything dystopian
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Favorite Store: Old Time Pottery/Ikea
Random and weird fact: I am fascinated by missing person's cases and have actually helped investigate some of them.
Dystopian. Interesting.
Dystopian. Interesting.
I'm an asshole. The end.
I'm an asshole. The end.
HA! You're so nice to
HA! You're so nice to yourself! Stop it.
Dammit, Daizy, I just snorked
Dammit, Daizy, I just snorked coffee up my nose. HOT coffee!!!
(No subject)
You sure can love both cats
You sure can love both cats and dogs, I find most people lean more toward one. Also, I want your job.
He is right. A dog requires
He is right. A dog requires a whole lot of work and planning. If you like to travel or spend days out of the house, definitely better off with kitties.
I HAD 3 cats along with Mr. P
I HAD 3 cats along with Mr. P (the kitties were there first). My laid back I'm-a-dog cat passed from renal failure. Then my boo-ful princess had a stroke, which broke my heart. Then my Momma's Boy mouser got sick and had to be put to sleep. After the heartbreak of my darling girl, I don't have room in my heart for another kitty right now.
Cats can stay home alone for a short weekend - as long as they have gallons of water, plenty of food, and 200 litter boxes.
I had a kitty pass from renal
I had a kitty pass from renal failure and one pass from either a stroke or heart attack. It was all so painful and the reason why, after all these years, I still have not been able to adopt another one. And I want one SO BAD! Just can't do it.
LOL to the hair color. I
LOL to the hair color. I picture bitch shade to be kind of frosty or platinum.
I look forward to going full
I look forward to going full light bitch in the summer. Right now, I am a medium bitch blonde...
mmm dominatrix. Crack that
mmm dominatrix. Crack that whip.
Occupation: CPA-Fuel
Occupation: CPA-Fuel Buyer
Heritage: Scandinavian, English
Favorite Food: Ahi Tuna sushi style
Favorite beverage: Beer
Coffee or tea: Coke/Diet MT. Dew/Red Bull
Hair color: Bought Blonde (was white blond as a kid, but it is probably ash brown now)
Siblings: younger brother
Favorite TV Show: Watch very little TV. But usually watch either some HGTV beach/island thing, Andrew Zimmernn or Below Deck.
Favorite Book: Just like reading in general. Haven't read much recently and don't have a favorite.
Cats or Dogs: Both, and horses and chickens and goats..lol.
Favorite Store: Amazon.
Random and weird fact: Army Brat and have moved more times than I can count. I have no tattoos though I'm the kind of person that you expect WOULD.
Occupation: Tech
Occupation: Tech Writer
Heritage: Finnish, Irish, German, Cherokee
Favorite Food: Lake Superior whitefish
Favorite beverage: Dirty Martini
Coffee or tea: STRONG coffee; black as pitch and thick as tar. Tea is for when you're sick.
Hair color: Blonde
Siblings: 4 - all older
Favorite TV Show: Big Bang Theory and Murder, She Wrote (still!!)
Favorite Book: The Belgariad series by David/Leigh Eddings
Cats or Dogs: I currently have the best-est doggie in the universe. No more kitties since the last one passed. My heart isn't in it any more.
Favorite Store: Paige Wiard Gallery
Random and weird fact: Crikey, which one?? I am a plethora of random weirdness.
Me, too! Love the feeling of
Me, too! Love the feeling of freshly cleaned teeth.
I also love seafood, being
I also love seafood, being from the Northeast, I feel we have the best of the best. I cannot wait for summer so I can have steamers and clamcakes regularly.
You hate shopping? I'm
You hate shopping? I'm jealous!!! I would save so much money if I didn't love shopping so much.
Hahaha, I'm the exact
Hahaha, I'm the exact opposite. I go to target to look for something in particular and leave with 50 other things because I got distracted in all the aisles. I can easily spend 5+ hours in a big enough mall. My husband hates it, but he's a champ.
Ohhh I like this It's cool
Ohhh I like this
It's cool learning about all of you!!
Here's mine
Occupation: Executive VP of Consulting (Marketing)
I also have an older stepsister but don't see her much at all.
Heritage: Irish, French and Italian
Favorite Food: Lasagna or anything with chocolate!
Favorite beverage: Water (with lemon is nice)
Coffee or tea: Coffee!!!! I drink coffee literally seconds after I wake up. I don't understand people who don't, lol.
Hair color: Dark brown
Siblings: One older brother and one older sister. I'm the baby of the family
Favorite TV Show: I've been into Bates Motel lately but all time favs would include It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia and Workaholics
Favorite Book: Anything from James Frey
Cats or Dogs: Cats. I hate two kitties that I adore, but I also like dogs!
Favorite Store: Sephora, Lush, Homesense/Homegoods, and Victorias Secret
Random and weird fact:I spent some time working in the funeral services industry and would love to open my own funeral home one day. But for now, the marketing industry pays much better and I'm passionate about it as well.
Last week, they were on sale.
Last week, they were on sale. I never can pass up a good sale and I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about.
Not at all. Just one more
Not at all. Just one more thing to pull down when I pee.
Longbow or compound?
Longbow or compound?
Wow, I love reading about all
Wow, I love reading about all of you...it really brings each one of you to life LOL!!!
Occupation: S/E Functional Medicine Practitioner
Heritage: Irish
Favorite Food: Any kind of soup
Favorite beverage: sparkling water
Coffee or tea: both equally
Hair color: Blonde
Siblings: none now but originally 2 assholes
Favorite TV Show: All the Chicago series
Favorite Book: The Shack
Cats or Dogs: Dogs but hard to choose, love both
Favorite Store: OMG Amazon
Random and weird fact: I owned a trucking company and drove long haul for 5 years
"any store with Italian
"any store with Italian leather pumps on sale for 75% off." ok, for THAT i will shop. i hate shopping, but i LOVE SHOES.
Fruity, you and I could
Fruity, you and I could actually drink the same coffee!! I love a thick slab of coffee as black as my heart. <3
PLASTIC spoons?? Foolish
PLASTIC spoons?? Foolish mortals. WTH are they doing putting a spoon into Black Death? Adding that wussy cream and sugar caca?
My DH loves strong coffee, but cringes when I make a pot. }:) Bahahahahahaaa!
Echo & Fruity, this is what
Echo & Fruity, this is what I'm currently drinking. DH will not touch it. He said it's like drinking dirt from the depths of Hell. }:)
I rec'd a gift box of Garuda,
I rec'd a gift box of Garuda, Major Dickason's, and Uzuri. Plus, a pound of Sumatra. DH is allowed to smell, but not drink. LOL
I take emptied coffee bags
I take emptied coffee bags and put them in my car. Makes it smell like a coffee shop!
Eau de Coffee would be my go-to fragrance!! Maybe I should start doing coffee ground rubs and wearing a sachet of coffee as a necklace...
Yes to the empty bags of
Yes to the empty bags of coffee in my car.
No to the rolling around, en flagrante, in the coffee grounds.
Echo, do you need a filter in
Echo, do you need a filter in the bathtub or let 'em run down the drain?
Earlier this evening I saw a
Earlier this evening I saw a video on my FB feed about uses for coffee grounds. One of the top tips was to use them as a body scrub. Great exfoliation.
Or so the video said. I haven't tried it myself.
Moeilijk, have you used them?
Moeilijk, have you used them?
Occupation: Branch
Occupation: Branch Manager
Heritage: Polish and German
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Favorite Beverage: coffee
Coffee or tea: see above
Hair Color: brunet w/ beige highlights
Siblings: one older brother
Favorite TV Show: now: This Is Us/ of all time: The Sopranos
Favorite Book: Little Women
Cats or Dogs: both
Favorite Store: Sephora
Random and Weird Fact: I have witnessed/ been the first person to help at not one but two horrible car wrecks.
Hands clapping excitedly-- I
Hands clapping excitedly-- I love Bill too!!!

Llilac, I hear LaCroix now
Llilac, I hear LaCroix now has Mango and Coconut water.
I love carbonated water!! But
I love carbonated water!! But ONLY the ones that are water, bubbles, and flavor. NO calories, NO chemicals, NO sodium.
Occupation: Bookkeeper/Admin
Occupation: Bookkeeper/Admin
Heritage: British/Norwegian
Favorite Food: Lobster
Favorite Beverage: Chardonnay/Iced Tea
Coffee or tea: Coffee/Milk in the AM, Iced Tea in the PM
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Siblings: Two younger brothers, one living
Favorite TV Show: Empire
Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings
Cats or Dogs: All
Favorite Store: Whole Foods
Random and Weird Fact: I know many random and weird facts.
Occupation: Artist Heritage:
Occupation: Artist
Heritage: Irish, English, Scottish, German, Dutch, French
Favorite Food: PIZZA
Favorite beverage: Lemonade
Coffee or tea: Both equally.
Hair color: Brown with silver highlights
Siblings: 8 siblings
Favorite TV Show: At the moment, Curse of Oak Island and Murdock Mysteries(The Artful Detective in the US)
Favorite Book: 1984
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Favorite Store: Chapters
Random and weird fact: Many of my dreams especially nightmares and many things I just blurt out as well.....have come true. (coincidental probably)
Yes it appears that way...
Yes it appears that way... but it may not be at all likely but instead just coincidence. But there are many examples through out my life since I was at least 12.
I do talk to family as I am not the only one that experiences this.
Occupation: Managing Partner
Occupation: Managing Partner for a small company
Heritage: Bohemian
Favorite Food: Fruit
Favorite beverage: sugar free Red Bull
Coffee or tea: Kona Coffee
Hair color: Auburn
Siblings: I'm the 8th of 9 children (and no, my family is not catholic!)
Favorite TV Show: Gold Rush (because it's mindless)
Favorite Book: To many to choose from
Cats or Dogs: Cats!
Favorite Store: I don't like shopping and never have
Random and weird fact: I have mentored over 100 women
I love reading about
I love reading about everyone--it helps to know what people's backgrounds are like and gives a lot of context.
Occupation: Landlord, martial arts instructor, acupuncturist.
Heritage: Chinese
Favorite Food: Oysters. Korean barbecue is also top as is soup dumplings.
Favorite Beverage: Give me a mojito any day.
Coffee or tea: Tea. A few days of coffee and the withdrawal is so terrible I won't even start now.
Hair Color: Black.
Siblings: One younger sister.
Favorite TV Show: Sherlock. Big Bang Theory. Community.
Favorite Book: Any of the James Herriot veterinarian memoirs.
Cats or Dogs: All and none. Love them but had enough of them as kids.
Favorite Store: Home Goods. I could stay in there for hours.
Random and Weird Fact: My second toe on my right foot can move independently of my other toes--I sprained it when I was a kid and once it healed, I found out I could do that.
Occupation: production
Occupation: production line
Heritage: russian
Favorite Food: chinese or potatoes its hard to choose
Favorite beverage: tea or ice cold water
Coffee or tea: both. But i didnt start drinking coffee until i was 23
Hair color: white
Siblings: 1 full sister, 1 half(12 years younger, only met twice)
Favorite TV Show: shameless, any "house" shows i love hgtv
Favorite Book: too many. Pre-children i would crush about 3 books a week on average. I love reading
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Favorite Store: ikea or the fancy boutiques at the mall
Random and weird fact: i had milk maid elbows as a child. My arms would pop out of socket very often, even the force of my body weight swinging in a tree could pop them out. I was a very busy and climbing type child . Plus side is i have a very high pain tolerance lol
Occupation: Executive
Occupation: Executive Assistant (Gov't)
Heritage: South Pacific Islands / Scot
Favorite Food: Ring burner curries..the hotter the better!
Favorite beverage: Corona or Summer Beer
Coffee or tea: Coffee - Jumbo mochas with heaps of sugar
Hair color: Dark brown
Siblings: 5 sisters and 2 brothers
Favorite TV Show: Big Bang, Arrested Development, Game of Thrones and more
Favorite Book: Anything by Dean Koontz, Anne Rice and Stephen King
Cats or Dogs: Love dogs and now cats due to being adopted by one
Favorite Store: None - hate shopping
Random and weird fact: My Dad was convinced I was a boy and named me accordingly (I am named after his best mate).
Occupation: Financial
Occupation: Financial Advisor
Heritage: German/Afrikaans
Favorite Food: green salad
Favorite beverage: anything starting with an A - Alcohol
Coffee or tea: Coffee, black strong coffee and green tea
Hair color: brown
Siblings: 3 idiotic brothers one older 2 younger
Favorite TV Show: food channel
Favorite Book: anything written b James Patterson
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Favorite Store: any hardware store
Random and weird fact: addicted to bleaching everything.....
Occupation: Commercial and HR
Occupation: Commercial and HR manager in IT
Heritage: French-Italian
Favorite Food: oysters and sashimi
Favorite beverage: coca-cola
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hair color: Brunette with highlights, taking highlights to ombre
Siblings: older brother
Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy, How to get away with murder, Quantico
Favorite Book: Gone with the wind
Cats or Dogs: Both
Favorite Store: Guess
Random and weird fact: I am an insomniac with OCD
Guess - great store.
Guess - great store.
Occupation: Engineer/Asset
Occupation: Engineer/Asset Management, Reliability & Maintenance Director
Heritage: Primarily Celtic/British & North Western European with a smidge of, Germanic, Scandinavian, Native American, and Eastern European thrown in. According to the DNA study I did over the holidays.
Favorite Food: I like it all
Favorite beverage: High end Anejo Tequila on the rocks with jalapeno stuffed olives.
Coffee or tea: Tea. Black.
Hair color: Brown with red undertones though it is getting lighter due to an infestation of grey.
Siblings: Younger brother 1 (6yrs younger), YB 2 (8yrs younger - deceased for more than 42 years)
Favorite TV Show: None. I generally am not a TV guy though I do take spells where I watch quite a bit.
Favorite Book(s): The Hornblower Saga (CS Forester)- An Napoleonic War historical fiction series about the British navy. My dad first gave the me series when I was 12. I read it every couple of years. Lucifer's Hammer - A post apocalyptic sci-fi novel about the survival and recovery of human society following a cataclysmic comet strike on Earth. I read it first about 35 years ago.
Cats or Dogs: Birds. But I like pets in general though due to severe allergies and childhood asthma I have not been able to have furry pets in about 40 years.
Favorite Store: Duluth Clothing Company (catalog sales - underclothes/skivvies), Men's Warehouse, Ralph Lauren, Levis (501's - button fly.... there is no substitute).
Random and weird fact: Nothing beats a shower of infinite hot water, steam, and lots of time to relax and cogitate. Either alone or with my soul mate.
I completely agree - nothing
I completely agree - nothing beats a shower of infinite hot water and steam. Scorching hot.
Occupation: Marketing/Public
Occupation: Marketing/Public Relations
Heritage: Scottish, Egyptian and Filipino
Favorite Food: Carbs--anything carbs
Favorite beverage: Mango Margaritas
Coffee or tea: Coffee-lots of cream and sugar--its basically a dessert by the time I finish mixing it
Hair color: Blonde
Siblings: Older sister
Favorite TV Show: Walking Dead fanatic
Favorite Book: Anything by Harlan Coben
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Favorite Store: Bass Pro
Random and weird fact: Whenever I eat a candy with multiple colors I have to sort all the colors with like colors.. then I eat them in preferential order starting with my least favorite flavor/color to my favorite.
Occupation: Social Worker by
Occupation: Social Worker by day, Martial Arts Instructor by night
Heritage: Irish, Scottish, Dutch, and German. Probably more as well
Favorite Food: Chocolate. Any kind, any way, any time
Favorite beverage: COFFEE!!!!
Coffee or tea: COFFEE!!!!
Hair color: Um..Coffee? Light and sweet coffee
Siblings: Older brother, 3 younger sisters, 3 steps
Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead
Favorite Book: Far too many to list! Love Stephen King, Lovecraft, and Poe
Cats or Dogs: I'm a cat person (I have two) but love dogs as well
Favorite Store: Old bookstores full of hidden treasures
Random and weird fact: I have won gold medals in sparring and board breaking at taekwondo championships. And I dip potato chips in milk before I eat them. And I have synesthesia.
wow, ghost! what type do you
wow, ghost! what type do you have?
Maybe ghost is like Cassandra
Maybe ghost is like Cassandra in The Librarians...
Occupation: High school
Occupation: High school teacher
Heritage: Won't tell details due to anonymity, Jewish of very mixed heritage
Favorite Food: Wild mushrooms (chanterelle etc wild though not cultivated)
Favorite beverage: Carrot juice yeah I am weird, I don't drink alcohol much
Coffee or tea: Love both .
Hair color: Natural darkish blonde currently light highlights
Siblings: Younger brother
Favorite TV Show: Sopranos
Favorite Book: Chekhov short stories, I read a lot and different variety but always know where my Chekhov books are
Cats or Dogs: Not a pet person
Favorite Store: Chicos for clothes and Nino Salvagio
Random and weird fact: Not weird but random, I travelled to 16 countries. Some once but most more than once, as many as 8-10 times. Not for business. Pleasure/tourist or visiting family