"Asking for a Friend"... OT-
On average, how often do you and your partner have sex?
Did it decrease significantly after you have been together for a while? (5 years, 10 yeas, 15 years)
If it did decrease, did you have conversations about it, and how to get the flame back?
Totally asking for a friend...
- BSgoinon's blog
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DH and I are around 5-7 times
DH and I are around 5-7 times a week. It used to be around 8-10 when we got together 5 years ago, and since we've had baby it's dropped. Sometimes there are luls when it's only 3-4 times a week. He always wants it so it's moreso a matter of me working to be more flexible with my time to accommodate more often when we're in a lul.
I'd say it's about 8 times a
I'd say it's about 8 times a month. Pretty good considering SS is with us 24/7/365. Sex is frigging fantastic and it's been 5 years.
With my exH, we'd only do it once every 12-18 months and he made it seem like such a chore. Then again, he was drowning at the bottom of endless vodka bottles back then.
Sounds like my ExH
Sounds like my ExH
This is where we are. 12
This is where we are. 12 years in, we went from pretty much daily down to once or twice a week. But I would still prefer daily or close to it. DH is always "tired".
The thing is, I feel like I look my best. I work out now, which I didn't when we met. I take excellent care of myself. I make myself available. Send pics... do all the "flirty things" and get NUTHIN.
DH tells me that twice a week is more than most people that have been together as long as us and I am just a "horn dog" that there is nothing wrong with him... I want to believe him. But it really blows my self esteem when I get shot down.
He is loving and affectionate all of the time, just the actual ACT of it doesn't happen as much as I would like.
It sucks.
And I feel like that is the WORST thing to fight about, but I have no idea how to come to a compromise without talking about it, and COMPROMISE on our sex life, man... that sucks. DH doesn't like to talk about it.
I am frustrated.
Bummer! Is it necessary that
Bummer! Is it necessary that he 'perform'? What about toys? My DH is 53 and isn't always...up to the task, but he makes certain I'm satisfied.
He has no problem be "up" for
He has no problem be "up" for it... it's getting him to actually engage in anything that is the issue.
Hmmm...do you think he feels
Hmmm...do you think he feels unattractive and 'unworthy' of you as you're looking so good??
I don't think so. I think
I don't think so. I think he's getting old and lazy.
Buy toys for yourself.
Buy toys for yourself.
I have them, I just prefer
I have them, I just prefer using them WITH him. I guess I will have to give up that dream.
I think she should take up
I think she should take up hobbies for herself. If mutual sex is not an option and she doesn't want to self-indulge, find some new interests to keep busy.
We went from multiple times a
We went from multiple times a day and all day long on non-skid weekends to 1-3 times a day. We're very physical.
Granny, there is no shame in
Granny, there is no shame in ANY man using Viagra to please his lady!!
I'm not as fat as I used to be, but my hubby thinks I'm HOT. He thinks he's average, but I think he's the sexiest man to walk the earth. ~drool~
If you knew how many years I spent unsatisfied by inept partners, you'd realize I'm making up for lost time. OINK!
DH and I fall into this
DH and I fall into this category too.
However my sex drive has been shot
stress, busy, etc so I am hoping to get back into the groove.
I feel like this too, and I
I feel like this too, and I don't know why! I'm still attracted to DH and to men in general, but I don't care that much about the act of sex. There are so many other things I'd truly rather be doing. My sex drive used to be a lot higher. Sex is good too. Maybe having kids killed this? Like pregnancy for me was so unsexy and now I have little people touching me all the time and it's filling some need. I don't know.
I'm starting to think I used to be an infatuation junkie- like I love sex at the beginning of a relationship- the flirting, the pursuit, the excitement and mystery, the butterflies and dating, but now that it's predictable and available I just don't need it or think about it. I feel bad though- trying to maintain some interest for my DH's sake but I'd be fine if we had sex like once or twice a month. Ugh. :?
We are cyclical. We started
We are cyclical. We started out nearly daily then over time progressed to a cyclical frequency.
We will go for periods 1-2 mos where we are intimate daily or even more than once a day then we go longer until we hit a period where it may be only weekly.
This time last year we were
This time last year we were daily. Maybe we are cyclical and I didn't notice. When it lessens it really hurts my feelings. Maybe I am just hormonal.
The time of year definitely
The time of year definitely has something to do with it though. I notice we're super up for it in the spring and the fall. Winter and summer... meh...
When we first got together
When we first got together I'd say about 2-3 times a week and it stayed that way until last year. We had a rough year and we fought quite a bit, which of course lowered our desire.
Also, I was the one to initiate it about 80% of the time and I got tired of it, so I've quit for the most part, which dropped how often the deed got done. He never turned me down when I did, but I would complain that I'd like him to initiate more often and make me feel wanted too, but he hardly would or if he did it was "hey, wanna have sex?" sooo enticing, ha.
And to add that I've gained about 30 pounds since we started dating and feel terrible about myself. DH doesn't do much to help that either, doesn't compliment me much and the flirting has become more scarce too.
Add all of that together and I'd say right now it MIGHT be twice a month!
We're just not in the best place at the moment. Hoping it'll change because I do enjoy the sex, when we have it!
We had a rough year too, I
We had a rough year too, I know that has a lot to do with it.
but we are in a better place now, our sex life just hasn't bounced back like I hoped it would.
Ours is directly related to
Ours is directly related to stress levels. Sometimes we cycle together and sometimes we don't. There are times when it is 5 times a week and other times when it is once a week or less. Neither of us are happy when it's not happening as often as we'd like and we do talk about it - but really how much stress are you capable of cutting out from your job, your family, and steplife?
last time was in January and
last time was in January and before that, October (just once in each month)
The blood pressure pills he takes have also taken away his interest and ability to perform.
We probably have sex 3 -6
We probably have sex 3 -6 times a week. As others have said we tend to cycle round but we always talk about it and put more effort in if we feel things are lagging.
These last few weeks we have been having morning sex which has been a fun way to start the day and puts less pressure on having evening sex. I have been getting up 30 mins or so earlier than usual and waking him up with sex which is good for me because I tend to not be great at initiating things even if I do want sex. We tend to go to bed pretty late so are exhausted and just want to sleep, so evening sex becomes a bit of a chore sometimes.
Now daytime sex, while the kid is at school, that is fun! Even if it might disturbs our neighbors!
We often use sexual acts as favors or wagers. So if you do this for me I will do x in the bedroom for you. Or if I win this game I get y and if you win you get z. These can be fun ways to flirt and keep things lighthearted and indulge each other.
My DH wants it all the time.
My DH wants it all the time. Such Adar lead to cs a day. Me? I am like take it or leave it. I am in my 50s and in menopause, I barely ever want it
OH nooooooooooooo. Please
OH nooooooooooooo. Please consider checking with your dr. Could be an easy fix.
We may be the same age??? I would never ever ask nor would I reveal
Anyway sex is GREAT
DH and I have been together
DH and I have been together over 5 years. We have sex at least every other night or every two days.
Before kids it was every night more than not.
We're at... once a week? It
We're at... once a week?
It used to be lots more but after 2 kids... I'm just not feelin' it much. Sudden hormone shift because I used to be rarin' to go any time all the time. DH is much older so his libido never matched mine. 1 week out of the month is out because of Aunt Flo, so that's like... 3 times a month. Ugh, sad.
We're "intimate" a lot though. A grope here, a kiss there, we cuddle in bed. He's never short of telling me I look good. I think the new baby (who isn't so new any more) just keeps us too tired. I think it'll get better once she's like 2...
I'm glad my drive calmed down. Like really glad. So much more attention can be paid to all the things I gotta do than wonder when I can get some next time.
We talk about it from time to time but more like, "Hey, are you satisfied where we are." "Yep." "Okay, let me know if you're not."
DH THEORETICALLY would like it more, only because he thinks we SHOULD, not necessarily because either of us wants to because we're so tired all the time.
This sounds familiar. You're
This sounds familiar. You're not alone. Seems like ever since my first pregnancy (2014) which definitely lowered my sex drive, followed by breastfeeding (which definitely lowered my sex drive) and then the second pregnancy (2015- complicated by health issues and followed by a huge flood in our house, which yep, lowered my sex drive) I'm so take-it-or-leave-it about all that. I wish I had more libido, kind of, but I also just want some alone time and sleep, or maybe a really good workout and a bath.
I remember someone asking DH and me before we got married what our ideal sex schedule would be and I said, "every day" and DH said, "maybe 3-4 x per week"- and now I think HIS goal sounds high. Like, dude, that's SO much work... pathetic. Hoping this is a baby phase.
I have always had a very high
I have always had a very high sex drive. Kids father was semi low to me, he had only ever had sex with BM, not even a hand job from another so his mind was blown constantly by me as i am adventurous. After the twins, and his drinking started. We have had sex about maybe 9 times. They are 2.
I have been sooo terrified of getting pregnant that it killed my wanting to have sex with him. He was also drinking and being such a jerk that i only "took one for the team" so to speak the times wr have had sex since their birth. I didnt feel like i had to put out for a jerk.
I have burned through alot of batteries. Lol
We are attempting to work things out now that he has been sober for 4 months , is on meds for depression and seeing a couciling everyweek AND 3 aa meetings every week. He also finally got a vasectomy 2 weeks ago. I am hoping that things progress he stays sober and i have a sex life again. It has been since august 2016 for me.
Since we split up i have had several guys try i called them vultures lol but really the thought of getting pregnant ruins my drive, i almost died and there is no way i want to have more. Birth control isnt good enough and they would not tie my tubes because i was 26.
We've been together 10
We've been together 10 years.
In the beginning 2-4 times a day. Our jobs were flexible and we'd meet for afternoon delight almost every day, as well as morning and evening sex.
Some weekends we'd only get out of bed to use the washroom or grab a slice of cold pizza.
Now we are at once, sometimes twice a day, I love morning sex. It's gentle and soft, cuddly, warm and quick. Evenings are a little more raunchy, lots of foreplay, different positions or they are quick and to the point, depends on me entirely and how I'm feeling (I'll explain below)
Our problem lately is that neither of us are working full time and DH is bored. He wants to spend the day in bed like we did in the beginning. I'm happy with twice a day, my needs are fulfilled and Honestly I have other things to do!
DH was resorting to whining "you're bored of me" " I guess you aren't as attracted to me as you were when we met" " I wish you wanted me as much as you used to"
Arrrrgggg, just because you are bored and horny doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything and F*#k you!
We had a talk and I think we've worked it out.
So, confession time. Sorry if it's tmi for anyone.
I was molested when I was young. I had issues with sex for a long time. Very promiscuous in my teens then frigid when I started counselling. Reaching orgasm is mental work for me, my mind has to tell my body it's ok to let go and enjoy the sexual touching.
I enjoy sex, the touching, the closeness, the kissing all of that and I don't NEED to have an orgasm to be satisfied.
It took DH a long time to understand that. He's the first man who ever called me out on faking one. I promised I'd never do it again as long as he didn't expect me to have one every time. He's loving and giving and if I want an orgasm, he will do everything he can to help out.
My exH was loving but his ego was way too tied up with satisfying his woman and so it made sex work. I got to the point where I just wanted to avoid it. I hated having to preform, I felt like a prostitute.
not as much as we use to...
not as much as we use to... with Aergia in the house it's impossible .. and we are not living in the same house anymore, so that's not helping....
week-ends when we go to the cottage, well that was a full day of sexy time and playing, but I stopped it for the same effing reason I do not want to have sex in SO's house, his family does not know a thing called privacy...
I hate it .... they will open the house door and walk in, not caring who's in the house or dressed how, FIL caught me the other day making coffee in my panties, I was livid and I think he heard me loud and clear when I told SO, this shit needs to f@cking stop, I do not need your parents 7 am simply walking in here like they own the place without knocking... once I was getting out of the bath, bath room in our room.... now my cloths are on the bed, bedroom door closed... as I came out of the bathroom MIL was sitting on the bed, waiting for me.... I blew my top....
I refuse to have sex now in any of his places, there's just no privacy, you can lock the door.. no one cares, they keep on knocking and calling...