SS played his paw paw
Dh had lunch with his dad (stepdad) on Friday to talk about ss. Dh left furious with ss. When paw paw took him shopping, ss told him how bad he is treated at our house, how no one loves him or wants him there, how dh ignores him to play with my girls, how I make food I know he is allergic to (one time, we were newly married and I forgot he was allergic to Brussel sprouts) and insisted he eat it (once dh reminded me he was allergic I apologized, ss didn't remind me just refused to try them). How he doesn't have a room (he does but we also use it as storage, on occasion since he isn't there much and we store stuff in there we will be using again rather than take it down to the basement. Dh loves me and my girls more and that my girls always talk about things that happen when he isn't around so he can't be a apart of the conversation. His dad won't do scouts with him and he is the only one there whose dad doesn't love him.
Dh tried to set his dad straight and his dad kept proposing "solutions" to make ss feel more loved. Dh shut him down and told him he got played by ss and that he wasn't going to pay him back for ss scouting like he had planned and if it were up to him he would pull ss from scouts as punishment for lying to him. He told his dad he loved him and would see him at Easter and he walked out.
We went for Easter and I was really on edge on how his dad would treat him but dh wound up staying away from his dad (stepdad) and keeping himself busy. My mil tried to talk to dh about it and he told her he didn't want to hear it. He won't see ss till this weekend and he won't be allowing him to go on the hiking camp out due to his lying. He is also going to make him apologize to us for lying and he is going to take ss to his parents house so he can have a talk with the 3 of them. I'm so angry at ss. I always try and make sure things are good for him when he is here and I put off activities till he is with us but I won't be doing that anymore.
- Goblin's blog
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I agree. I think the boy
I agree. I think the boy does feel marginalized. He is most likely jealous of the fact that the girls get more time with his father than he does.
I also can see how he would feel like he doesn't have a room when he comes over to find other peoples junk in it. I know, as adults we may see the logic in a non-fulltime resident not having a claim on a room full time, but from a 10 year old boy's perspective, he doesn't have his own room. He shares a room with storage space.
The Brussels sprout allergy? TBH, if I was told one of my stepkids had an allergy, I would absolutely not forget that.
And yeah.. all the other scouts probably DO have involved fathers. Dad is loathe to get involved because of that time 5 years ago that his EX abdicated the responsibility to him.
So, yeah, you have a 10 yo child that probably is getting a little PAS from mom..PLUS he has found that his stepgrandfather (SGF) is a sympathetic ear... and that it nets him stuff like his boy scout uniform.
I think it's very likely that SGF was one of those men that really take an active and interested role in their stepsons. He probably went to scout meetings and paid for things out of his own pocket. From his perspective, he was open and generous with a child that wasn't even his and now this same kid is treating his own son like some second class citizen and splitting hairs over small potatoes and isn't very involved in his own kid's life!
I think SGF probably is on the right track with making sure the boy understands that he is on equal footing with the girls in the home and that even though he is not with him full time, his dad loves him very much.
Denying him the trip this weekend and punishing him because he is feeling marginalized will only serve to make the divide even wider. Imagine the NEXT interaction with SGF when the boy tells him he got in trouble for talking to him!
Yeah, I'm going to have to
Yeah, I'm going to have to agree.
The kid didn't lie. The kid told Paw Paw how the kid views things and how the kid feels. Kid talked his feelings and my first instinct would certainly not be to punish this child for how he views it. A sit down between father and son followed up by counseling would be my first steps.
Kid didn't play Paw Paw...the kid has feelings and he expressed them. OP cant expect a child of 10-11 to understand and see things as a full grown adult does. And no, OP is not unbiased in this to be able to see the child's side has some merit.
I think you ought to not be
I think you ought to not be that angry at SS, instead be angry with DHs parents? Kids lie, it's a fact of life. They take advantage of it, if they can. And It's your DHs parents that believe your SS, even over their own son, and thus encouraging the lying. I'd give SS a lecture, but really grandma and grandpa are the ones that need a time out.
A couple of things stand out
A couple of things stand out to me.
1. The lying. Less flat out lying and more embellishing. There is an element of truth in everything he said. Frustrating, and absolutely punish him for the dishonesty, but also let yourselves see things from SS's point of view as well. To him, using his room as storage only makes him feel like he isn't part of the family. We've been through this as well. In our house, SD has her own room and the three boys (SS10, BS4, and BS2) share a room. When our basement flooded, SD11's room became a partial storage area. Once we got new shelves that raised everything off the floor (temporary measure) everything was supposed to go back down. But then there'd be things that really shouldn't risk getting wet, so we left them in her room. Long story somewhat shorter, SD11 told MIL that she hated it and it made her feel like we didn't care about her, but she didn't want to tell us directly. So we sat down and talked with her about it. We had to rearrange what was on our shelves, but our convenience didn't trump SD11's feelings. I suspect this is the case for you too. It's convenient to store things in his room and you don't see it as him being less important, but SS does. Since it's a matter of convenience you may want to consider giving in on this matter.
Edit to add: I do think SS was embellishing because it got him attention from PawPaw. Look what happened at the Scout night. Why wouldn't SS embellish his story when PawPaw is so VERY receptive? The basis of each "lie" is a fact that SS feels and that needs to be addressed but not punished. The embellishment is the part I'd be willing to punish over, not the feelings.
2. FIL. I think your DH (and you to an extent) are letting your anger with FIL's interfering affect and increase your anger with SS. Before you make any decisions on SS's punishment, please take a few moments to talk it out together (you and DH) and figure out where the irritation truly lies so you don't overreact to SS.
3. Father-Son bonding sounds like it would be a GOOD thing in your case. It doesn't have to be much, maybe just DH and SS going to the store or doing yardwork together while you and the girls do inside cleaning. The boys can go to a park together and throw a ball, or SS can practice Karate holds/blocks/punches with DH. Whether or not it's real that DH spends more time with your DDs than he does with SS, that's how SS is perceiving it. And you can make these changes slowly without SS knowing that it was changed due to his complaints. That should head off any "whining to get my way works!" issues.
I am going to add to this
I am going to add to this that I think this kind of "punishment" is over the top, and that the honest to goodness way of resolving this is to have SS talk to his father about these things and NOT just have his dad shut down all of his feelings and concerns, rather listen and come up with solutions but also explaining that life isn't going to be fair and bring up instances of where SS has the advantage--like most likely having two of every holiday, etc.
You know how you get people who like to do the poor me schtick? When the first time they bring up a concern, it gets marginalized instead of worked on in a pro-active way. They find that they have to blow things out of proportion in order to get the response they originally desired. I'm not saying reward for embellishing the truth, but to WORK on and acknowledge feelings and develop coping skills and mechanisms.
Punishments will just make him think you guys hate him for saying what he perceives as the truth. Only punishments have not, and will not make good children. It's never worked for anyone and won't work for you. Your SS also needs to be taught and shown what it means to be grateful and see the glass half full. When we use to get presents and things, my mom would always have us donate something in order to remind us there are a LOT less fortunate people out there and we should be thankful for what we had.
This is coming from me and I am very strict with my own children--but the only form of "punishment" I ever gave my DD for saying things as she perceived it, even if it was not true, was explanations and working through it. Sometimes kids have difficulty connecting events and we have to recognize that as well and remind them. This is so they can become self aware. Punishments with no development of awareness creates people who think things just HAPPEN to them rather than they may have been the cause of the things that are occurring.
I am sympathetic to you and your DH but as the parents, we want our kids to succeed as human beings and this is as good a time as any to do so.
We use the skids rooms as
We use the skids rooms as guest rooms when they aren't there. We often use them to store items as well but I make sure to clean their rooms and remove all items before they get to the house. I want them to feel welcome and at least comfortable in "their rooms", I think having your own space as a skid is important and if you come over to find it filled with stuff that might hurt some feelings.
Both of my son's have
Both of my son's have blankets and extra things for the home stored under their beds and in a corner of their closet. So far they haven't complained, but they are my kids and not skids. I'm sure it would be entirely different if I stored extra household items in a skids room. I would be the evil SM trying to push them out }:)
I'm so glad your dh stood up
I'm so glad your dh stood up like a man with his dad. Pawpaw sounds like an old school macho male who feels he has to swoop in and take care of everyone and teach everyone a lesson. Is he a big fan of John Wayne, by any chance? That big macho thing is so easy to manipulate and BM is doing it through her kid.
Every time ss dribbles forth any info about dad's house, bm nurtures that little seed until the kid is convinced he resents something.
Both my skids rooms' are used for storage 100% of the time and neither one seems to care. This state of affairs existed long before I moved into this house. I originally thought it should be fixed but I saw neither cared so I stfu.
SS probably said something to bm once like "I was playing basketball with spitwads and a trash can in my room using that stack of boxes in my bedroom as the backboard. It was fun." And cue bm...."You have a stack of boxes in your room? What's in them?" "I dunno. Some stuff from the basement, I think." "Oh, that makes me mad at your dad. You should have your own room! They shouldn't make you sleep in the storage closet!" Aaaaand win for mom. Kid now can't stop thinking about it.
There's a bm problem here and a paw-paw problem. I'm really glad your dh didn't let pawpaw drag him into the bm blackhole he fell into.
The problem is that the child
The problem is that the child feels like his dad doesn't love him. That's pretty sad. I think it is up to DAD to try to fix this situation and not get all offended when people deliver a message that is hard to hear.
I'm guessing the "solutions"
I'm guessing the "solutions" pawpaw offered to make SS feel more loved are the same ones you would get from a lot of people here. When the kid says he feels unloved, responding with anger and punishments seems like the last thing you should do. DH should talk to him one on one in a safe environment, so the child can express the same feelings with his father that he could with his grandfather.
He is 10. Nothing you wrote sounds like outright lies and manipulations- it sounds like the interpretation of the world through the eyes of a sad, frustrated little boy. He sees things one way, you see them in another, and as always the reality is somewhere in the middle. It would be a horrible mistake for you and your DH to respond the way you are planning. SS needs to feel love, and you should respond to that with empathy and compassion.
Since SS is being punished
Since SS is being punished this weekend, does that mean he and your husband will miss your family's Easter activities.
No. Ss is being punished by
No. Ss is being punished by missing the scout trip. They will be coming with us to my families activities.
Isn't that what you wanted
Isn't that what you wanted all long? :? You said several times that you all didn't know about the camping trip so he should not get to go.
So the kid will be punished by replacing one fun event with another. :? :?
Why doesn't dad just stay home with the kid while you take your girls to your family event?
I didn't feel as though dh
I didn't feel as though dh should miss my family celebration for the trip. If ss wanted to go I wouldn't have minded.
Didn't your husband just
Didn't your husband just spend Easter with you and your girls yesterday? Even if it was a low key day, he was with you all.
Missing your family event in order to attend the scouting trip with his son should have been a no brainer since he was woth you Easter.
Replacing one fun event with another fun event is not a punishment. If your husband truly believes his son lied and deserves to be punished, he would keep him home this weekend.
This SS lied to pawpaw is either a lie or your husband is using it as an excuse to justify picking his stepdaughters over his own son,
No. We spent the day at his
No. We spent the day at his families Easter celebration. It started with a sunrise service and didn't end till 5. We didn't get to sit back and celebrate and enjoy ourselves like we will be able to do at my families.
Goblin, your husband spent
Goblin, your husband spent Easter with YOUR KIDS. Regardless of which family you visited or how much fun you had, he was with YOUR KIDS.
It's pretty darn selfish to now have a problem with him skipping your family's event in order to go camping with HIS CHILD.
Damn, the poor kid missed Easter with his grandparents due to the CO, but your girls were right there front and center. Now he has to miss his camping trip where he would have some stepsister free time with dad and instead go to your Easter event where will have to share his dad's time with your girls.
There's no way on the world you don't understand why SS feels the way he does.
Disneyfan, that is crap! The
Disneyfan, that is crap! The only and I mean only reason my family has Easter the week after is so that we can go. I would have rather gone to my family celebration than to his parents house. My girls and I went as a favor/obligation to dh.
Where you went, why you went
Where you went, why you went or what you did does not matter. None of that changes the fact tbat your husband spent Easter day with his STEPKDS. A man who constantly goes out of his way to include and embrace his stepkids, should not feel bad for having to back out on a 2nd family Easter day with them in order to do something with his OWN CHILD.
Taking away the camping trip is not a punishment if it's replaced with the opportunity to spend the day running around having fun with the other kids at a holiday celebration. If this were truly about punishing the kid, husband and his son would stay home while you and your girls visit your family.
This whole "punishment" excuse is bull.
I saud it before and I will say it again. Your posts sound very NUNYA, SHELDONFAN,STEPMOMINHIDDINGish
Whether or not the kid was
Whether or not the kid was making things seem worse than they are, he still got rewarded for it by grandpa and will use that tactic again in the future. Anytime SS doesn't get his way, he will work that to get what he wants. I do feel he may need some reassurance from his dad that he is loved and valued but I don't see anything wrong with punishing him.
Also, I call Bill on the fact that the SS is the only one there without a dad. I took my BS to boy scouts and there was only 1 or 2 dads total that went. The majority were moms there with their sons. And not every parent attends once they get into the higher scouting ages. My SS was in scouts too and DH never could go due to work. BM sure didn't bother going. I think your SS just found a good way to work the adults.
I think the dynamic varies
I think the dynamic varies from troop to troop.
I've seen everything from troops full of superdads to troops in after school programs where parents rarely show up.
I'll agree here. I think it
I'll agree here. I think it also varies by age. SS10 is in Scouts - a requirement in DH's family, lol. SS10 is the 4th generation Scout, and all 3 generations before were Eagles, and continued to be involved as adults. (Not entirely sure on Great-Grandpa but that's how FIL tells it so I'll believe it unless proved otherwise.) DH also had Arrow of Light and expects his sons to achieve it as well. DH's family takes Scouts seriously.
When he started Tigers, DH was the only Dad at his level. All the rest of the parents were Moms. Now that he's in Webelos, it's about half-and-half. We went on a camp-out with the Boy Scouts - all Dads except 1.
I don't think the child needs
I don't think the child needs to be punished for talking with his SGF. I think he should be assured that if he has these feelings then he should directly speak with his dad about it instead of going to a third party.
Dad can certainly express his OWN feelings about what his son told his stepdad. He can say that he was disappointed to hear his son felt this way because he 100% doesn't love his son any less than his daughters. He can express that he was hurt that he had to hear about this from a third party. He can ask him about specific exaggerations and explain how that might make his dad look bad in someone else's eyes.
The kid feels neglected. It's
The kid feels neglected. It's unwise to punish him. It is wiser to talk to him. I also think that the reason he talked to grandpa is because he isn't that close to his dad. It's sad.
Deleted. Irrelevant
Deleted. Irrelevant
Paw Paw needs to go way down
Paw Paw needs to go way down yonder in the Paw Paw patch and mind his own business and stop letting himself get played by this kid! Skid is playing Paw Paw because he gets results. He knows this shit wouldn't fly with his father because it's just not true, so better to serve the whine and cheese to someone he CAN con.
The only thing I whole
The only thing I whole heartedly agree with is your DH taking your SS to his parents and all three of them talking about what SS said to StepGpa with your DH sitting there. BM recently went to lunch with SS at school. Long story short: SS lied to BM saying DH said some things about her; she got angry and half ass attacked him via email. He told her it was a lie and she needs to stop indulging SS because he won't stop until she stops playing along to his victim card (fat chance since he got it from her) then when it was time for pick up, DH asked SS in front of BM "what did you say to your mom at lunch" SS said repeated what he said then DH asked him "Is that true or did you make that up" and SS (with tears) admitted he lied to BM and said, "No, I lied...(talking to BM) it's just sometimes I think it's funny to lie to you" :jawdrop: Yep. You read that right. He thinks it's FUNNY to lie to her, to watch her get so mad and worked up all the while showering SS with more gifts for telling her how horrible he has it listening to all these terrible things DH supposedly says. Meh. You could tell she was flabbergasted when her little angel admitted to her he lies to her for sport. I think your DH should do the same. Have your skid sit down with StepGPa, ask him "SS what do we usually do on the weekends?" "Is that true or is that a lie" "What are you allergic to? How many times has Op cooked that" (once or all the time) Is that true or was it only once years ago? The kid needs to be able to tell his version and then your DH needs to correct that version with the truth for StepGPa. When it's all said and done he needs to tell him that what he is doing is manipulating adults and it's wrong and the exact opposite of what cub scouts is suppose to be teaching him.
^^^this is literally the best
^^^this is literally the best way to approach this.
It's not that big a
It's not that big a difference between lying and embellishing for sympathy. Both are wrong. SS should learn it was WRONG to embellish for sympathy. But I don't think DH will get anywhere with Grandpa if Grandpa isn't willing to listen. He'll just jump in and start telling DH how wrong he is because of SS's feelings and SS's embellishment gets validated all over again. Until Grandpa is willing to listen to DH's side of the story with an open mind, it's pointless to bring the SS in front of him.
I happen to think the kid is hurting, and that DH needs to take time for just the two of them to sit, talk, and bond. But that doesn't excuse the 'victim-hood' the kid is trying to sink into. All he's learned right now is that if he cries to Grandpa, Grandpa yells at Dad and buys SS exactly what he wants and more. Things won't help SS stop hurting. Communication and time with Dad will.
I completely agree. I don't
I completely agree. I don't think it's right to immediately assume his behavior was malicious. In fact, I wouldn't even go so far as to say he embellished, at least not consciously. Sounds like he had a sympathetic ear in pawpaw and unloaded his feelings. The memories attached to those feelings may not be totally accurate, but that could be skewed recollection, not deception. The son and his dad need to talk, and as you have said before, probably with a neutral, trained third party.
^I think this would work
^I think this would work well. With children it's better that the punishment fit the *crime,* rather than taking away a trip that has nothing to do with his actions. In this case the *punishment* would be DH, SS, and SGF talking together about what really goes on at DH's house. It would be wise to get SGF on board before this conversation happens.
This is just like making a kid bring back the candy bar he stole and telling the clerk what he did. Make the kid face his actions.
I think that the Dad could
I think that the Dad could get some traction if he explained how his son's embellishment's hurt his feelings. Kids often don't think beyond the bridge of their own nose. His son might empathize with his dad if he learns that stretching or fancying up the truth made his dad look like a bad father and hurt his feelings.
I am not sure that having a discussion with his stepfather present the first time is what I would do initially. I think a private discussion and assurances would be best. If the boy acknowledges he expanded on the truth.. possibly a 2nd discussion with grampa to get everyone on the same page would be good.
Dad dealing with it first
Dad dealing with it first would be a good idea.
The kid told his grandfather
The kid told his grandfather he feels unloved, and laid out the reasons why from his perspective. That's not a crime, even if his perceptions are not true reality. But I guarantee there is enough truth to his comments to make this a situation that needs to be handled sensitively, between the kid and his dad. OP has never said anything about SS having a history of lying and manipulation. There is no indication that he is a bad kid. Why treat him like a criminal instead of being open to the possibility that the kid really does believe he isn't loved? That's not far fetched to feel at that age. If it turns out this kid is an evil manipulator it will eventually become obvious. But why start from that position??
To be honest, I think if they
To be honest, I think if they try to punish the boy for crying to his stepgrandfather the result is likely to be an even bigger estrangement between the father and his stepdad. It also will end up aligning and encouraging an "us vs them" mentality with the child and his stepgrandpa.
As a lot of people pointed out, the boy doesn't appear to be outright lying. He does seem to feel like he is not as important as the full time residents of the home and he is insecure about his father's love. That really doesn't warrant punishment.
The child needs to feel like his dad loves him 100% of the time even if he isn't with him that amount of time.
Dad needs to figure out what the priority is for him and what he can and cannot do. It sounds like not participating in scouts is a result of his EX dumping things on him 5 years ago. Well, maybe that won't happen this time? Maybe it will? Is his son's happiness worth risking it? Is it something he realistically can do? Financially, are the few extra asks from his son going to "break him"? I mean, kids DO ask for a lot and it's ok for them to not get things all the time, but certainly Dad doesn't have to be so rigid as to not flex when warranted right? He CAN buy the kid a present if he wants to and can afford to do so.
It seems like a lot of these decisions have been made based on "principle" and not necessarily taking into account there is a real live boy who is getting the short end.
Gee, I always invite people
Gee, I always invite people who don't love me to my big important ceremonies. And then I ask them to buy me stuff. Especially I ask them for stuff when I don't feel like I can talk to them or they don't care about me.
Pleez. The boy clearly has a normally good relationship with dad. He wanted him to come and he didn't hesitate to ask for the shirt. He isn't afraid of dad or sad or circling the drain of emotional neglect. He feels confident and secure with dad.
BM got him all wound up and aimed him at paw-paw. Simple as that.
BM is also scheduling events on dad's weekend. She has no legal right to do that. The only way that kid was ever gonna go on that camping trip is if by some proper and mature means bm asked dad and he agreed -- OR if bm manipulated 2 easy marks into backing dad into a shame corner from which the only escape was through his checkbook and Camp Minnehaha.
SM has every reason to expect her husband to show up her family events since she attends his. SS got to spend Easter with his mother. What is so freakin' deprived about that?
Why should this man be
Why should this man be expected to put his stepkids ahead of his son?
Mom may have been a bitch throughout all of this, but that doesn't mean the kid should pay the price.
How many Easter events have this man spent with his stepkids? How many camping trips has he been on with his son?
Asking a dad to attend the ceremony and participate in scouting doesn't mmean he feels pushed aside.
I'm confused is this the case
I'm confused is this the case that started because BM did not buy the son a shirt that he needed for scouts. Then when son was asked he stated loudly (as the writer explained was not out of character for him) that BM couldn't buy it because of X and X cash issues and BD refused because he already pays child support and in no way was apart of the boy signing up for scouts.
The grandfather then went and bought the son EVERYTHING saying that he was doing it because the BD asked him to and wanted him to make sure he had everything he needed. That the grandfather did this without talking to the dad then expected him to pay saying that he didn't raise a deadbeat father.
So the final issue was dad didn't feel he should pay back grand dad.
The boy seems to be expressing his feelings which for whatever reason the facts may support or not but what matters is the son feels this way and no one can tell us how to feel. I don't understand how the boy lied either. He feels second to the fathers newer daughters which is normal for biokids to feel with siblings let alone a step child whose not always there. He feels he doesn't have his own room because other stuff is being stored in it (which in my view is ok if the child's not there but should have been moved before he came over or else its not just his room).
I feel like this is a ton of adult issues that should have been handled between the adults. Leave the kid out of it.
If biomom really couldn't afford the shirt (yes there were discussion about that) she should have contacted dad herself. Dad should NEVER said anything about child support to the kid as an excuse for not paying for something (adult matter). He should should just have said something along the lines of your mom is responsible for scouts while I make sure you have everything you need here at this home. Grandfather should not have taken it on himself to buy the stuff then expected to be paid back. Yada yada yada but hey what do I know I'm not even a real step parent yet.
I think that her DH offered
I think that her DH offered to repay his stepfather... but when it blew up further when the kid told paw paw he was being marginalized.. and DH decided he wouldn't.
She is firmly in the "blame
She is firmly in the "blame the skid" camp, sueu2
Wrong. I can see things from
I can see things from all sides, because I've been on all sides and still am. That's why I referred to this whole situation as a cluster-f*ck.
I have stated my opinions on her other blogs (in case sueu is really that interested). Because no one ever jumps in to post a simple comment. @@
Goblin - DH should ismply
Goblin - DH should ismply take his son alone on this camping trip and they can talk a bit.....
You do something with your girls, DH needs to explain to SS about the whole CS thing, and that he still loves him, and why they can't be together, you have no clue what BM is feeding this kid, she might be the one telling him... Dad is more interested in the girls, he does not love you blablablabla, I would not blame the boy, I would investigate and rectify. I would simply make sure the room is not used for storage anymore....
and DH and son should do more alone time when SS visits, not the whole week-end, but something like 2 hours on SAturday - batting cages or what ever. SS should also know if the scouts has a father son week-end he can ask DH to attend that week-end.
I still feel BM is behind this whole thing talking crap to SS...
He can take ss on another
He can take ss on another camping trip. If I have to sit through his family celebration he can damn well go to mine.
Ahhh, but he doesn't.
Ahhh, but he doesn't. Sometimes we do things for people because they are the right things to do. We do them because we care about people and don't expect anything in return.
Just like we tell kids that things aren't always "fair". Your DH may have a more pressing need to spend time with his son. Maybe next year he attends your family Easter and not his.. things have a way of working out.
This is the time you will
This is the time you will make it with SS or totally break it and your marriage,
Maybe it would be a good idea to take SS along, and DH can spend some quality time with him and talk to him,
Remember this is how this kid feels, and there's nothing wrong with his feelings, maybe if you all sit and talk to him, ignore the SFIL and MIL issues, and explain to SS why and how, he ill understand better, but punishing him by leaving him out is only going to cause more issues then you being angry currently
Please don't punish just for
Please don't punish just for the sake of punishing. THAT is malicious. Discipline is meant to make our children BETTER, it's meant to correct behavior, but it is NOT MEANT to hurt just for the sake of hurting. I'm hard on kids and very strict with my own, especially when they embellish/lie (and at 3 years old, DD1 has already started testing those limits) but I have NEVER made them feel unloved for doing something like that, which is what you're husband is doing.
EVERYONE needs to recognize their wrong-doing--literally what is the harm in your DH apologizing to SS about how he made him feel and SS apologizing to DH about humiliating him and embellishing the truth? CHILDREN DO AS WE DO--that's why whether or not I think the fault is mine, I will apologize to my DH and even my DDs when I HURT THEIR FEELINGS, whether I mean to or not.
And *GASP*, my child will apologize on her OWN VOLITION when she does something wrong because she realized how apologies can make people feel better. Isn't that something?
I found out early on that when I punished when my child tried to hide the truth from me (maybe she snuck a piece of chocolate, played with my make-up, etc.) it only made her dig in and lie harder when I confronted her. I'm telling you this from the mistake that I made myself but corrected very early on. These days I tell DD 3 years old that as long as she tells me the truth, we'll talk about it and I won't be angry. Her "nothing, mommy." when I ask her what happened or what is she doing (when she knows she shouldn't) has all but disappeared. I spoke with DH and we had to immediately change our method of parenting because conventional wisdom of punishing for lying DID NOT WORK. DOES NOT WORK. She gets a small punishment like we'll tell her we're disappointed, but we won't stop caring about her or giving her comfort when she needs it.
We are meant to be their role models, and the only thing you and your DH are teaching him is to use with-holding as a form of punishment when he does something you guys don't like. Guess what? There will be lots of things you and your DH do that he won't like (justified or not) and he'll use the exact same punishment tactics on you guys as you did to him. When he starts using that kind of emotional manipulation, there will be no one to blame but yourselves.
That is why it's important to, as the adult, put aside your FEELINGS and use logic in order to make everything better. You talk about fairness but fairness is feeling based--it's not actually logic based no matter what you tell yourself. Logic based would mean to take the road that decreases the bad behavior and increases the good so that the overall result is a step in a positive direction.
tl;dr Correcting embellishing/lying behavior is a whole different animal that requires different approaches.
" He won't see ss till this
" He won't see ss till this weekend and he won't be allowing him to go on the hiking camp out due to his lying."
Why isn't Dad seeing his son on the usual weekly Tuesday or Thursday this week? Does this mean SS misses his karate class with your daughters? Also, does Dad just plan to hit the kid up about your so called "lying" as kid gets in the car at weekend pick-up?
So humiliating SS at scout ceremony wasn't enough, you and Dad plan on squishing his very first camping trip ? All because kid didn't repeat storage room and brussel sprouts along with his experience as a stepchild in your home exactly the way you view it?
Tuesday is the anniversary of
Tuesday is the anniversary of bm's mom dying. Her family gets together and lets those lanterns and balloons go every year. It's in the custody agreement she gets him that day every year. Since we have him this weekend he doesn't get Thursday night visitation. As for the rest, I know you think we are bad parents but we aren't.
oh wow I didn't know I wasn't
oh wow I didn't know I wasn't his mom. Thanks for clarifying that for me! I had no idea.
Everything you have posted
Everything you have posted paints your husband as a great parent to you girls, but not to his own son.
He is a great dad to his son
He is a great dad to his son but sometimes his kid gets the sh!tty deal, it happens when families break up. He tries his best with ss but he also has to keep boundaries with bm. That means ss might lose out every now and then because his bm doesn't know when to quit.
You and your ex broke up. So
You and your ex broke up. So how often do your girls get the shitty deal? :?
All the time since they don't
All the time since they don't get to see their dad.
I talked to dh last night and
I talked to dh last night and let him know ss may not be feeling as important/loved/cherished as we would want him to. He agreed with me so he is still going to take him to his parents house Friday to clear everything up but he isn't going to be as hard on him as he was planning on.
The camping trip was planned after my family celebration was and dh is considering letting ss go depending on his attitude when they are at his parents. To those who say dh should miss my family get together, you have never sat through his parents mandated Easter celebration, at least at Christmas we can drink through it. He owes me!
I appreciate your openness to
I appreciate your openness to other viewpoints! It's hard to take pretty pointed criticism from strangers, but having that conversation with DH after initially being so upset with SS is cool. None of this stuff is easy, to be sure. Luckily my skids are closing in on adulthood so I don't have much longer to be constantly worried that I am messing up other people's children![Wink](
I wholeheartedly agree with
I wholeheartedly agree with this! A professional will really help navigate this tricky situation.
"He owes me!" You are sick.
"He owes me!"
You are sick. Surely your husband has attended this event with you and your kids in the past.
You know your husband wants to do more father/son stuff with the boy.
You know the boy feels that he is being pushed aside by you and your girls.
You know going on the camping trip with the kid will help to rebuild their relationship.
Why are you so hell bent on ignoring that?
That little boy is spot on about you. BM may have had you pegged long ago. Chances are grandpa is starting to see the real you as well. Keep it up and it won't be long until your MIL sees the light. As usually, the spouse will be the ladt one to figure it all out.
If this something her family
If this something her family does every year and her husband usually attends with her, then skipping this year to go camping with his son shouldn't be a big deal.
The kid shouldn't have to pay the price for his mother's dumb actions.
Disneyfan - I took this the
Disneyfan - I took this the way I would tell my SO lol......
Every time I drag SO to my parents I play this card - You owe me..... why because our families are from different worlds, and well we visit my folks twice a year and his every week-end....thus my SO owes me a visit with my people
I say the same thing to my
I say the same thing to my DH. I have to see his mother who blatantly does things to hurt me (which DH is well aware of) for Christian holidays and birthdays and whatnot, he can come to visit my parents with me three times a year, especially my parents who are very socially aware and rarely makes any type of faux pas that make people feel uncomfortable or unhappy.
If I recall correctly, it was
If I recall correctly, it was only like a week earlier that they even heard about the camping trip, and that was only through SS. Obviously a family holiday celebration would have been planned well in advance of that. I think it was nice of them to even consider having SS go under those circumstances, although I don't agree that saying "no" to the trip should now be portrayed to SS as a punishment, it should just be "no" because other plans were in place.
I think it is more the "you
I think it is more the "you owe me" concept which seems to imply that people are keeping score.
I feel in a marriage we should be freely giving to each other. It's not 50-50.. it's 100-100.
"OP has every right to expect
"OP has every right to expect her husband to honor the plans he made"
Somehow "he owes me" doesn't sound like plans DH made. More like plans OP makes and DH damn well better participate in.
I doubt your payments have a
I doubt your payments have a negative impact on your husband's kids. Taking the you owe me stance when it forces a parent to choose between his child and spouse is what I meant by the sick comment.
The OP's stepson is hurting right now and feeling displaced. The OP and her husband are on solid ground.
What harm is there in encouraging him to go on the camping trip?
Mom didn't plan the trip. Yeah, she put him in scouts but she didn't make the schedule. The kid asked dad to do scouts with him. Had dad not declined he would have been aware of the trip dates.
I hear what you are all
I hear what you are all saying about commitments. (I don't agree IN THIS CASE, but I get it).
But why not just say that from the start? The way this started out, not going camping was present as punishment for the kid telling lies. That placed the "blame" for missing the trip on the kid, not dad's previous commitment.
I think there are times when it's OK for a parent to say to his/her spouse I know I agreed to attend XYZ with you, but I really need to do this with/for my kid. Please forgive me.
As long as this in not the norm, it shouldn't be a problem.
I agree with both the
I agree with both the comments on commitments and yours as well. There were a few times where me or DH had to miss things because one of our kids were sick or something came up with our families.
The only problem I have with this is that BM is involved in making these plans which is why I would recommend the DH keep his commitment with his wife. The third party who doesn't mind inconveniencing DH and his family will have the green-light to ramp it up. Otherwise, I'd say let them go camping with the promise that DH and his son work on their issues and that everyone apologizes for their part in the end.
Everyone will lose a little something in this situation. It's unavoidable and that's life. You can decide if you lose a little ego to improve a long term situation, or keep the ego and worsen the long term situation.
I think you need to take a
I think you need to take a step back and view why you have such a negative view on finding a compromise where everyone loses a little but gain a lot. It seems to me that you only want the SS's feelings validated but no one else's which makes for terrible relationships all around. Whether or not SS's feelings, or anyone else's feelings, about an event is fully true (which it most likely is not), we must recognize they have them and work through them.
We're all fighting hard battle here and trying to find a good road for them to take, but it is not one where ultimately only one person gets everything they want and everyone else can go screw it, be it the SS, the dad, the stepdad, or the SM. That's not how real life works. We're negotiating the gray space in between out loud on a forum like this.
It makes sense to take into account what third parties will do in the event that you do something. If it becomes a habit where BM does what she did last time, which was foist the responsibility financially and physically of an activity to the dad to deal with, (and if dad doesn't comply, enlist his stepdad into helping her guilt him), then it absolutely matters that this is taken into the equation. It's far from allowing BM to rent space in her head but it's the reality of living with someone who has baggage.
Most people here as well as their DH's can't just make a career change without taking into consideration the step dynamic--heck, some people here are afraid to buy new cars or have anything new in case BM gets a whiff of it because she might just hit them with something with an attorney just to stir up trouble. It is what it is. Not everyone has the money or time to play with BMs.
I'm not sure if you're purposely trying to be obtuse or you really think the world operates in such stark black and white. I hope whatever it is, you manage to find peace with it as I'm not sure if you realize you come off a bit manic about this.
I think the crux of the
I think the crux of the problem here is that it appears that everyone else's feelings HAVE been taken to heart in the past.. except in the eyes of the boy.. his.
SS is stuck feeling marginalized while the OP's two girls apparently are getting things he isn't. Dad isn't being a sucker for BM and won't be involved in anything she has initiated(because of that long ago dumping issue). OP gets her two girls full time and her DH is a full time father figure to them.
I'm not saying that his feelings matter more.. but it's obvious that HE feels very slighted here and it is his dad's responsibility to figure out how to settle things in a way that is reasonable and kind.
I absolutely agree the SS's
I absolutely agree the SS's feelings have been marginalized and I was highly against punishing him (I know this thread is long but more than once, I have said that punishing him is not the right thing to do and I find it malicious to do so--should they choose that road of using punishment as with-holding, they will create a kid who thinks it's the right way to get what he wants too: punishing people by with-holding.) To actually improve the situation they're in, I think the DH and the SS should have a heart to heart where the DH doesn't get mad or defensive with how his son views things. It should be done with compassion, not punishment.
My issue is that it seems even reasonable things such as taking BM's future actions into account (whether or not it is the deciding factor in the end is another story but to recognize it's there is important) is taken as though it is a stance against the SS. It's as if should my view not be 100% exactly the same, it's taken as an "against."
I have a younger sister that's like that which is why I asked. She once refused to speak to me for a week when I, who is very, very pro-choice, said I do sympathize with those who are pro-life because it's a very painful thing to view life as starting from conception--to them it's no different than killing a baby. She couldn't accept the concept of me having sympathy but not agreeing with the opinion. To her, it was as good as if I said I was pro-life.
I think that's where we are all lacking, including OP and her husband--to sympathize even though they may not agree with it.
I have a hunch HRNYC spends a
I have a hunch HRNYC spends a lot of one on one time with her daughter. Making time for mother/daughter talks and occasional mother/daughter events, not just for her daughter's sake, but so too for her stepchildren to have the ability to have one on one with their father.
HRNYC's daughter's father passed away. It isn't by choice that her biological father isn't in the picture. It isn't by choice that when an event comes up meant for father/daughter (or in other cases, father/son) come up that her father isn't there and participating.
I also have a hunch that when/if an event comes along that Mr. HRNYC wants to do father/child , HRNYC busies herself and her daughter doing mom/daughter things, even if that is only watching a movie at home and quietly reading books enjoying just being together.
I just can't picture HRNYC shoving her kid on her husband and demanding he play Daddy to her. Nor getting all butt angry if her husband spends a few bucks on his kids and not hers.
I'm not arguing that her idea
I'm not arguing that her idea of fairness did not seem as if it works out best for her girls. I'm not even of the opinion the SS should receive any sort of punishment other than to be subjected to a conversation (or multiple ones) that addresses the issues he has as well as the dad's issues.
However, there are portions of this where the OP and her husband are right to be wary too. Everyone has some blame in this. I'm not sure where I read that OP was the only one to come up with the rules--it seems the rule only came up because the dad was annoyed with how BM took advantage of him last time. Wouldn't you be wary and hypervigilent too?
I definitely second family therapy as well. They need someone to moderate and address EVERYONE'S issues. SS feeling like he's less important to his dad, the dad for feeling like BM has not only taken advantage of him but made him out to be the bad guy AND turned his stepdad against him, the OP for wondering how a kid who she has done however much for can view them as uncaring and unloving to him.
I only asked about whether or not you were being purposefully obtuse because it seems that even when people like myself who agree with your stance on how the SS feels can be attacked for bringing up any small things to watch out for because all of a sudden it means we're on SMs side.
I can guarantee 100% that as
I can guarantee 100% that as SS grows up and chooses to have very little to do with his father, your DH will resent you big time.
Everything you are doing right now with alienating SS and making your DH choosing your kids over his own, all your score keeping and all your hate for BM is causing major damage to your marriage.
If you don't value your marriage you can continue what you are doing ofcourse. Just be aware of the consequences.