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BM and Summer are about to make me scream.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

SO just sent me an email the lawyer sent him. BM is so graciously letting him have the 6 weeks required from standard visitation.

I have so many words right now. Back in March he and I started looking at summer. She was fine with daughter (7) coming for the 6 weeks but threw a fit and tried saying SO only got son (4) for two weeks.

Nope look at the paperwork you've been shoving down SO's throat. Siblings stay together.

We had multiple meetings with the lawyer, each time before we'd ask if she wanted anything adjusted. Her response to us was basicly why would I tell you talk to my lawyer. Months go by and nothing from her lawyer about visitation so SO let's her know he plans to let the kids do camp one of the weeks he has them.

Then she trys to adjust the time making it seem like it would benefit him. No it creates more travel which he pays for and gives him less time total with the kids.

Her next remark "don't you care about what damage it will cause the kids." Women you didn't give a damn about daughter coming but now you don't get special time with baby boy all alone.
He pointed out that if they fight in court this is what would most likely happen. Also it works for so many other kids in this area so why not give it a try. They can always adjust later.

So he continue to talk to the lawyer. SO pushing the fact we need to get this settled because he needs to get them signed up for camp. He finally gets the go ahead he will have them that week. So he signs them up and pays in full last weekend. Sends a copy of the recipt to BM all while reminding them it's not just that week bit the whole 6 weeks.

Friday he gets a call from lawyer. Turns out BM is again trying to claim that SO doesn't get son but 2 weeks. SO tells lawyer to look two paragraphs down and that BM knows that. SO was able to provide the messages where they discussed this and he stick to wanting the 6 weeks like it says. Also that she's know since atleast March from him and should have known sooner since she's the one that pushed the using the visitation agreement.

So finally now BM is giving up and 'letting' him have the kids the 6 weeks but since she works all weekends she wants to have them during the week. No problem SO is cool with that except she trying to demand them the week of camp.

No go lady we cleared this. It's done paid for and we've got the recipt and you had a copy sent to you.

I'm really getting sick of this idiot.

She tried just a few days ago to demand to know what time SO is being the kids home Saturday since it's Mothers Day Weekend. So clearly she knows from the paperwork she gets them. I don't think she liked his answer that he will being them back 9 AM on Sunday like the paperwork says.

It's just frustrating because SO and I looked over the paperwork very closely. We start to plan things EARLY. I'm not anywhere near disengaged from the kids and I don't mind helping as long as he pulls his fair share which he does. He's done his part and she keeps trying to screw him.

She trys playing the "We follow it when it works for me and you go F yourself game."

That's it vented now.


tankh21's picture

BM over here does the same thing. DH has the skids for 30 days during the summer but, BM gets to designate one weekend when she wants to have them and she has to come pick them up and bring them back. So she decided to do it the weekend of June 30th which is when the skids would be going back to her house any way. She then sends a certified letter to DH stating that she will be taking the kids on vacation somewhere the weekend of July 22nd so he will lose that weekend as well however that is not in the CO that she gets that weekend it is actually DH's designated weekend. BM follows the CO when it is convenient for her if DH could afford to take her back to court he would.

Maxwell09's picture

She's just trying to be the powerful one and the one that's calling the shots. Just keep an eye on your paperwork for everything because a power tripping BM will try to swindle anything out of y'all she can do that next year she can claim "this is how we did it before" and the judge will agree will her.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

He is ok letting her have her weekend during the week because she honestly has work but she will not get it during that week.

It went though the lawyers that he was signing them up for camp because he was giving her a chance to refuse to pay half of the cost. That way if she trys sending them on her time he won't help her either.

He got the approval before hand through the lawyers and her through personal text and sent her a copy of the paid for camp locking in the dates.

She does get the kids for basicly 48 hours during the 6 weeks. It's suppose to be a set weekend already stated in the agreement but he's fine her getting them during the week so ahe can acutally see them and they dint just go to grandma's. Just not that week.

He does keep records through their parenting app. All changes are discussed through it. He will confirm his pick up and drop offs. She gets annoyed but he's not giving her room to say "well I didn't know."

danielsj2's picture

Yep. Typical BM sh*tshow. Our BM does the same thing.. amends the CO to suit her needs and social life. We are actually going back to court to recalculate CS since she never follows through on her end.

Sorry you're dealing with that--its BS

tankh21's picture

Yeah these skids are used a game pieces to get more money for CS. BM over here cheated on DH and then lies to her own kids and tells them that daddy abandoned them and cheated on her. My DH has never said anything to the kids about private adult stuff regardless if it was the truth or not. Wait until they find out mommy was a stripper when DH met her LMAO!!

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Not just game pieces but trophies because remember just pushing them out made her 'The best mommy ever.'

She should have them any time she want's to show off how wonderful of a mommy she is and how great she is to the kids.

Oh and dads are just evil scary men who hurt mommy and try to take the kids away when EVERYONE knows the kids are better off with mom. All dad is good for is paying the bill and he should be happy he gets any time.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Honestly my issue isn't with her using the site. What adults do away from children is up to them.

It's basically an adult dating site which she put pictures of EVERYTHING up. She also encouraged SO to do so before they broke up then tried using it to say he was an unfit parent despite his 'profile' being pretty much empty of anything.

Since then all profiles have been deleted but SO was smart enough to screen shot things. So while she can say he had a profile his lawyer can show her 'activity' on the site. If you don't mind a personal message I would explain it more.

Her low moral character comes from cheating on him with multiple people, then introducing the children to 3 different guys in just as many months each time posting tons of pictures of the kids with the men.