Going on vacation without my wife
It was my weekend to have my kids and Thursday night my wife was being a real witch. I could do nothing right and she was in a mood. I asked what I could do to make her night better but nothing worked. She was fine which I know doesn't mean fine. When I got home with my kids Friday, the house was empty. She took her girls and left for the weekend. No warning no nothing. She told me when I texted her and asked where she was. They followed the normal Monday routine and she acted like everything was normal. I asked her if she was going to go on vacation with us next week and she said, us? no. So she isn't going. I'm going to take my kids and have a great time. I asked her for half of the vacation fund and she got really mad and so far I haven't seen it. I have a lot of thinking to do this next week. I do know that if she doesn't hand over half then she will be paying bills from now on. I'm no ones fool.
- Gunner's blog
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Did you ever go to therapy?
Did you ever go to therapy?
I went but she didn't. The
I went but she didn't. The therapist just asked a bunch of questions and I go back tomorrow. I think after the initial appointment it gets better?
Gunner - if she's not going
Gunner - if she's not going on vacation with you she does not have to pay for half... It's how she sees it,
fine pay for your own vacation and as from the 1st of June she is responsible for paying half of the house hold expenses and well 100% of all her own accounts, nothing to do with you
but yes you've got some thinking to do...
nope she not stupid lol....
nope she not stupid lol.... she's very very clever IMO....
we need to teach this man a bit..... I think as soon as he close his wallet she will take her kids and be off...
me neither... but you do get
me neither...
but you do get those kind
I'm not a meal ticket. My
I'm not a meal ticket. My wife loves me and I her.
Why is that?
Why is that?
Loving you doesn't mean she
Loving you doesn't mean she doesn't view you as a meal ticket.
Your income allows her kids to live in community and attend a private school that she can't afford on her own.
You are their meal ticket.
Good for you. I get that
Good for you.
I get that being in a step situation can be frustrating at times, but your wife has not acted like an adult for a single second. Adults in relationships talk. None of this passive "fine" bullshit. Go and enjoy your vacation with your kids. I can't remember, do you solely own the home? Be prepared for changed door locks when you get back.
I've left the house when my
I've left the house when my SS is there. I've also asked my husband to take his visits elsewhere. I most definitely wasn't passive aggressive about it. We discussed this decision with a therapist before it was actioned. Gunner your wife is a very passive aggressive person and I don't think she's being open or honest with you. I do think it's time to consider a separation of households.
Not even stepping into this
Not even stepping into this again. Gunner is dead set on seeing his kids as perfect, respectful angels and hers as annoying brats no matter what. His wife went away for the weekend with her kids...just like he took his away over the weekend without any discussion in his last post. What's the difference? Last vacation, his angel kids refused to play with her kids or blend in any way...and that was perfectly fine with him. No wonder she doesn't want to go and pay for that kind of treatment this year.
Gunner - enjoy that vacation. My hope for your wife is that she gets the gumption to move out while you're gone. If not, I do think you should rethink how you do bills...but I hope that means that you'll be paying for half of groceries, household items, and extras as well.
My kids played with hers just
My kids played with hers just not when they demanded it. I don't believe my kids need to entertain hers.
I didn't even remember that.
I didn't even remember that. Oh man, if he took his kids away for the weekend without discussing it with her, then yeah, I can see why she'd be passive aggressive about the exact same thing this time (well, you can do it, why can't I?)
In this case, then I have to say there's a hell of a lot more he's not telling us as to what the actual situation with his kids and wife is. If this kind of just started, sounds like she is finally fed up and has shaken the status quo by disengaging and her husband is NOT liking it.
We didn't leave for the
We didn't leave for the weekend just for each day. We came home at night.
Did you talk to her about
Did you talk to her about your plan to leave each day before you decided to do that?
No. We just left after she
No. We just left after she was mean to them. She admitted to being mean and taking out her emotions on my kids. She apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. I don't know what happened this weekend. She was just gone.
I'm not saying that her being
I'm not saying that her being passive aggressive and doing it back to you is right, but I want to know if YOU were adult enough FIRST to talk it over with her and let her know you want to relieve her stress so you'll take the kids elsewhere for their visits, or if you just left the house every morning, because if you didn't, you effectively threw an emotional curveball at her and she's doing the exact same thing to you to show you that while you may not have liked having her in the house acting witchy, you don't like not being informed of it either because it lacks respect.
So now we figured that both of you are passive aggressive. You believe you have a right to just up and leave because she did something to piss you off (being mean to your kids), she believes she can do the same thing when faced with something she doesn't like.
Right. But the breakfast
But the breakfast shafting was AFTER he left for the entire evening with no discussion and slept with his kids in their room when he came back late. I'm not surprised she didn't want to cook breakfast for them after all that.
Sounds like BOTH parties are incredibly passive aggressive and bad at communication...not sure why everyone keeps laying this all at her feet.
Your memory is awesome.
Your memory is awesome. In-cre-di-bly passive aggressive for both of them. I'm surprised they can talk like normal people at all? This is just a giant clusterf*ck.
I'm a writer / journalist.
I'm a writer / journalist.
Remembering details and getting to the real story is kind of essential...
EVERY post I read...her kids
EVERY post I read...her kids are annoying, whining brats who remember to thank him for lunch but not for the Mother's Day shopping trip as a whole...his are just perfect angels who are never ungrateful.
She mentions ONE way that his kids maybe AREN'T perfect (they don't listen to her or put their things away when they come over) and he immediately finds a way to turn it back around on HER kids and then marvels that she's upset about it. He then does a litmus test the following weekend about the bookbag thing and leaves in a huff with his kids in tow without any discussion.
My read on this is...he's been disengaged and dismissive of her kids for years...and nitpicky...she finally got fed up and now doesn't want anything to do with his kids. Seriously...if he has this much resentment and bitterness and bad stuff to say about his stepkids in these few posts that are supposed to be about his wife...how much worse is it in real life? So she's been putting up with this double-standard with kids for years...but now he's trying to play it like it's all her fault and her unreasonableness and her double-standard.
Sorry. Don't buy it.
No one's kids are perfect.
No one's kids are perfect. Take it from a woman that is married to a man that thinks this. I'm not stupid. I know mine and no one else's kids are perfect either. Open your eyes and see that when you act like your kids are saints and hers aren't, you are damaging your relationship. It's tough for a woman (mom) to overcome knowing a man truly doesn't love or care for her kids.
Wait, would you rather she
Wait, would you rather she stayed around and acted like a witch to your kids? Count your blessing man, and just ask her to give you a heads up next time before leaving, but that she is welcome to go for the weekend when your kids are around.
I swear, we are having a lightbulb moment as to what disengagement (with a large splash of passive aggressiveness which I don't approve of but don't know how much pent up resentment and anger there is) looks like from the husband's point of view.
She doesn't want to be around your kids, period. You can't MAKE her want to spend family time with you all, so if she wants to live separate lives when you have your kids over, let her. Better than subjecting your kids to someone who doesn't want to be around them.
True and it was nice not
True and it was nice not having to hear my stepkids whine and complain all weekend. I'm starting to look forward to not having my stepkids on vacation with us.
And I'm sure she enjoyed not
And I'm sure she enjoyed not having to be the housewife and take care of her stepkids all weekend too. So this might be the best solution.
What's interesting to me is
What's interesting to me is that, in his original post about the last vacation, he mentioned that his kids wouldn't play with hers...and saw nothing wrong with that. Why should he force them to interact with her kids when they have such different personalities and interests? Her annoying kids wanted to play and build sandcastles, his wanted to read and play on their tablets or some such.
OK. Totally fine. But why are you totally cool with letting your kids disengage from their step-siblings but want to force your wife to interact with her step-children. Let her disengage and focus on your marriage instead.
Acratopotes, If I remember
Acratopotes, If I remember rightly Gunner has paid for the vacation for and her children as well. So yes she should pay him back for the cost of her portion of the cost as she the one who has decided that she not going. I'm assuming Gunner can not get a refund due to the late notice of going.
Gunner she saying loud and clear that she does not want you children involved in your life.
We told you on your previous threads, read them again. She all lovely dovey when it just you and your wallet. As soon as your children are the she is the biggest b*tch going.
I'm saying that's his wife's
I'm saying that's his wife's argument.... she's not going she's not paying ... she does not care about what happened in the past....
I am also saying he should split finances immediately with her, and stop paying for her and her children....
This. As long as he doesn't
This. As long as he doesn't expect her to still cook and feed him and his, they should be split all household finances. That's what I did when I realized DH EXPECTED me to do ALL the housework and he was allowed to do whatever he wanted when he was paying for majority of household finances for a few months (which he WANTED to do even though we had a perfectly fine split finance situation--something about how he "wants to take care of me and our kids.) I said, nope, I'm not a servant when I realized what he really meant was that he wants to be waited on hand and foot and me not to have any dislike of anything he does. Went back to paying half even though he protested. If he wants to hold me hostage because he pays all, then I'm not letting him pay all.
Once in a blue moon he'll come home and ask where dinner is (I work from home) if I don't have it made yet (taking care of a toddler and an infant is a fair bit of work without any help AND working a job) and I'll remind him that me cooking for him is a FAVOR, and if he thinks he's entitled to it, he's in for a nasty surprise. Highly, highly annoying.
This is why I think women should be able to maintain half the household (whatever their half may be since if one has more kids than the other, it should be split that way) so these "expectations" are actually favors.
I cook more than she does.
I cook more than she does.
So let her pay half and do
So let her pay half and do half the cooking. You keep saying you don't want her to because you feel bad that she will be "broke" but why do I feel like you LIKE having this dynamic because you should get more of a say in your house because of that?
he's said that he "gets the
he's said that he "gets the final say" on finances.
Mlem. That's all I gotta
That's all I gotta say, mlem.
this wasn't funny until I
this wasn't funny until I read it out loud. Then read it out loud again. And a third time... I've got tears... I keep picture a disinterested gecko...

LOL it's because it's the
LOL it's because it's the only sounds I know how to make if I taste something not particularly pleasant but not disgusting either.
I can't get the imagery out
I can't get the imagery out of my head... lol
It would be to late for a
It would be to late for a refund but I wouldn't request one now. I need this vacation to sit back and relax. What she doesn't realize is if she doesn't give me half of the vacation fund she will be paying her bills from now on and she won't have the money for vacation. She will have to pay her student loans, her car note, their cell phones and her credit card bills. I pay all that now but I won't be if she shorts me on our vacation fund.
Gunner - stop paying her
Gunner - stop paying her student loans, car, credit cards etc....
ask her straight out who did she marry - you Gunner or Gunner's wallet.....
I think this is what it is
I think this is what it is going to come down to. I don't want to see her unhappy though. She would be broke and I hate that. I've asked her to come to my next therapy session but she said no.
Then therein lies your
Then therein lies your answer. She doesn't even want to attempt therapy...she just want you to pay her and her kids bills, keep your kids away from her and shut up.
tough love is necessary in
tough love is necessary in this case...
you need to teach her to be independent and an adult, she's not a 20 year old sponging of daddy anymore,
simply say she's a grown up and will have to come by on her own... what will she do if you are not there anymore..
see you are enabling her behavior... stop it.... she will not be poor Gunner, you are paying the house, you pay then all off the basic food stuff... not luxuries for her and her kids..... you can take her to dinner once in a while and pay.... she's not poor at a..
There's plenty of women on earth paying their own way, being single mums and yet they cope cause they do not have a Gunner's wallet to entertain them.
In his first post he said
In his first post he said that he pays all household bills, she pays for groceries, household items, and extras like vacation. She has a full-time job.
I don't think she'll be broke if they truly split finances and she pays for groceries and household items for her and her children only. It might be best for her to divorce him on paper, though, so that she can most likely get a higher tax return and a lowered student loan repayment plan.
She doesn't make enough money
She doesn't make enough money to truly split finances in half. She will be broke just paying her own bills which is why I haven't asked her to.
It is time that you do ask.
It is time that you do ask.
Grown ups pay their own
Grown ups pay their own bills.
Couples pay joint bills.
Give her a taste of what being an adult is about - and when she complains, let her know that she'd made it very clear that she'll take care of her kids and you'll take care of yours... so you'll be using the money you were previously gifting her with to take care of your own.
Let her flounder for a while.... she'll either leave you, which shows you you were wrong about her and she was just using you for your wallet... or she'll realize you need to work as a team if she expects to receive team benefits.
How do you know? Does she
How do you know? Does she work minimum wage or something?
She's going to be splitting the household stuff with you too so that decreases her burden by quite a bit. You say she will be "broke" but will she really? Or will her money just be tighter?
Her answer may surprise you. She may be fully prepared to pay half. So put the ball in her court.
I know because I know what
I know because I know what she makes. If she paid just what I listed she would be broke. That doesn't include car insurance, utilities, house note ect. She can't afford half she wouldn't have the money to pay it.
Right but the mortgage and
Right but the mortgage and utilities for a house that will comfortably accommodate 5 kids is a lot different than a house for 2 kids. The amount of the bills goes up considerably due to his kids, regardless of how often they're there.
True. How strange. He's
True. How strange. He's portraying it like he pays for everything? I think it would be much better for her to split everything too. I went through the "I pay majority in this household so what I say goes" with my DH, and it sounds like that happens here ("I pay majority in this household so you have to interact with my kids and cook for them etc.") and honestly, I couldn't/can't live like that. Yeah sure, I save a couple of bucks, but to have someone nitpick about how much cleaning I did or how much cooking I did or what time I did them one day drove me up the goddamn walls.
When that power imbalance was taken away, we had a much, much better relationship, although he didn't like it at first.
I looked at it this way--he lived for 30 years before he met me, he was able to grocery shop and cook for himself during the time he was without me, he's not going to die (even if he acts like it) if I don't do those things for him.
Just recently I started dumping the kids on him on the weekend because I need to get out of the house or I'm going to go bonkers. He was so resistant to it at first but when I brought up how he gets the weekdays off from watching kids (he has work, then he goes out with the guys) so I get the weekends off. Couldn't say anything other than "Yes, of course hon.", couldn't even bring up the fact that he pays majority in the household (which I guarantee would have come out of his mouth before he could stop himself) because he doesn't.
That's freedom money can't buy from me.
Well, we don't know anything
Well, we don't know anything about their finances except what Gunner chooses to tell us. Maybe she can't make it on her own or afford "her half" of their lifestyle...at least, not in that big, expensive house with those big, expensive bills and not getting the benefit of head of household tax credits and lowered, income-based student loan payments.
All I know is...she was apparently making it and taking care of her kids before he arrived on the scene, so I'm sure she can do it again. I'm with you - I'd rather overpay for everything or lower/simplify my lifestyle than have my DH hanging it over my head that "he pays for everything" for me and "spoils" me. Gunner wants to come off as so generous...but he brings up the money every single post, every chance he gets, which makes me think he really isn't that generous and he probably holds it against her. She's not dumb...she must know this. So, he gladly and freely gives his ex-wife extra money ("for the kids") but clearly resents her, nitpicks about her "annoying" kids, doesn't make his kids listen to her or clean up after themselves...or act like a family on a family vacation...and now he's all surprised that she's not just loving this arrangement anymore...because he's so GOOD to her!
In my mind, he's the one who is reneging on their financial arrangement...pushing her into this lifestyle where he "spoils" her with nice things and then telling her she has to start paying for it all when she brings up some issues she's having with his kids (even though he's having the exact same issues with her kids, apparently...but he can't possibly understand how she feels about his darling angels!)
How was she surviving before you came along to "rescue' her, Gunner?
That money thing REALLY
That money thing REALLY drives me nuts. Actually the CONSTANTLY USING IT ANY TIME WE ARGUED was what I hated the most. I don't know why they like to constantly remind us. I didn't hold it over DH's head that I paid ALL the bills for the first two years and all of a sudden he held it over mine. I'd walk away without a cent in my pocket if it means I can live with dignity. I get the feeling he doesn't want to ask her to pay half because he's afraid of the answer.
If it wasn't for DH, I would not have bought the house we're living in now because we wouldn't need even half the space (his "office") and I'm totally okay with downsizing if we broke up, I live simply to begin with anyway (DH loves being in the big house with the big yard, but I just think it's more things to clean and would have preferred much smaller). I have a feeling his wife would be okay with it too which is what bothers him--his money doesn't have as much sway as he thinks it does. Given that she was able to live before, I think she definitely could again too.
The fact that she CAN go away for a weekend with her kids sounds like she has enough money to do so. The only place I can go if I did was my parents because they won't charge me a hotel fee (I'm a penny pincher).
I've read Gunner as
I've read Gunner as controlling with money, nitpicky about her kids, and blind to his own offspring's shortcomings from post one, and every subsequent post makes me feel more this way.
Go back through and read with an eye for what he says about her kids and his money and I think you'll see it (Of course...only if you have time. LOTS of comments to sift through.)
PS - if you change the arrangement, Gunner, and she does leave you...I don't agree with one poster who says that this will "prove" she was only with you for your money. I think it will only prove that she has to take care of her kids and can do so more effectively with a simpler lifestyle, not paying half of the mortgage for a house that can accommodate 5 kids when she only has 2 kids. If you do start splitting all bills, will you also put her on the deed to the house she's helping to pay for?
Twoofus, can you explain in
Twoofus, can you explain in what universe is it ok for her to let him pay her student loans and apparently her pre-existing credit card debt? No wonder he wants to be in charge of finances -- she obviously can't handle hers.
But I'd really like to know how you feel it's a decent normal thing to let your spouse take on all your debt and then get all pissy about a vacation fund?
When did I ever say that? I
When did I ever say that?
I am pointing out the ways in which he is having unfair expectations, double standards...and contributing to the situation. Most people want to jump on the bandwagon and assume the absolute worst about this woman...I'm pointing out that, even based on what he's told us, she has really "made their house a home" (his words) and been loving - so there's probably a lot more going on here than just: Woman wants man to self, want to push his kids away and use him -- which is what many have automatically honed in on. There's so much more to life than money and, as another commenter has mentioned, I'd rather walk away penniless than be treated like I have no voice in my own life. Or to be in a situation where my kids are always treated like "whiny little brats" (again, his words) while his kids are perfect in every way.
Again, I ask Gunner. How did she make it before you came along?
Acra is right! Stop paying
Acra is right! Stop paying her and her kids bills. Let her be unhappy whether you hate it or not.
If she is using you, you will immediately know. If not, she will have no issue paying her own way!
^This^ {Snort} Great visual
{Snort} Great visual of cuddling with a wallet.
Not sure where everyone is
Not sure where everyone is getting this wallet stuff. She works a full-time job and pays for groceries, household items, and all extras, including vacations. That doesn't sound like someone who is a leech to me. Food and household items (toilet paper, dishwasher liquid, laundry detergent, etc.) for a household of 4 to 7 are not insignificant expenses.
If Gunner wants to rethink how expenses are split in the household..I think that's absolutely fine. But it's obnoxious to have people continue to say she's some kind of gold-digger when nothing Gunner has said backs that idea up at all. Also, he's said nothing that indicates that she wants him to stop interacting with his kids or that she wants him to favor her kids over his own...or that she wants him and his resources all for her and her children at the expense of his own. All we know is that she doesn't like it that he gives EXTRA money to his ex (honestly...who would love that arrangement?) she doesn't want to go on vacation with his kids and she feels like they don't listen to her. Those are complaints we see ALL THE TIME on this site (raise your hand if you've regretted going on vacation with your skids at any time in your life! Or if your skids have ignored you when you asked them to pick up after themselves and it frustrated you!)
What she's saying is that SHE doesn't want to be involved with kids who don't listen to her or treat her like an authority figure in her own home. Nothing wrong with that.
"What she's saying is that
"What she's saying is that SHE doesn't want to be involved with kids who don't listen to her or treat her like an authority figure in her own home"
YES to all off this..... but what's good for her is good for him being the SF..... her kids are the same towards him and yet she demand he interact with them?
Why should he pay for her and her kids vacation, why can' she do it herself.... she did not have the money and agreed she will refund him on his trip - now she refuses
She's not asking him to pay
She's not asking him to pay for her and her kids vacation, so I'm not sure where you're getting that. He's going on the trip that they already booked and she's staying home. She saved up for the vacation - not sure why she should give Gunner half of the vacation fund when she's already given up the vacation time slot / deposit and he's taking his kids.
Also, I never read anywhere that she expects him to interact or "play daddy" to her kids. Sounds like she cares for her kids and the household just fine...and it really doesn't sound like he's ever been particularly inclusive of or nice to her children.
Oh I didn't realize she works
Oh I didn't realize she works a full time job and pays for household items and extras. That's actually the arrangement in my marriage since it evens out. DH pays for property tax (which is high in our area), he gets all the tax return (which usually covers half or a little more--will actually cover a very large portion this year), and then I pay for household stuff/utilities. It actually evens out with me paying a little bit more.
I read all of this much
I read all of this much differently, I guess.
Stepmoms almost universally have a more difficult time getting skids to respect and blend with them than stepdads. This is something that Gunner likely can't fully understand, but he should at least be open to the possibility that her experiences with his children are not the same as his...and that her perspective is different.
Her issue was that her stepkids ignore her, she tried to talk about it with her husband (at his invitation)...and it almost immediately backfired as he made it a problem with HER children (who he clearly greatly dislikes) rather than addressing her legitimate concern.
W denied the breakfast after Gunner had left in a huff with his kids (with zero attempt to discuss or talk out their differences) the night before, coming back late and sleeping in their room with them rather than with his wife...then wanting to play happy family the next morning (again, with zero discussion about the night before).
I'm not saying that the wife is perfect, by any stretch. She clearly is having trouble communicating and is being passive aggressive. I'm just saying that Gunner seems to be doing nothing to make communication easier...and is ALSO being incredibly passive aggressive. Like the kids though...it seems to only count when it's her or her kids in the wrong.
If I remember correctly, she
If I remember correctly, she didn't DENY them breakfast. Didn't say "you can't eat breakfast" she just didn't cook it. And yeah, it was after he did all that the night before.
She cooked a big breakfast
She cooked a big breakfast and told them they couldn't have any.
Yep. We remember the details,
Yep. We remember the details, Gunner.
I am 100% certain that you will never see your fault or your responsibility...or how you're contributing to any of this. I'm 95% certain that your wife is 100% certain of the same thing (you proved that to her after you got her to talk to you about her concerns and you threw it back in her face), which is why she's not going to therapy with you.
Um according to your blog,
Um according to your blog, she said that YOU had to make your kids food like she made her kids food.
They had a conversation about
They had a conversation about rules. Her kids didn't follow the rules that were discussed and agreed on and she didn't do anything about it. BUT she did jump all over Gunner's kids when they broke the same rule that her kids have been breaking all week.
Rules are rules. It doesn't matter which kid broke the rule first or that SM's have it harder. How can she complain about something his kid is doing while turning a blind eye to her own kid doing the same thing?
Also, just because she is upset at Gunner doesn't mean she should treat his kids bad. There have been many many times that my DH has done something that makes me mad, but I have never cooked a meal and didn't make enough for the kids.
If she want's to disengage from his kids, ok, but at least have a conversation with the man about it. Don't just disappear. Getting upset and leaving for a day is different than taking off for the weekend without so much as a conversation.
Then we'll have to agree to
Then we'll have to agree to disagree. Leaving during the waking hours for ever day of a weekend without telling anyone and leaving for the weekend without telling anyone is the same to me. The only difference is where they are sleeping.
Both are disrespectful, but if you don't want the other person to do it to you, don't do it to anyone else.
How? How is it different?
How is it different? How are the things that he's doing and the complaints that he has about her kids any different from her actions and complaints about his. I don't see it.
As to your first point. The conversation wasn't about rules. It was about her feeling valued and like an adult with authority in her own home. She gives ONE example about how she doesn't feel that way...doesn't feel respected...and he instantly makes it about HER kids instead. Can you honestly not see that? After never caring about backpacks or clutter before, never asking before, he instantly jumps in on her kids (when his aren't even there), making it all a huge gotcha. I guarantee you that's the way she sees it...whether you agree with the interpretation or not, it's not hard to understand that's how she would take it...or why she would take it that way. Not if you have an ounce of empathy, that is.
I don't think her "double standards" are any worse or more pronounced than his, frankly.
How could he possibly be at
How could he possibly be at all at fault in any of this, LF?! His darlings are spontaneously helpful and say thank you without ever being prompted.
I swear I thought she might
I swear I thought she might have been a poster here before and she's taking the advice to just disengage if he's not listening when she talks to him about her problems.
Have a relaxing time on
Have a relaxing time on vacation with your kids.
Continue going to therapy...continue to invite wife to join you.
Hopefully this too shall pass and all differences and be resolved or at least agree to disagree.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Men are often not as detail
Men are often not as detail oriented as women are...so there obviously may be more deets that we don't know that play both out as to be wrong here.
Gunnner, I will say this: this tit for tat that you and your DW are playing is just playing tug of war on a short rope. It will get you no where. Ever. Who went on this vacation, who cooked who's kids breakfast and refused to give the other's food. Who pays this bill and that. You both are putting your children in the middle of your marriage issues and using them as ammo against the real problem which seems to be both of you and how to solve issues and communicate.
Your wife SEEMS, by what you've described, not care enough to talk about this in regards to what you can do better...she just want to throw a tantrum. Hopefully therapy on your own may be able to shed some light on why she's acting this way and perhaps give you better skills on communicating with each other. Or perhaps how your approaches to her and your marriage problems may be what's not getting you anywhere. At least you can say you did what you could to save your marriage. If she's unwilling, it's time to close the wallet and go. She made it before you came along, she can do it again.
Gunner, your situation
Gunner, your situation generates a great deal of disagreement here. It's kind of remarkable how polarized the opinions are.
Count me as one who is becoming suspicious of your wife. Previously I felt quite neutral, that both of you needed to communicate better and be more transparent with each other.
But now for me the BS is stacking up higher and higher on your wife's side.
!. Tossing her little daughter's private matters on the altar of getting her way.
2. "Her way" was cutting your kids out of vacation.
3. A last minute move, when the vacay had been planned for awhile.
4. Refusing counseling.
5. Making rules for your kids that don't apply to her kids.
6. Failing to intervene when you applied the rules to her kids then springing a trap to keep you in the dog house.
7. Allowing you to cook for her kids 5 nights a week, week-in week-out, then laying out a tasty spread on Sat morning and blocking your kids.
8. You pay her personal debts such as student loan and kids' cell phones but she's going to withhold the vacay money, a pittance compared to what you provide for her and her kids.
9. Disappears with no word.
Storming out of the house after your kids have been denied breakfast is in no way shape or form the same as disappearing for the weekend when there has been no true provoking incident. Not even close. She knew damn well what would happen when she laid out the giant spread and barred the skids. She wanted him to storm out with skids.
Gunner, I hope your ducks are in a row because she may very well be planning more surprises for you. Like possession of your home when you return, locks changed. She may demand child support from you because some courts have held that stepparents who were providing during a marriage have to keep providing. You may consider cutting off those kiddie cell phones now, before she potentially files. You can tell her you need the money for vacay. Start establishing you are no longer providing for her kids so you have a chance if she tries to lay CS on you. And for heaven's sake let her pay her own student loan!
Sorry you're going through this, Gunner. Keep up with the counseling. It will take the counselor a bit of time to know you before s/he can come up with some good advice so keep going.
Oh, and how could I forget --
Oh, and how could I forget -- 100% of her veterinary bills.
I gotta say, a person who lets their dog suffer for years and years loses a lot of credibility with me. Gunner stepped in where she wouldn't. No way his kids are more annoying than a dog who is grumpy from pain and discomfort and isn't even yours. Wife is not looking too good to me.
I think we might only
I think we might only disagree on the motivation. I absolutely agree to have her pay half of all household bills and all of her own things (as long as he's willing to compromise on living simpler possibly downsizing if she asks for it.) If she leaves, she leaves. Why would you want to stay with someone who is as actively hateful to your kids as you say she is anyway?
He is only posting about
He is only posting about their troubles, as we all do. So far she has been very sneaky about her dislike of his kids. Taking those two things together there may well be many happy times and he may well not know the extent of her dislike. To me he does not want to leave her at all. But she has not been honest or acted with integrity on several occasions that we know for sure about so I just hope he is prepared for what other cards she is holding close to her vest.
Also, I do believe the disagreement here is quite over the top. We have people taunting him to admit he's a jerk of the worst kind when at least half the voices are saying the wife is the one who is behaving suspiciously and he is being used.
Oh, also, on the first paragraph thing, love is blind. It's obvious he cares for her deeply.
True, but if it's as bad as
True, but if it's as bad as he says it is, then I would be leaving her in a hot minute. Treating my kids with ACTIVE dislike is over the top and to stay is pretty much saying he's okay with it.
I think they both have a hell of a lot of faults, and in order to sort through it and make sure she's with him because she actually loves him, then start splitting things equally, but ALSO don't expect the wife to do ANYTHING for the skids. It goes both ways. He takes care of his and she takes care of hers. Anything left over is "true" love. They both need to put their anger aside and start functioning like freakin' adults that talk things out (as to what they will do) instead of doing things passive aggressively back and forth at each other.
If this is only a very recent thing and she's only done one or two things like this before in a marriage of multiple years, then something else is happening and he's really making it worse instead of trying to figure out how to help.
How is he making it worse? It
How is he making it worse? It seems to me he is doing a tremendous amount for her and making some attempts, perhaps clumsily, at putting up boundaries. Boundaries are good.
He is asking for professional help to get better at the marriage. She's refusing.
I don't know how much she does for his kids. Cooking for the whole household on the weekends doesn't seem like much when he has cooked for her kids every single weekday. She doesn't even take care of her dog's needs so she doesn't sound very nurturing or responsible or scrupulous in attending to the needs of others.
If she did not want to go on vacay with his kids she should have flat out said I can't take it. Many of us here have done that at one point or another. I know I have. What I have not done is make up some cock and bull story that violates some little girl's privacy. Wife has a lot of answering to do IMHO.
Err... taking his kids and
Err... taking his kids and leaving without telling her and then getting pissed when she does the same thing? I'm not so sure about the fact that he cooks more than her--he says that but then in a previous post said that she was supposed to make dinner on Friday and didn't. I mean I guess they can consider Friday a weekend? Not only that, if both work full time, 6 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) on the two days of the weekend pretty much evens out if he cooks dinner 5 nights a week.
Yes, she should have told him she didn't want to go. Yes, she should be going to marriage counseling with him to see if they can fix this. Yes, the dog should be her responsibility.
All I'm saying is that it seems like he can't take no for an answer about her going on this vacation, and if she chooses not to go with him, he's going to punish her by with-holding funds (although I agree they should re-evaluate their finances and split everything down the middle)--but I would say if she doesn't her portion, then there's an issue since he can't refund it. Honestly, I don't see why she can't take her kids but go to separate areas and live in separate hotel rooms and just have a separate vacation.
Either way, the ending SHOULD be the same and that's that their funds are split equally. At this point, they are both just trying to hurt each other rather than fix their marriage. This is why you don't do things out of anger if you want a relationship to work.
My ex husband would provoke a
My ex husband would provoke a fight over something stupid and I would end up storming out of the house. It wasn't till much later with professional help that I finally figured out he did this on purpose to make me leave so he could have the day free to go gamble. He was/is a compulsive gambler.
His gambling isn't the point but the manipulation to make the other person leave the house is. She did it right in front of him or his proxies so she knew it would anger him. She knew he would not want to go in the same kitchen she was in and duplicate her efforts -- too angry. What was the end result? She got to spend the weekend in her own house without his kids. Win.
She on the other hand left while he was not present and when he did not have any good idea of there being a row going on. Materially different than provoking a fight to get someone out.
Also, I believe there's a big difference in staying away overnight. A big difference. He didn't even know where they were.
You could even argue she's already used most of her share of the vacay fund. Probably put it on the credit cards he's paying!
Also, I didn't think he was "punishing" her for "not going" to the cabin with him. I though it was him putting up a boundary about funds since she is not disbursing half the fund to him.
Wait, I'm talking about when
Wait, I'm talking about when he took them to dinner and a movie on Friday before the breakfast incident? When he just left in response to her going on HIM (not even on the kids) about their stuff (as we often recommend SMs to do--be on the dad instead of the kids)? Then he continued to leave in response to the breakfast incident. It's like they just keep on doing things to each other in passive aggressive manner.
I mean I'm honestly not sure what the problem is as far as my take on things vs. your's, the end result we want to see is the same, and that's that she has to pay her share? What happens after that is anyone's guess. She could shut up and stay or she could just choose to leave. Her reasons are her own at this point. Love is not enough to keep such an "evil" person around my kids? If she really is just plainly hateful, don't you think it's best that he forces her out now?
My take on motivation is different but if everything he portrays is true, my advice doesn't change--make her pay half. You can't say you don't want to but then not ask her to do it and complain about it.
Y'all both have your fingers
Y'all both have your fingers on the launch button, and unless you both stop elevating the DEFCON level this relationship ends in Mutually Assured Destruction.
Sorry, I watched War Games last night. But the analogy stands.
I am the breadwinner in my
I am the breadwinner in my household. I do my best to try and not hold the finances over my SO's head. I DO get irritated if I am made to feel like I should pay for groceries and dining out all the time for the whole family because I make more ( SO, his 2 kids and me ( my DD does not live at home anymore ). I already cover the majority of the household bills and I fine with that.
I get why Gunner is upset with his Wife's behavior. She wants to pick and choose what benefits her and ignore the rest. She wants to disengae , but still have him help support her kids. All that will do is create tension and resentment in a relationship.
Gunner, Help me understand
Gunner, Help me understand some things.
You pay for your stepkids and your kids to be in the same private school. Is that correct?
Is the house yours alone or did you buy it together after marriage?
You said you take care of your kids biomom's expenses too. I assume that is beyond normal child support. How do you contribute to your kids at BM's house beyond normal child support? In what ways?
How long ago did you and your wife marry?
How long ago did each of you divorce?
Where is the biodad for your stepkids? Do the stepkids ever go to their dad?
Does your wife get along with any of your kids more or less than the other(s)?
Did your wife come into the marriage with significant debt or are the credit cards you pay debts racked up during the marriage? What was her lifestyle like before she married you?
She has used the word "deserved" in regards to your kids several times. It seems she was trying to get two of them to not be able to come on vacation. Any chance those two annoy her more?
"Deserved" doesn't always mean that they don't have good enough grades or behave well enough. Sometimes it is more subtle, like they act entitled and subtly disrespectful. Do you see a way that any of your kids might appear entitled or seem to demand things that are not appropriate?
Example: My SS16's BM recently asked for a car (supposedly for SS16) that is newer than the car I drive and newer than the car husband drives. She of course wants my H to pay for it. SS16 always has to have the latest cell phone and is very competitive. He never emails me but will email me to brag about his new cell phone at least once a year when he upgrades. Those things can be very subtle if it is your child, but as a parent you can also be blind to it.
When we first married there was a time when this happened a lot in my marriage. My SS needed a lamp for his room, according to H. So when we were out shopping for the whole home (just him and I), my H would hurry through the "whole house needs" shopping and grab whatever was cheapest. But then he would say I want to get the nicest lamp possible for SS, so he is happy. My H was used to buying love from SS and while I am low maintenance and don't need the fanciest things, I was very offended that he spent 15 minutes looking for the perfect lamp for a 12-year old (at the time) when he really didn't pay any attention to the quality of other items we bought.
Another time we were at a bakery, eating breakfast. SS threw a fit and said he didn't want to eat there, he wanted to eat in the car. He demanded that his Dad sit with him in the car and ate there too. And he did! I don't jump when an 11-year old says jump, so I sat down inside the bakery and ate my breakfast. At some point my H realized he was eating uncomfortably in the car dropping crumbs and making a mess and came inside, making SS come inside too. He was angry and nasty the whole time and my H felt terribly guilty.
My H is no longer being manipulated by his child.
Any chance you recognize some of these kinds of behaviors in your children? It sounds like you have a lot of money and they may be used to getting what they want when they want it and possibly even bragging about it in a way that can really irritate others, but you may not notice anymore because you are used to it and they are your kids, so everything seems endearing.
You asked about a men's group... Look up the book/website No More Mr Nice Guy. It's a book about "nice guys" who need to work on boundaries and expectations in their lives. They have online support groups and even online coaching and counselors. I have seen some men's lives and self esteem transformed when they realize the ways in which being a "nice guy" have backfired on them and learned to stand up for themselves assertively and without passive aggression.
If I were you I would go on vacation like you all planned. She can join you or not. If she does not give you access to the vacation fund, then 1) never let that be a way she "contributes" again and 2) the budget should be adjusted such that each of you contributes somewhat equally to combined expenses and each shoulders their own personal expenses.