Well... BM showed up to Graduation... and some pics for your viewing pleasure ;)
DH is out of town for work, so he missed all the celebrations.
I don't know how she got there, and I really don't care. She showed up alone after swindling tickets out of the principal earlier this week (long story, the principal called me before he gave them to her). She requested 2 tickets. I was concerned that she would bring Meth Man. She wanted to, according to her mom. But in the end, didn't.
So, she shows up and is sitting alone about 2 rows behind me. I was there with my oldest DD, and my ex husband, and had 4 seats saved. She was watching me. My girlfriend and her husband show up, 2 seats now saved. At this point she got up and sat with her dad and stepmom... about 5 rows directly behind me. I stood up to see if the other 2 people I was holding seats for were getting close to the door and BM's dad waves at me and smiles, then her stepmom follows suit. Nothing from BM. I wave back and smile. Then the other 2 walk in. It's BM's mom and Grandfather. I get their attention so they know where to come sit. BM turned around to see who I was waving at (nosy). When she realized it was HER mom and Gpa, she got all fidgety. Obviously annoyed.
Back story- she and her mom do talk. But don't see each other. She and her Grandfather DO NOT SPEAK. About a year and a half ago she went on a FB rant about the Dr's at the county facility. It was a very colorful rant... Grandpa comments something about keeping her foul rants to herself, some people appreciate Dr's and everything they do for us. She basically to him to get out of her life if he didn't like what she had to say. So... he did.
She got to sit the entire ceremony, behind her grandfather and I, chatting it up, laughing, talking about SS. He even at one point put his arm around me and squeezed me, telling me how thankful he is for me and everything that I do. "you are amazing, and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you". He is a sweet ol' man. Very successful in his days. And lives very comfortably now. BM is an idiot, he would have done just about anything for her if she were a good person.
After the ceremony was over, we all headed outside to fund our kids. SS found me immediately. He knew exactly where BM was, but didn't go over there and was kind of rushing us out of there. Finally... BM turns the corner and SS's mood just completely changed. She wanted pictures with him, which he HATES. He didn't want to be seen with her. And he certainly didn't want to stand there and take pics. I took all of our pics at home, as to not embarrass him in front of his friends. The only pic I took at the school was, one of the moms wanted a "mom/son" picture. I have 2 best friends, and their sons are SS's best friends. So... that made sense. So, after BM sufficiently embarrassed him, she left with her dad on his motorcycle. Stepmom stayed, she rode separately, knowing that her dad was taking dropping her off somewhere after, she didn't want to be in the car with BM. All of the grandparents came over to the house after. BM's mom, Grandfather, BM's dad and stepmom, my mom and my ex. BM was not invited, and she knew that.
It was pleasant. After BM's dad dropped her off, wherever he took her, he came back to the house. Great Grandpa had never been to our house (he lives about 2 hours away) so he wanted to see SS's room and spend some time with him. He kept telling me how wonderful I am. (I gotta keep that guy around, he's good for my self esteem ) Everyone ate pizza and played pool. The kids went swimming. It was a pleasant time. And BM was only a mild annoyance for a short period of time. She text SS several times after the ceremony. He ignored her.
Her stepmom informed me that during the ceremony she must have checked herself out in the mirror 50 times. "yes BM, you REALLY are THAT ugly".
She posted a picture of her and SS from after the ceremony. She has FULL BLOWN METH MOUTH. It is horrible. Check it out... I threw some of us in there too
She also posted a pic of him on stage, in the pic you can see me, taking a picture of him. Kinda made me giggle knowing that every time she looks at her Grad pics, there I am.
- BSgoinon's blog
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I'm glad she dressed up for
I'm glad she dressed up for the ceremony
I think her and BS look a lot of alike. I can see where she was probably pretty back in the day in that girl next door look. Now she looks like a homeless teenager with the way she was dressed.
You are beautiful and I love your shirt!
SS is so handsome! I'm assuming that is your daughter in the picture? She is beautiful as well.
She was very cute back in the
She was very cute back in the day. And she is actually looking better now than she did a year ago. She put on some weight at least. SS looks like her when you see them together, and looks like DH when you see them together. He looks the most like DH's little brother. So much.
Thank you, got the shirt at Macy's
She didn't wear the hat inside... I don't know why she felt the need to put it on. Maybe embarrassed of her balding head.
And yes, that is my daughter. She graduated too
she and SS are 3 weeks apart in age. I'd post drama about her dad, if there ever was any. He is easy. In fact, he sent me a pic before the ceremony, asking if his outfit matched LOL. It's a weird dynamic, but it works.
BS is the same way. When he
BS is the same way. When he is with me everyone is like ya all are twins. When he is with his dad- twins.
The balding head...oh goodness I can only imagine how that looks :O
Oh ZERO, you don't have to
Oh ZERO, you don't have to imagine... here you go... enjoy
I wasn't feeling very
I wasn't feeling very attractive today but suddenly I feel like a model.
LOL silly.
LOL silly.
Yeah that is totally a meth
Yeah that is totally a meth mouth on BM LOL. You have a beautiful family.
SS is a cute kid. I'd be
SS is a cute kid. I'd be embarrassed to have my stepmom looking classy like you and my bio mom looking like... I can't even find words to describe it.
BM looked like a teenager-
BM looked like a teenager- the way she was dressed...sloppy I guess??? Yeah BSgoingon is a SERIOUS upgrade.
That's exactly her issue
That's exactly her issue ZERO, she still not only dressed like she did when she was a teenager, but she acts like she did back then too. A total mess then, a total mess now.
Thanks ladies, I think DH agrees with you!
Oddly looking at just that
Oddly looking at just that one picture it's like you can totally see what type of person she is by the way she's dressed and posing for the picture.
what lovely pictures! your
what lovely pictures! your ss is growing into a handsome young man. and you my dear are beautiful!
ah, bm... she's just a peach, isn't she...
dumb@$$ showed up to kaos' Awards Day, kaos never told her about it, she supposedly just happened to drive by the school, saw the letter-board out front and decided to go in. kaos avoided her like the plague and acted really awkward. dh said he about vomited when she talked to him, because of how nasty her teeth are. YUP, that meth mouth is one classy accessory.
Ugh... that's basically what
Ugh... that's basically what happened with Graduation. SS didn't invite her and specifically said he didn't want her there. Most likely because he is completely embarrassed by her.
What a handsome guy! And you
What a handsome guy! And you are not too bad, yourself! He actually does look like he belongs to you.
I can see why he would be embarrassed. Not too hard to figure out her gig. I'm glad she didn't cause too big of a scene, other than the pictures.
She didn't. At one point she
She didn't. At one point she came up and gave her grandpa a hug when he was sitting next to me. She gave a quick and quiet "hi" to me. I didn't even respond. I have nothing to say to her. And her grandpa... when she walked away he turned to me and apologized "I'm sorry, I didn't think she would have the nerve to come over here"... I said "oh, I assumed she would. How dare HER grandpa sit with me, the enemy". He just rolled his eyes and said "yeah.. you are right. She's pretty bold".
Watch out- hot Mom alert.
Watch out- hot Mom alert. You have a lovely family.
Such a beautiful family you
Such a beautiful family you have! I am so glad that the graduation turned out wonderfully, and that you have that support system. Hopefully - for SS's sake, his mother cleans up her act. She looks very old and "truck-driver-ish". Around here, she would fit in with the meth heads that shack up in trailers in the countryside. But SS looks like a handsome and happy kidling.
Yay, Stepmum, your doing a great job!
She IS the meth head that
She IS the meth head that shacks up in the trailer.
At least she didn't really do
At least she didn't really do anything to spoil his event. Thank goodness. Glad it went well.
Very lovely family you have. You're going to have your hands full when all the boyfriends and girlfriends start pounding on your door. LOL.
I feel sorry for her and all
I feel sorry for her and all that she's thrown away.
I'm glad that you are there for SS and that BM didn't ruin the ceremony.
I don't understand people who chose drugs over life and family, it boggles the mind.
Okay, first of all.... You
Okay, first of all.... You are so incredibly beautiful.
Second of all, I can understand why your son is so ashamed of his mother. She is wearing a pink tank top and jeans and everyone else is dressed up. She looks like she was just popping in on her way to the biker bar. Did she even remove the ball cap while inside?
You posted pictures about a year ago and she has declined since then. It's only going to get worse for her. I give it another year or two before her teeth are missing and she starts wearing long sleeves all the time because of the track marks.
What a beautiful family. You
What a beautiful family. You must be so proud! He looks like such a sweetheart. I've always kinda felt sorry for your BM, she's not inherently evil like so many others , rather she's a prisoner of her addiction. I knew you were a beautiful person , but you are also beautiful on the outside BS! .... BM uncannily looks exactly like I pictured her all these years in my mind.
You are a beautiful woman!
You are a beautiful woman!
I wish I had the guts to post
I wish I had the guts to post a picture. BM's stare looks like Satan is piercing his eyes through your soul.
Omigosh! Wow - uh yeah - what
Omigosh! Wow - uh yeah - what everyone else said!
Especially BM looking like she's on the way to a biker bar. I'd bet a lot of money she put on that hat to cover up her balding head.
You are gorgeous! Good looking kids, too!
Yikes she is a fright ! Poor
Yikes she is a fright ! Poor kid is sooo lucky to have you as a SM.
And ewwwww ... "she left with her dad on his motorcycle." . Sorry I'd rather die that ride bi#@h on a bike with my father.
You guys are a good looking
You guys are a good looking bunch of peeps!!
Your SS could pass for your
Your SS could pass for your Son. Loved your story and the pics are lovely. You are beautiful and have a gorgeous family.
Gorgeous young man and a very
Gorgeous young man and a very beautiful SM. Well done to kiddo, may he go from strength to strength.
I went straight to the pics
I went straight to the pics and didn't read your post until after. I was actually going to ask about her doing meth. Its obvious
Very much so... and that's
Very much so... and that's why SS doesn't want her around his friends.