Who pays for Car Insurance?
Who should pay for car insurance for a child? The primary parent or the parent who bought the car?
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Who should pay for car insurance for a child? The primary parent or the parent who bought the car?
Actually, in most states it's
Actually, in most states it's the law (like, written into the state code) that the CP has to cover the child's car insurance if the child has his/her own car. Your insurance company will say the same thing. Address where the child lives, the car lives...the address in the kid's license and vehicle registration? That's the household that provides insurance.
It's common sense if you think about it - why would you insure a vehicle on your policy when you have no say over how that vehicle is cared for or used? It would be like registering a gun in your name and then handing it to someone else.
Of course, we had this exact problem with our BM who refused to put OSD on her insurance policy and said we should do it. We sent her the highlighted portion of the state code and everything and she still argued. The only thing that made her see reason was when we called her bluff and said we'd be happy to insure the car if we added my DH's name to the title, re registered the vehicle at our address, and OSD could drive it when with us EOWE.
We had also bought the car...which was BM's argument. Hey...I didn't buy this, I shouldn't have to insure it! Which makes no sense at all bc 1.) we were all in agreement that the kids would be responsible for their own insurance premiums, and 2.) even if OSD didn't have her own vehicle, it's the law that, if she has a LICENSE the CP has to add her to her insurance policy as a driver.
PS - I really think the
PS - I really think the entire issue for our BM was that she doesn't like asking her kids to help pay for their own stuff. So she wanted US to add OSD and for US to be the ones who had to ask for the premium every month. Ridiculous.
We even told her she could put her name on the title with the kid she to make the premiums more reasonable for them...we didn't care. We just weren't willing to bend the law.
To add insult to injury, this was the horrid SD who was mean and cruel to her dad for years...she was 17 at this point...and constantly talking about how she was never going to come over again or have anything to do with her Dad the second she turned 18. Yeah. So we were supposed to front the money for this girl who wanted nothing to do with us and ask her to pay us back each month. Seems fair.
In my household the kid
In my household the kid driving paid. But than, no one bought the kid their own vehicle neither. They paid their insurance and once ready, purchased their own vehicles. Until their own vehicle, they could use my/DH's vehicle with notice and limits.
YES! Thar is how it worked
YES! Thar is how it worked with my BS
This is how it's supposed to
This is how it's supposed to work in my house! DS is in band, is a drill leader in band, and on the tennis team. I have him on my insurance to drive our vehicles so he was supposed to get a job this summer that would work around his school schedule in the fall, save up, then talk about his own car.
Currently he doesn't even have his license yet! Won't for a couple more weeks and hasn't looked for a job yet because school just let out. It would have been nice if my ex had discussed this with me first and I would have asked him to wait till DS had a job and had been working for at least a month so he could have the money for insurance and gas.
The CP. Insurance is
The CP. Insurance is included in CS.
I'm laughing at Rags with
I'm laughing at Rags with you.
Wait what There are people in
Wait what
There are people in the world who's parents pay their car insurance??? Like they're 16+ and they're old enough to drive yet they have insurance paid for?
Is it just me or is life getting REALLY easy for kids/teens nowadays? I was quite spoiled as a teenager because my mom liked to shop but I NEVER got anything handed to me in terms of responsibilities. My parents moto was pretty much "if you're old enough to XYZ you're old enough to pay"
I had to pay my license, gas, car insurance, phone, etc.
Unfortantly my son doesn't
Unfortantly my son doesn't have a job yet but will if he can get one to work around band and tennis. His dad has suddendly decided to be Disney dad and pick him up for a week. He gets his maybe once every 3 months. Son just texted me dad was buying him a truck. I asked who was paying for insurance since I can't afford another car on mine. Son is covered to drive my car but I would not have bought him a car or paid for insurance on a car for him before he had a job!!! Typical disney parent giving out presents without thinking throug logistics.
If Dad is getting kid a truck
If Dad is getting kid a truck without any input about anything from you (the lady the kid lives with 99% of the time), then Dad can also put insurance on the car and pay for all expenses (insurance, upkeep).
I wouldn't let the kid bring the car to your home until you see proof of all necessary and proper coverage.
This is Dad's rodeo, Dad can ride it.
I agree with this. Who covers
I agree with this. Who covers the car and who pays are two separate issues. By law, you HAVE to hold the policy for every car at your address, but I would tell my ex that you'll have to refuse the gift unless he can also pay you upfront for 1-2 years of insurance. It's unreasonable to give someone a "gift" that's going to cost them $100 a month or more.
DH told me the agreement he
DH told me the agreement he had with BM was that he would buy the car, and BM would insure it. It was not in the CO. He bought the car, and BM refused to insure it. For 2 years, DH paid for insurance and maintenance.
After SD went to college, DH signed the car over to SD and told her it's up to her and her mom to figure out insurance. If they can't insure it, they can sell it. He should have done that from Day 1.
The kid should pay.
The kid should pay.
IMO and in my house... the
IMO and in my house... the kid paid.
Putting aside having the kid
Putting aside having the kid pay.... most insurance companies have rules for that. My DH oh-so-badly wanted to put our SS's on our car insurance (yikes, 2 teens at once, with my DD not far behind). But... their primary residence was with their mom. Our insurance agent said we couldn't do it because they were not living in our house. And I think DaizyDuke has recently researched this thoroughly with her insurance company, who said the same thing
Both my DD and DS work, and although they are insured under our policy for better rates, they pay me every month. I will continue to do this for my DD until she is out of college, and for my DS (who's not going to college) until he gets a solid electrical apprenticeship job after graduation. OR when either of them "officially" move out.
Who's name was the car in? My
Who's name was the car in? My son doesn't even have his drivers license yet so I doubt he can get it in his name. I'm not happy! I got laid off 2 months ago and despite applying everywhere and a few interviews no job yet
We're trying to lower bills not add new ones! I wish my ex had bother to discuss this with me before he decided to tell DS that he was buying him a truck! I would have preferred DS get a job and save up the first month for insurance then get the truck.
SD16 isn't speaking to her
SD16 isn't speaking to her father and says Gris dead to her over this issue. He has two kids with BM. When the oldest turned 16 BM's husband got her a car. He owns an automotive shop so he gave her a car fixed up when the owner couldn't afford the repairs. So BM told him to add SD and that SD would give him the money every month. She paid one time. She is about to turn 18 in September. So now the second daughter is 16 and BM's husband has procured her a car. She told DD2's dad to add SD16 and he said no. He said he pays for one daughter and she can pay for the other. Neither SD will speak to him or see him and they said nasty things about me and DD2. The implication in believe was hatbhe would give them all the money if it wasn't for DD2's and that he must spend all of his money on her. I support DD2. So it's been a month now. So I guess DD2 will forget them in time. If they are going to be that spoiled and shallow then I am not going out of my way whatsoever at all. It isn't DD2's fault and I think it's a dumb reason for them to cut their father and little sister out of their life. I think it's fair that he pays for one and BM pays for one. His lawyer reviewer his divorce paperwork and said he isn't obligated to pay the $200 for the one
If I were him I'd drop the
If I were him I'd drop the first one. She shouldn't be on his policy if she doesn't live with him the majority of the time, and he's opening himself up to a lot of risk if she gets in an accident. It's essentially insurance fraud and she could be completely uncovered in the eyes of the law.
SD couldn't be on our
SD couldn't be on our insurance, she didn't live with us. My insurance agent said her DL address would have to match her insurance. Which was BMs house. If we put her on ours it would be considered fraud and we could be sued if she'd had an accident.
BM told SD that it was going to cost $1000 per year to add SD to her insurance. Of course BM didn't have it and so told SD to ask DH for it.
At the time we used the same insurance broker as BM. I asked hypothetically if I had a 1990 POS (BMs car) what would my yearly insurance be and what would it cost me to add SD?
The agent said "Let me look that up, hypothetically of course."
Surprise, surprise it was $800 a year and $200 to add SD. BM wanted DH to pay for her insurance as well as SDs.
In the end I told SD that someone must have made a mistake and it was only going to cost $200 to add her to BMs insurance. DH did agree to give SD the $200 but then the car she was going buy fell through. So everyone got all riled up for nothing.
what about the child........
what about the child........ if they are old enough to drive, they are old enough to work and old enough to pay insurance

In my world DS would have
In my world DS would have gotten his drivers license first, then a job, and then talk about a truck.
In my ex's world his though is "oh, i've ignored my kid for months, let get him a truck to make up for it and mom can figure out the logistics".
Who gives a kid without a drivers license a car anyway????
oh oh oh I know... my
oh oh oh I know... my SO......
and who allows his kid to drive around without a license... yes you guessed it my SO....
guess who pays the insurance on the car - yes SO, guess what will happen if his brat has an accident - Insurance refuse to pay out cause she does not have a license...... guess who rather drives drunk then drink and fly...
you guessed wrong.. not me
With us you can only insure vehicles registered in your name, and up and until you do not have a valid legal license you can not register vehicles in your name...
I warned SO, but he's not listening...
Ugh! I don't think he can put
Ugh! I don't think he can put it in son's name till he has a drivers license which he will be getting next week. But if they bring that truck here the keys are mine until he gets his driver license. If his dad has a problem with that he can keep the keys until DS get his drivers license. I also will not pay for gas until he has a job. Once he gets a job i'll give him enough gas to go back and forth till he gets his first check.
My kid is a very good kid and works hard at school. I don't mind him having car but I'm more worried about him trying to work to afford the car on top of all his other responsibilities at school.
I am like you.... Deigma was
I am like you....
Deigma was not allowed to use my car till he had a license... then still he was not allowed to use my car all on his own for another year, I only allowed him driving alone after a year of obtaining his license...
Deigma is saving up to buy his own vehicle.... he's paying rent 50% of his salary to me, 25% rent and 25% study loan, and then 25% towards his car... the other 25% is for his toiletries and entertainment, not much maybe 30US per week....
I'm not taking the rent for myself,nor am I taking the repayment of the study loan, it's all invested and it's enough now for a cheap second hand car...... he does not know it yet, he thinks he only saved half, lesson learned in life, money is not growing on trees my boy....
and regarding his insurance, I will keep it on my name till he's 25, but he will be responsible for any accident costs.
With us it's very unfair... people below 25, double insurance.... it's just to much, if he stays on my insurance it's only about 10US per month.. do able on his salary
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I bought my kids cars and
I bought my kids cars and covered their insurance. They paid for gas and normal upkeep/maintenance.
My agreement with my
My agreement with my ex-husband was that I would buy a vehicle for our oldest and he would buy a vehicle for our youngest. I purchased the vehicle for our oldest and we split the insurance three ways. 1/3 me 1/3 him one third child.
After that everything happened with his psycho girlfriend and he pretty much gave up on the kids. I also ended up purchasing a vehicle for a second child and I covered two-thirds of the insurance while the child covered 1/3. There were times in the year when the kids didn't have enough hours at work or couldn't work because of activities or school or other things, so I loaned their third and they paid me back later usually with Summer earnings.
My husband purchased a vehicle for his oldest and will be purchasing a vehicle for his youngest this year. He covers half of the insurance for his kids and his kids cover the other half. His ex couldn't afford it even if she wanted to.
Now, I cover 100% of the insurance for my oldest who is away at College because they have worked their butt off and obtain scholarships for 100% of school including room and board. $200 a month is a small price to pay for a great kid.
I think this is really different for every family because there's so many different scenarios. Heck, it's been different for both of my kids and they have the same parents. And my kids are different from my step kids. And I'm sure my child I share with my husband will be different than all of them.
Seems like if it's the CP's
Seems like if it's the CP's responsibility then they should have had a say in when and if the kid got a car!
SS is already covered on my
SS is already covered on my cars. It's adding a new car that is in BD's name to my insurance I'm having a problem with.
I look at it a bit
I look at it a bit differently. Driving is a must in my area, as public transportation is virtually non-existent. Developing good driving skills is so important, and it's better to do so under the guidance (and limitations) of one's parents than as a dumb, impetuous young adult with no parameters.
I had to pay for my own car
I had to pay for my own car insurance as a teen--it was part of the "responsibility factor" my parents implemented.
Whatever works for you guys
Whatever works for you guys as long as all parties are on board. The majority of my part time job money went to car insurance.. It sucked but it taught me the value of a dollar and the effort needed to get it. It's all about perspective I suppose
Preach Echo! That was the
Preach Echo! That was the setup in my house growing up. You want something--work for it. Nothing is a hand out.
In our situation, SO has a
In our situation, SO has a cute little white BMW sitting in the driveway (convertible for those gorgeous sunny coastal drives), but Winona SD18 has no drivers license, and no job.
The deal, as stated by SO, is that as soon as she has her license and a job, that can pay the insurance, she will get to drive the car. He is wanting BM to put her on HER policy, but now, since a few days ago, Winona has insisted that she is no longer welcome at BM house, and is with us full time, it makes sense that he will have to put her on his policy, and suffer the consequences of any tickets, or accidents.
LOL. It might be a looooooong time until that job and license. Winona cant even get off her butt, to ge get her birth certificate, to even take the licensing test. And a job? WEll, 2 interviews in 2 weeks and a job fair, so who knows? All I know is that she has not made any progress in either direction.