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Ss came over with a gun

Laney's picture

Ss came over today for Fathers day weekend and he had a gift for dh. Ss can't keep a secret and told me he got dh a rifle. He legally can't buy a gun so that means bm bought it for dh. I asked him how he could afford it and he said he has saved all year for it. I'm really pissed off that bm bought it and I don't want it here. I'm not against guns and we have a gun safe but I don't want something bm bought in my house.


hereiam's picture

If SS used his money, he bought it, not BM. BM might have gone through the purchasing procedure for SS but she didn't buy if for your husband.

thisisnotmocking's picture

Ummm... yeah... I totally agree with hereiam.

Way to choose a controversial and baiting thread title, though! I clicked lol

momjeans's picture

He "saved all year for it", huh?

And you don't want it there?

Brace yourself, Laney. Your DH is going to accuse you of ruining all the fun, as usual.

Disneyfan's picture

Talk about bait. I thought SS was trying to kill someone, not give his dad a cool gift.

Talk about being a drama queen

Disneyfan's picture

Your SS paid for the gift with money he has saved for a year. His mother took care of the paperwork/ legal stuff.

Based on the gift choice, I assume your husband is a hunter. If so, why is any of this inappropriate?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What a dramatic lead in. Sheesh.

Technically, SS paid for (bought) the gift. BM was simply the middle man because SS is too young to facilitate the actual transaction.

Does your DH LIKE rifles? Does he already have rifles/guns in the house?? My Mom didn't like guns/rifles, but my Dad bought them anyways. AND taught all of us kids from an early age how to be responsible with them.

Sorry, OP, but just because you don't like them does not mean this is a bad or thoughtless gift from SS.

twoviewpoints's picture

So what's inappropriate about SS gifting his Dad a rifle (a known user of this type of gift, he already has the gun case for it)?

Are you pissed SS is giving Dad a cooler pricier gift than what you picked out for her kid to give Dad? Are you angry Dad and son may develop a sporting hobby together that your little one is too young for.

I'm sure Dad will be pleased with the gift. Is that your problem with it?

Surely you're not going to tell *us* that your little dumpling (she's two?)went out all buy herself and got a gift for Dad. You helped her physically get one right?

Disneyfan's picture

At his age I'm willing to bet he didn't speak to his dad about this. That really shouldn't matter of bit to his father.

Hisndad should focus on the fact that the kid the put some thought into this gift and saved his money in order to purchase it.

This kid just returned from a trip to Disney. He could have blown the moeny on a bunch of crap while he was there. Instead he stuck to his plan and got his dad a nice gift,

twoviewpoints's picture's his father. They every well have been to the gun store and been looking at guns. The kid is going to be a freshman in high school. Oddly personal gift? Just because you didn't share hunting/guns and such with your father doesn't mean other children do not.

My father had me target shooting and trap shooting at seven. I sat down in his workroom and helped reload shells. Oh, do these thoughts bring back memories of my childhood with my father. Hmmmmm, maybe a good thing I didn't have a SM.

But to answer your question, yeah, if my father had been talking of a new selection, I'd have no problem knowing exactly what. In fact, the one local shop he used the most would know exactly what Dad wanted and which one.

Yes, I was a girl, but most males in the rural areas of my state grew up at their Daddy's side hunting. Just because you find all this inappropriate and "oddly personal" doesn't mean OP's DH will. The kid didn't go out and select Dad's personal sidearm to carry around...he purchased a rifle.

twoviewpoints's picture

well, aren't you being childish. A gun from Walmart? Seriously?

Ok, I can go a round of childish middle school too. I bet my Daddy' skills could have put your Grandpapa's skill to shame. *sticking fingers in ears and sticking out tongue Blum 3 )

twoviewpoints's picture

I'm sure his Daddy will be thrilled anyway.

And no, it wouldn't occur to me to buy a gun at Walmart.

Disneyfan's picture

"It seems like an oddly personal gift."


He purchased the gift for his father, not his teacher or coach.

StepUltimate's picture


BethAnne's picture

If the kid is not of legal age to buy the gun then it is as inappropriate as him getting his dad a bottle of whiskey in my mind. If the gift was unreasonably expensive (saving all year meets this in my mind) then it was inappropriately expensive in my mind. If I was BM I would have advised and encouraged ss to get something more modest that he could legally purchase himself. As it is, BM does not share my sentiments and as ss clearly put some thought into the gift and saved really hard to afford it I think that your husband should be flattered and that you should just bite your tongue.

The times and ways reminders of our spouse's exs creep into our houses and lives are numerous. Sometimes we can advocate that they get hidden away (which this will be in the gun safe most of the time) sometimes they can get 'accidentally' broken, but most of the time we just have to learn to ignore it and eventually we get over it. This is just another one of those times, give it time and it won't feel quite so bad.

StepUltimate's picture

This doesn't pass the smell test. Firearms dealers and private sellers alike are required to comply with laws, background checks, tests on laws & firearm safety, etc. I know from experience (yes, they're all in the safe) but then again I live in a very anti-gun state; maybe it's possible to buy someone a rifle in other states but I'm not sure how that could be. Can the Feds even conduct a background check for a gun purchase when it's a gift, without the giftee's personal knowledge & consent? Doubt it. In my state, it's specifically illegal to buy a gun in your name for another person.

I even wonder if this rifle is a stolen gun? At any rate, definitely get the details and DH should not hesitate to decline this "gift" and give it back yo SS/BM as it may be illegally obtained. I recommend caution. Also occurs to me (because I have this fear about hubby's ex) to wonder if it's a set-up so BM can call the police & report some more lies about DH as she's done in the past. Wouldn't put it past her.

Livingoutloud's picture

Is this even for real?

If it's then it's inappropriate for a minor to buy the kind of gifts like guns or alcohol or cigarettes etc if SS is a grown man then who cares.

But I doubt this is for real, no minor kids would be buying guns for their dads. How did he even deliver it? Walk on the street with it? Please.

twoviewpoints's picture

He broke into the neighbor's, picked one out, ran down the street waving it through the air and waved at the cop he passed Wink

Laney's picture

He brought in a rifle bag that he wrapped. His mom dropped him off with it. I made ss give it to Dh last night so it could be properly locked up. I have a toddler and i wont have an unsecured weapon in my home. Dh was stunned to receive it and asked ss how much he paid for it. Ss said he saved $200 and the rifle cost between 5 and 7 hundred dollars. This is a gift from bm NOT ss and dh agrees. He is going to give the rifle back to bm when he drops as off. Those who are calling me a troll can bugger off and I will delete you. I came here for advice and to vent not to be called names.

Disneyfan's picture

Now the story builds.

With that the sky is falling title, there's no way you let this simmer for a bit. You would have made your husband aware of the gift right away. All of this information would have been in one of your first post.

I think the part about mom adding several hundred dollars to the pot was tossed in because you need to make her the bad guy.

Just because he says he will return the gun doesn't mean he will. You learned during the Disney trip that his word in regards to BM mean nothing.

Livingoutloud's picture

This is extremely expensive gift from BM. Are BM and ex on good terms? Is she wealthy? Maybe it a gift for something very special not just Father's Day ? Does she normally buy gifts like that? My exDH got me and my DH $1000 for our wedding. But we are on very good terms, my exDH is very well off, it was my wedding, 25 years after divorcing my ex. 1k isn't much money for my ex. Like 100 for other people.

Did dh asked BM why she bought it? Does she know much about guns?

Acratopotes's picture

SS probably bought the gun from behind a dumpster....

DH can get into so much trouble, I would report it to the police or where ever to make sure it's licensed....